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Why are Ferguson riots resonating on Chinese social media?


Ferguson: No Justice in the American Police State

Yes~ The first step is admit it.
The next step is how the federal government handle this?

This crisis is by no mean foreign in US history. In fact, occurences like these are the ones which changed US government policies over its history, for better or for worse. Several pivotal occurence in US history that change the course of the US society:
1. US Civil War 1861-1865 lead to gradual abolition of slavery
2. Martin Luther King assasination and subsequent riot in 1968 lead to desegragation of black community
3. Stonewall riots 1969 lead to increase recognition towards LGBT rights

History have shown, this kind of openness is what will move the society forward and avoid irreversible damage.
Supression in contrast will only give temporary calm before uncontrolled explosion happened and cause irreversible damage.

For example, the case with sanlu milk scandal in China would not have caused so much damage to the industry if the company together with chinese government had not try to suppress the information. Even nowadays the milk industry haven't recovered yet and public mistrust in government food agency still run very high despite aggresive crackdown in recent years.
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This thread is not about China and the problems with diary industry, which has been scrutinized and discussed to the bone both at home and overseas, without any police suppression.

This thread is not particularly about one of the fundamental problems in the US.

That's all US' internal matter, for all China cares.

The point to be made is the hypocrisy. When the US does need, it suppresses and oppresses opposition violently-- as has been witnessed numerous times. Yet, it dares to preach others and, if the criticized government and people is weak (unlike China or Russia), resorts to meddling in their internal affairs.

Otherwise, it is not a secret that US is ruthless regime when it comes to elite interest. That's the problem of the people inside, and everybody has to respect that.

basically, this thread is to note the hypocrisy and also put a note in history to revisit when the US regime shamelessly poke its nose in China's internal affairs.

Otherwise, the US police can be armed to the bone for all we care.
Some German journalists were arrested by the police in Ferguson. The funny part were the journalists from the hard-core Transatlantic-Bridge Bild-Zeitung and Welt getting arrested and treated badly. These two newspapers from the Springer Presse, where any critics against the US is treated as a sacrilege, were treated so badly by the police that they couldn't help themselves but to say that they have lost believe in US rule of law.

The best part were the many comments from readers. Most readers wrote that they deserve the bitter medicine for licking uncle Sam's balls all these years and for being a media whore of the US.

This thread is not about China and the problems with diary industry, which has been scrutinized and discussed to the bone both at home and overseas, without any police suppression.

This thread is not particularly about one of the fundamental problems in the US.

That's all US' internal matter, for all China cares.

The point to be made is the hypocrisy. When the US does need, it suppresses and oppresses opposition violently-- as has been witnessed numerous times. Yet, it dares to preach others and, if the criticized government and people is weak (unlike China or Russia), resorts to meddling in their internal affairs.

Otherwise, it is not a secret that US is ruthless regime when it comes to elite interest. That's the problem of the people inside, and everybody has to respect that.

basically, this thread is to note the hypocrisy and also put a note in history to revisit when the US regime shamelessly poke its nose in China's internal affairs.

Otherwise, the US police can be armed to the bone for all we care.
Only clueless Internet Chinese would believe that.

The funny part is that your Chinese leadership, especially the feared and corrupt Chengguan division, know that what happened in Ferguson is at best a thug who got what he wanted, and at worst a case of incompetent policing. Nothing to do with human rights.

This is not about China ? Then you should have no problem with China being a comparison to US, no ?

Wu Jinglian: China must move on reform - China Media Project
What drives the gap between rich and poor? I believe there are two things, the first being corruption and the second being the monopolization [of riches, resources and opportunity]. Both of these have to do with government power. The type of monopoly we have [in China] is not the outcome of free economic competition but has been generated instead by political power.
If we 'suppresses and oppresses opposition violently' then how did Noam Chomsky and so many other leftists/communists are free and are millionaires from spewing their hatred for the US ?

The bottom line is that YOU know what you are saying here is utter nonsense. There are plenty of Chinese who have been to the US, lived, and worked here for years, and you can find them and their opinions easily enough on the Internet. They came here, their children grew up here, and more Chinese will come here in the future, leaving you behind to stew in your ignorance.
Yes~ The first step is admit it.
The next step is how the federal government handle this?

This crisis is by no mean foreign in US history. In fact, occurences like these are the ones which changed US government policies over its history, for better or for worse. Several pivotal occurence in US history that change the course of the US society:
1. US Civil War 1861-1865 lead to gradual abolition of slavery
2. Martin Luther King assasination and subsequent riot in 1968 lead to desegragation of black community
3. Stonewall riots 1969 lead to increase recognition towards LGBT rights

History have shown, this kind of openness is what will move the society forward and avoid irreversible damage.
Supression in contrast will only give temporary calm before uncontrolled explosion happened and cause irreversible damage.

For example, the case with sanlu milk scandal in China would not have caused so much damage to the industry if the company together with chinese government had not try to suppress the information. Even nowadays the milk industry haven't recovered yet and public mistrust in government food agency still run very high despite aggresive crackdown in recent years.
So all those changes would only happened after riot? You need violence to bring about changes in certain US government policy?
Is those riot justified then?
What happen if the riot did not bring about change, is those riot justified then?
What happen to the democratic process that we hear so much about?
That's not racial, people are fed up with the JEW USA NWO cops
In the videos, they kill as well caucasian as the afro-americans

People can't express their anger against the crisis, if they move a finger they are tazered or beaten violently

In the boots of the anti-riot police in Maidan, the US cops would have made a carnage
Is this the rise of Chinese media power outside its borders? Even an American government spokesperson has had to issue a statement declaring this sort of oppression is US's internal matter. Interesting.
the difference here is blacks have the balls to stand up against the Police state while you white guys are sitting there and doing nothing. This is no issue about blacks or whites, the cops would have killed the boy regadless of race because they are a bunch of lunatic control freaks which is wanted by your government.

Child Gunned Down by Cop for Answering Door Holding Wii Controller (VIDEO) | The Libertarian Republic

And the Viets--well this viet @gambit is loving every minute of it LOL.
Even an American government spokesperson has had to issue a statement declaring this sort of oppression is US's internal matter. Interesting.

That's it. That's one good positive result of this sad event.

The world (well, the conscious world) will remember that plea of not interfering in US' internal affairs.

Well, China won't. How about the US? They must cut their puny imperialist moralist pretensions now. LOL.
This thread is not about China and the problems with diary industry, which has been scrutinized and discussed to the bone both at home and overseas, without any police suppression.

This thread is not particularly about one of the fundamental problems in the US.

That's all US' internal matter, for all China cares.

The point to be made is the hypocrisy. When the US does need, it suppresses and oppresses opposition violently-- as has been witnessed numerous times. Yet, it dares to preach others and, if the criticized government and people is weak (unlike China or Russia), resorts to meddling in their internal affairs.

Otherwise, it is not a secret that US is ruthless regime when it comes to elite interest. That's the problem of the people inside, and everybody has to respect that.

basically, this thread is to note the hypocrisy and also put a note in history to revisit when the US regime shamelessly poke its nose in China's internal affairs.

Otherwise, the US police can be armed to the bone for all we care.

Did US Government suppress opposition? I don't think so. You could clearly see that the police has went overboard due to militarization policy, and the American in particularly the federal government see problems with this.

So all those changes would only happened after riot? You need violence to bring about changes in certain US government policy?
Is those riot justified then?
What happen if the riot did not bring about change, is those riot justified then?
What happen to the democratic process that we hear so much about?

That's unfortunately something that is necessary. No country is free from this, especially if the reform is on high power institution like police or military.
The question is how the government handle this kind of thing so it won't spiral out of control.

The US government has been quite transparent in resolving this issue. (Not the Ferguson Police department though, as it was not directly controlled by the federal government)
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You could clearly see that the police has went overboard due to militarization policy, and the American in particularly the federal government see problems with this.

Obviously, that's your internal problem. How you handle your own people is none of China's business.

What makes this riot a strategic trump card for Chinese analysts is the fact that the US government asked not top be interfered by the outsiders in its internal affairs.

That's exactly China's line of argument.

We liked that :)

Other than that. most Chinese, although silent about it, are well aware of the many problems, oppression and injustice the US people suffer.
Other than that. most Chinese, although silent about it, are well aware of the many problems, oppression and injustice the US people suffer.
I guess that is why so many Chinese come here: They want the opportunities for wealth in the US but they miss the oppression from China. :lol:
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