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Why are Indians so sickley obssessed with Pakistan?

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this is the biggest fancy most pakistanies are living in .... fact is indians see partition as a accident but a usefull accident and most of the indians (barring some 70+ indians from pakistan) no one wants to merge with pakistan ... period in fact not even bangladesh , bhutan or nepal cause had we wanted that we could have easli achived it but owr priorties were diffrent from always

but pakistani establishment deu to its anty india revenge politics wanted the pot in a boiling state so they first attacked india in 1965 when it was not needed and then again in earli 1980s by fanning khalistani movement and when that started dying started fanning the kashmir movement and when things were setlling down again openned the wound by kargil

but was saved as USA always came owt in pakistans defnce as USA needed pakistan to control afghanistan and routes to central asia but a decade long double game exposed pakistan and its mischief and ability to USA and now they for last 5-6 years are treating pakistan on its infamous "carrot and stick policy"

so pakistan slided towards china hoping china would save pakistan and it will be able to paly its old game but since china knows it will loose more if it enters into indo-pakistan log jam it is sitting on the fence and just giving wepons but for how long

now comes NaMo - Doval policy thing is both have learned there lessons the hard way and had already completed there homework to play it on indian terms and for that they are using multi layered and multi dimentional approach which mixes inner strenth and assets , foriegn policy , geopolitics and economicks but with sole aim to keep pakistan at arms lenth on there development matrix and the best part is all the forces who used to shield pakistan have in time dropped it and thats why this war hysteria ..... look cloeslli you will find your answers :coffee:

You being an indian, I'm glad that you have given this POV. I don't care about the politics, or how much indians hate Pakistan or what indians are doing or not doing. If most indians have this POV then it is a good thing. As long as indians don't attack Pakistan or consider it somehow their territory than I and most Pakistanis consider it a good thing. Nothing else matters.
You being an indian, I'm glad that you have given this POV. I don't care about the politics, or how much indians hate Pakistan or what indians are doing or not doing. If most indians have this POV then it is a good thing. As long as indians don't attack Pakistan or consider it somehow their territory than I and most Pakistanis consider it a good thing. Nothing else matters.
trust me my dear friend attacking pakistan like what pakistani security establishmnet is professing thru its own statements and ots media stooges in last on owr menu :cheers:
trust me my dear friend attacking pakistan like what pakistani security establishmnet is professing thru its own statements and ots media stooges in last on owr menu :cheers:

You of all Indians take the crown when it comes to obsession with Paksitan, :lol:

I wonder if you are able to sleep one night without posting some garbage about Pakistan on a Pakistani forum.

See a psychologist, seriously, you need one! :cheers:
If i am going to write down about pakistan then you will s**t your pant and leave.For you people even you see a good beautiful bungalow, you will say that shame shame people s**t in the toilet of that bunglow.By the way i ask about where is pakistan ranking as above !

We are neither number 1 in any good or bad thing and I don't come to Indian defense forum to write Only good facts about Pakistan which is purely based on its population.
You of all Indians take the crown when it comes to obsession with Paksitan, :lol:

I wonder if you are able to sleep one night without posting some garbage about Pakistan on a Pakistani forum.

See a psychologist, seriously, you need one! :cheers:

sir ji, i humbly request you to request webby to remove all indians from this forum.... make it a forum only for pakistanis and not an international forum.....:-):-)
You of all Indians take the crown when it comes to obsession with Paksitan, :lol:

I wonder if you are able to sleep one night without posting some garbage about Pakistan on a Pakistani forum.

See a psychologist, seriously, you need one! :cheers:
janab shukria for so much care for me ... im humbelled :)

but the point is we need to be ever vigilent as we know how pakistani establishment reacts when they thing we are not watching them :D
Reality is that in the real world when someone (especially a white western person) meets an indian or someone of any other nationality for that matter, they will not bring up that exhaustive list of that
person's country of origin's achievements or failure to make a judgement on that individual. Rather it would be based on that person's looks, physique and personality. No matter what indians achieve or don't achieve, most non-indian people especially white western people will always look down on indian people because of their nerdy personality and the way they physically look. This is why blacks in the uk are given more kudos than indians by white people and are far more successful in sports and the entertainment industry even though indians have been in the uk far longer than blacks. indians may be regarded as intelligent but are also seen as being physically inferior and weak, smelly, ugly, very unattractive and physically repulsive to all non-indian people. Physically speaking, Pakistanis are the polar opposite to indians which is where the obsessive hatred towards Pakistanis comes from. So even if india becomes a world superpower the average indian will never get the respect he/she wants because of the way members of the indian race physically look.

That's not possible because the vast majority of Pakistanis do not resemble indians/hindus. In fact most indians regardless of race, religion, caste or region all look very similar to one another.

Buddy majority westerner's dislike chinese, so that means that chinese are inferior.The western companies are eying big market like china and doing high trade with them.You think that westerners look at some ones and appoint higher post, by that way pichari or natela will not become CEO of Google and microsoft respectively.

You are assuming that pakistani's are different species all together, and according to your suggestion pakistan should be treated well and welcomed all over the world over indians.But just see, carrying with your passport is not welcomed by many parts of world and pakistan passport is the worst to travel after iraq,somalia,afghanistan.
You of all Indians take the crown when it comes to obsession with Paksitan, :lol:

I wonder if you are able to sleep one night without posting some garbage about Pakistan on a Pakistani forum.

See a psychologist, seriously, you need one! :cheers:

Well that can only be a good thing.
janab shukria for so much care for me ... im humbelled :)

but the point is we need to be ever vigilent as we know how pakistani establishment reacts when they thing we are not watching them :D

Let me get it straight, posting garbage about Pakistan on a Pakistani forum is equal to being vigilant about Pakistani establishment? :lol:

You take the crown man, you do! :omghaha:
Let me get it straight, posting garbage about Pakistan on a Pakistani forum is equal to being vigilant about Pakistani establishment? :lol:

You take the crown man, you do! :omghaha:
sirji i can say what i want but if i say that i will be banned and that will take away my fav time pass so i try to say my point in a "diffrent way" :cheers:
Buddy majority westerner's dislike chinese, so that means that chinese are inferior.The western companies are eying big market like china and doing high trade with them.You think that westerners look at some ones and appoint higher post, by that way pichari or natela will not become CEO of Google and microsoft respectively.

You are assuming that pakistani's are different species all together, and according to your suggestion pakistan should be treated well and welcomed all over the world over indians.But just see, carrying with your passport is not welcomed by many parts of world and pakistan passport is the worst to travel after iraq,somalia,afghanistan.

I'm not talking about what happens at the airport check out or at a government/economic/military elite level I'm talking about in everyday life. And yes, at the moment China although far more advanced compared to most countries including india is still far behind the US/west and is approaching Russia's level. Even the Chinese admit this. It will be a long time before they are at the west's level even though they will eventually catch up.

Most non-indians are a completely different species to indians.
Because God knows.....we need a little comic relief. :tongue:

And what happened to "most Indians don't know, don't care about Pakistan" mantra?

Indians as a nation need a psychologist.

Someone has rightly said, India is like an elephant with the brain of a tiny mouse. :omghaha:
I'm not talking about what happens at the airport check out or at a government/economic/military elite level I'm talking about in everyday life. And yes, at the moment China although far more advanced compared to most countries including india is still far behind the US/west and is approaching Russia's level. It will be a long time before they are at the west's level even though they will eventually catch up.

Most non-indians are a completely different species to indians.

Now i am talking about everyday life.US is considered the king of western world,right and look at which ethnic group possess largest household income

List of ethnic groups in the United States by household income - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you know that bollywood film star's are recognized all over the world including even peoples in middle east !

Do you know that yoga is practised by 10% US citizens and that's almost more than 35 million people.

World is much different than what you people think about.....
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