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Why are Muslim nations behind the West and the Far East?

I have some experience with westerners. They wake up early in the morning and are very hard working. That is the main difference. With hard work comes honesty as you don't need to cheat. Our people are not hard working. Strategies can be developed for progress but the basic malaise is not working hard.
pakistanis are stuck in the thought of lets take shortcut or do it the lazy way or pay my way out.
I have some experience with westerners. They wake up early in the morning and are very hard working. That is the main difference. With hard work comes honesty as you don't need to cheat. Our people are not hard working. Strategies can be developed for progress but the basic malaise is not working hard.

R2D2 sahaab, it is not just "They wake up early in the morning". It is that some of them wake to something great in their lives. Whereas many Easterners, particularly desis, wake up to the sound of prayer from prayer houses and then the hurried dash to the wage-slavery places or to "educational" institutions that don't educate but are meant to be assembly lines for outputting into those wage-slavery places. This is the general population of PDF including of the OPer. :)

How could that be true when deobandi was established in 19th century. I'm talking about something around 1000 years before. The Islamic golden age came to an end due to infighting and the Mongols in the east.

I said "Deobandi types". :) Different individuals but same jahaalat and same oppression. The Hashisheen used to murder philosophers and scientists. Other mullahs like Al Ghazali was against the Rationalists. Ghazali Jaahil say yaad aaya, where are his students like @Areesh @Sayfullah @lastofthepatriots etc on this thread ?
I gave my views already.
Knowledge in religion will only teach you religion and is not enough.

We need to be educated in the worldly academic disciplines like the hard sciences and the social sciences.

But there are many Muslim countries that are doing okay.

Countries like Somalia and Afghanistan are obviously bad.

But countries like Saudi Arabia and Malaysia are doing very well.

One of the reasons:

View attachment 930792

View attachment 930793

The millions of uneducated masses that adhere to tribalism or such mullah mentality,depending on the country. Sometimes it's both.
You idiot, that is not their quotes. Those fake quotes are photo-shopped.

Dr. Zakir Naik said the earth is round like an ostrich egg according to what the Qur'an says.
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The CAKIL microprocessor was developed by designer engineers at TÜBİTAK in Turkiye , but was produced in Malaysia

Cakil processor is as "local to Turkey" as the Shakti processor is to India. Cakil, like Shakti, is the Turkish implementation of the open source processor architecture RISC-V which started as a project in an American university and is now an international open source project. So, this Turkish organization BILGEM led by Imaam Erdogan implementing RISC-V and calling it some fancy Turkish name is no great shakes.

View attachment 930822

Good that you think that. :) So you will, like me, condemn Suharto and all the Indonesian mullahs who genocided Indonesian Communists, their supporters and sympathizers, banned the PKI ( Communist Party of Indonesia ) and instituted irrational and oppressive rules like imposing burqa and checking for women's virginity before thinking of allowing them to be in police or imposing the no-sex-before-marriage law, while at the same time maintaining tax for even water instead of making water free, much less abolishing money system ? :)

Oh you poor naive Australian.

There are so many cases of muslims gathering around certain clerics in modern Sunni Islam.

Then who is this ? :)
Cakil processor is as "local to Turkey" as the Shakti processor is to India. Cakil, like Shakti, is the Turkish implementation of the open source processor architecture RISC-V which started as a project in an American university and is now an international open source project. So, this Turkish organization BILGEM led by Imaam Erdogan implementing RISC-V and calling it some fancy Turkish name is no great shakes.

Good that you think that. :) So you will, like me, condemn Suharto and all the Indonesian mullahs who genocided Indonesian Communists, their supporters and sympathizers, banned the PKI ( Communist Party of Indonesia ) and instituted irrational and oppressive rules like imposing burqa and checking for women's virginity before thinking of allowing them to be in police or imposing the no-sex-before-marriage law, while at the same time maintaining tax for even water instead of making water free, much less abolishing money system ? :)

Then who is this ? :)
thats adolf ayatollah
Nice, man ! I had selected the picture without a thought to that "Mullah Seig Heil" hand. Thanks for noticing that. :)
iranians are crazy by doing that salute instead it would be even better if they call out or say that jews should thank hitler for creating state of israel and put forward the transfer agreement.
So funny

Turk = ruler
and Turkic Dynasty founded and ruled the Mughal Empire on the Indian subcontinent, mainly corresponding to the modern countries of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh

IRAN was ruled by Turkic Dynasties between 960s and 1925

Ottoman Empire ( Turks ) also ruled Greece , Bulgaria , Romania , Egypt , Libya , Iraq , Syria , Arabian Peninsula and other 44 countries for centuries

but nobody speak Turkish in Greece , Bulgaria , Romania , Egypt , Libya , etc
The Turks never imposed language and did not apply a policy of assimilation.
True and Babur was even schooled by an Ottoman vet on the use of canon formations, which he used to great effect.
As a Muslim, yes we a ready to take constructive criticism. But if you are here to mock us, then be prepared to face our wrath as well.

who decides constructive criticism versus mocking ? it is quite a subjective topic
Oh you poor naive Australian.

There are so many cases of muslims gathering around certain clerics in modern Sunni Islam.

Its true, just like there are muslims who drink alcohol and gamble

The difference lie in theological doctrine. No muslim cleric can point to Quran and use that as support for own power, because there are none, quite the opposite.

Thats why Islam by large is a decentralized religion, which is also why various kings and dictators never really was able to formalize Islamic clergy hirarchy like there are in forexample Catholicism.

The moment a Mufti/Sheikh or Mullah says something which goes against Quran teachings, is the moment he will start loosing followers.

In many aspects muslim Sheiks are mere teachers and professors, and nothing more.
This poster is an Indian... Be warned all his posts are crap and swear he is an Indian multinicker..

There is

Saudi Arabia

If you tell me these countries aren't developed you have an issue.. To be fairly honest the countries with the most insane infras are muslim countries.. There are over 50+ muslim countries hence some are wealthy and others middling while others poor.. Example Vietnam and North Korea are poor in the far east so is Philippines and in Europe the whole east european countries are poor..

You can't generalize

All of the above countries minus Turkey have significant oil wealth on a per captia basis. Take away from oil wealth

you will see the likes of Somalia, Sudan, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Pakistan, Bangladesh
The moment a Mufti/Sheikh or Mullah says something which goes against Quran teachings, is the moment he will start loosing followers.

In many aspects muslim Sheiks are mere teachers and professors, and nothing more.
Then why do Salafi and extremist clerics have so many followers that enable them to cause so much trouble?
who decides constructive criticism versus mocking ? it is quite a subjective topic
For an indiot such as yourself, constructive criticism would be how can Muslim majority countries improve their countries.

Mocking would be using bad language and insulting the condition of Muslim majority countries today you moron.
Then why do Salafi and extremist clerics have so many followers that enable them to cause so much trouble?

Could be many reasons:

- The cleric may adress societal/political grivances and gain followers

- The followers lacks education in Islam. Forexample memorized Quran in Arabic, but not in their local tongue.

- The Cleric and followers may lack formal education in tafsir; Holistic interpretation of Quran and Hadiths. So verses and hadith are take out of context.

- The cleric and his followers may simply be ignorants and lack softness in their hearts, which lead to harsh and extreme interpretation of Quran and hadiths.
For an indiot such as yourself, constructive criticism would be how can Muslim majority countries improve their countries.

Mocking would be using bad language and insulting the condition of Muslim majority countries today you moron.
you answered your own question why you are backward. Have a nice day :enjoy:

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