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Why are Indians so sickley obssessed with Pakistan?

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here is the catch unlike many other US immigrant communities both chinese and indians want to return back to there mother land and return thus providing there mothernation with much needed latest technologies and marketing and manufacturing knowledge hence making there motherland even more stronger yet taking owt profits form it too and thats why they are progressing its all about intentions :)

as for growing power and coming up to western standards twenty years ago had anybody would have imagined that one day same indians who were looked down by majority americans will become most sucsessful immigrant community and look what change the knowldege they brought from there expertise in there fields has done to there motherlands economy and society :cheers:

thing is we yindoos have learned the lessons on bieng too peacefull thru the hard way and trust me sirji we know what we are doing its onli the old muslim elite and its feudal mindset which doesnt wants to see the real picture :cheers:
But by default can Pakistan stop begging for aides?
But by default can Pakistan stop begging for aides?
going back dosent means leaving totalli it means even after bieng in adopted land having socio economik relations with there motherland .... since you are from UK tell me which "south asian community" so called "white anglo saxons " hate most and want them owt of UK :azn:
going back dosent means leaving totalli it means even after bieng in adopted land having socio economik relations with there motherland .... since you are from UK tell me which "south asian community" so called "white anglo saxons " hate most and want them owt of UK :azn:

Could'nt care less if they or anyone else hates me or my race or not. It ultimately means nothing to me. What I as an individual do and achieve is important to me.
Could'nt care less if they or anyone else hates me or my race or not. It ultimately means nothing to me. What I as an individual do and achieve is important to me.
well good for you but we indians deu to owr cultural background never forget owr motherland and always try to benefit its interets no matter what we do and where do we are living ..... jai ma bharti :)

but please elaborate who hates you or your race and why:azn:

bythway whats your racial ethnicity ,,... sir :)
Goodness gracious me.......with all that india info on this thread anyone would thing that india has just surpassed america

well good for you but we indians deu to owr cultural background never forget owr motherland and always try to benefit its interets no matter what we do and where do we are living ..... jai ma bharti :)

Can't be doing much of that yourself if you're on a Pakistani forum. Would help if you spent more time on an indian one.
And by 2014 Pakistan's aid JUST BY US alone is more than 83billion dollars. Not to mention other aides.
Foreign aid to Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Individuals who are prone to use Wikipedia as an academic reference tool to prove their arguments, have clearly never studied in a University. 30% of American aid between 2002-2014 was based on economic assistance, while the remaining 70% was allocated for security purposes in which we were reimbursed for military operations in the tribal areas and the sending of provisions to troops based in Afghanistan. The only reason why I brought up this subject was because Indians under no circumstances are in the position to taunt us in begging for aid.
Goodness gracious me.......with all that india info on this thread anyone would thing that india has just surpassed america

Can't be doing much of that yourself if you're on a Pakistani forum. Would help if you spent more time on an indian one.
Lol why dont you ask the admin to ban all Indian IPs instead of blaming us. I think there are more Indians than Pakistanis on this forum:D:D
One thing I seriously fail to understand, why a huge country like India with a population of 1,2 billion and huge area is obsessed with a smaller neighbor (relatively speaking)?

Why Indians can not leave us alone for a while, for example by letting us discuss whatever we want to on a Pakistani forum?

Why is everyone starting from the extremist PM and going all the way down to a common street hawker is obssessed with Pakistan?

They tell us, they are a global power and don't care about a "small country" like us. But check their media, their ministers, and even people on this forum to get an idea how far fetched this is from reality.

Is Pakistan rooted so deep in Indian psychology that even in their dreams they see us as a boggeyman?

How can we address these psychological insecurities of Indians?
This is exactly how you guys feel about India too especially those on PDF! You are obsessed with Kashmir, which is the be-all and end-all of your lives. Nothing else matters but Kashmir. Health, education, poverty elimination, development etc be damned. It's Kashmir or bust!! :P

You guys need to move on like the world has, instead of living in the past within your self made cocoon.

This Kashmir obsession is leading you down a black hole. High time you guys change course and forget Kashmir. It is an issue that's past its use by date. Even the world has started mocking you. No one cares a fig about your Kashmir obsession anymore!

If you think you can grab Kashmir by indulging in a proxy war on the crutches of your LeT/JeM mercenaries, then your totally mistaken. Kashmir will always be part of India till the end of days, try as hard as you want.
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Goodness gracious me.......with all that india info on this thread anyone would thing that india has just surpassed america

Can't be doing much of that yourself if you're on a Pakistani forum. Would help if you spent more time on an indian one.
so your trying to dodge the simple question now by telling me how should i spend my time :azn:

and who said india is ahead of USA india wont be able to surpass USA for at least 5 decades if not more but is this thread about american sueriorty ?

so tell me who and why hates your race in UK :azn:
Individuals who are prone to use Wikipedia as an academic reference tool to prove their arguments, have clearly never studied in a University. 30% of American aid between 2002-2014 was based on economic assistance, while the remaining 70% was allocated for security purposes in which we were reimbursed for military operations in the tribal areas and the sending of provisions to troops based in Afghanistan. The only reason why I brought up this subject was because Indians under no circumstances are in the position to taunt us in begging for aid.
So those who refer Wikipedia have never gone to uni's.That's nice.
If u didnt had money to feed your army why did u mess with Afghanistan in the first place?
Pakistan would do anything for anybody who would pay them, US offered money and Pakistan started helping in Afghanistan. Harsh but truth
One thing I seriously fail to understand, why a huge country like India with a population of 1,2 billion and huge area is obsessed with a smaller neighbor (relatively speaking)?

Why Indians can not leave us alone for a while, for example by letting us discuss whatever we want to on a Pakistani forum?

Why is everyone starting from the extremist PM and going all the way down to a common street hawker is obssessed with Pakistan?

They tell us, they are a global power and don't care about a "small country" like us. But check their media, their ministers, and even people on this forum to get an idea how far fetched this is from reality.

Is Pakistan rooted so deep in Indian psychology that even in their dreams they see us as a boggeyman?

How can we address these psychological insecurities of Indians?

It is not obsession but love hate relationship. All the good ones who are peaceful kind we love and all the hate filled jihadis we abhor. As simple as that.

All the liberals who are on the border line, we want to turn them into our fold.:enjoy:
so your trying to dodge the simple question now by telling me how should i spend my time :azn:

and who said india is ahead of USA india wont be able to surpass USA for at least 5 decades if not more but is this thread about american sueriorty ?

so tell me who and why hates your race in UK :azn:
Guru bhai seriously kiya apkey pas defense pk ke ilawa b koi kaam hey..last time you got angry its a simple question asked by curiosity. To know about you may be a morbid curiosity. And who told you we hate our race in U.K

There is a huge difference between providing a line of credit to a specific country which is never given freely and delivering aid to another country. Indians in this forum love to gloat on the conjecture that Pakistan begs for aid, however clearly one of the largest economic aid recipients in the world has been India.
There is a huge difference between providing a line of credit to a specific country which is never given freely and delivering aid to another country. Indians in this forum love to gloat on the conjecture that Pakistan begs for aid, however clearly one of the largest economic aid recipients in the world has been India.
LOL dont rant the same thing everywhere. Read the article i linked. n FYI if i am not wrong world bank just offered 2billion aid in August 1st week?:D:D
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