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Why Arabs lost all its wars to Israel despite outnumbering Israel in weapons and manpower?

1. The 67 war was Israeli deception -
Oz, how is it you can be a senior mod but still spout off without citing even one source? Do you consider yourself an example for your fellow Pakistanis to follow? Or is this an attempt at humor and I'm just missing it?
@Solomon2 ......never ask this interesting question ...why arab lost all wars against Israel. flaws in their war strategy ?
Oz, how is it you can be a senior mod but still spout off without citing even one source? Do you consider yourself an example for your fellow Pakistanis to follow? Or is this an attempt at humor and I'm just missing it?

I am going to stick with the CIA's own assessment of the war.
I could have agreed with your assessment and you would hold me in higher praise than Ben Gurion himself.
Please do not consider your opinion as gospel I should follow, and I would caution my fellow Pakistanis to be cautious of opinion in general.

My opinion is my opinion and I consider it unshakeable, please feel free to try and post Pro-Israel site arguments, wikipedia pages or otherwise to contest it; but be kind and not quote or tag me in them as I have zero interest in debating a Zionist on matters of Israel.. better uses of my time.
The 73 war had the Americans jumping in to save Israel, without US intervention; Israel was going to resort to nuclear weapons.
In 73 the Egyptians didn't moved away from the Suez Canal to stay within the anti-aircraft defense batteries
To stay within the anti-aircraft defense batteries
Eventually, they decided to move forward and then the Israeli air force pounded them.
Only then, the Americans remembered to send us arms.
The Egyptian plan was to break the Bar-Lev line and begin negotiations with Israel as they hold the advantage.
But they made a mistake and exposed themselves to the Israeli air force and to counterattack, that surrounded all their army, and all the way to Cairo was open until the Americans pressured Israel to stop fighting.
The Americans also prevented from Israel to occupy Damascus in Syria sector.
In 73 the Egyptians didn't moved away from the Suez Canal to stay within the anti-aircraft defense batteries
To stay within the anti-aircraft defense batteries
Eventually, they decided to move forward and then the Israeli air force pounded them.
Only then, the Americans remembered to send us arms.
The Egyptian plan was to break the Bar-Lev line and begin negotiations with Israel as they hold the advantage.
But they made a mistake and exposed themselves to the Israeli air force and to counterattack, that surrounded all their army, and all the way to Cairo was open until the Americans pressured Israel to stop fighting.
The Americans also prevented from Israel to occupy Damascus in Syria sector.
That is an Israeli viewpoint , and not the fact or ground reality. An opinion, an opinion can be represented as fact just as water dropping on stone will eventually leave a hole. As I requested earlier, I have no wish to be quoted or mentioned in opinions. Thank you.
If Egypt had not attacked in 1973 then Sinai could have been part of present day Israel. So how Exactly Israel won is beyond normal comprehension. Whatever Egypt did, it got Sinai back...........That is exactly what a win is. :cheers:
Israel returned the Sinai to Egypt because the Egyptians offered to Israel a peace treaty.
If the Egyptians were offering peace before it, then they would have prevented the war in 73.
But of course the Egyptians spread propaganda that they won.

That is an Israeli viewpoint , and not the fact or ground reality. An opinion, an opinion can be represented as fact just as water dropping on stone will eventually leave a hole. As I requested earlier, I have no wish to be quoted or mentioned in opinions. Thank you.
These are the facts on the course of the fighting
Israel returned the Sinai to Egypt because the Egyptians offered to Israel a peace treaty.
If the Egyptians were offering peace before it, then they would have prevented the war in 73.
But of course the Egyptians spread propaganda that they won.
Yes i am sure they would have returned like they have returned the other stolen lands :disagree:. Egypt got its territory back that is a win from all angles, off course the Israeli's will concoct excuses for losing Sinai now. Egyptians don't have to say anything, things are pretty simple and obvious. They wanted something and either by hook or crook they got it.The notion that Israel won is both absurd and amusing.
because arabs are f uckin useless treacherous camel jockeys.Israel must be so happy it's bordered by these weak people if it fought against someone competent let's say hypothetically an alliance of pakistan/iran/turkey if they were next to israel - who are also the real "powers" of the muslim world it might have been different.
In all the wars Isreal had to put everything because it was there last chance. Collation of arab countries needed to coordinate there attacks and hit them but they always did what suited them.
Dont blame USA for everything which has happened to MUSLIMS its our own puddle. If USA was supporting Isreal USSR was supporting Arabs. Isreal believed on one thing best defense is best offence. If arab could only have choked there oil supply and laid a siege just long enough to know they are running short on ammunition and oil they could easily have won and they should never have underestimated their enemy.
Arabs have huge ego and they think they are better than everyone. when this sort of mentality is removed and they are united then they can achieve anything.
The bold part: Wasn't a stalemate ... Israel was born, don't distort history.

1956: The reversal of Suez blocking took place for commercial shipping as also Israel gained access to Tiran. The military victory was lost politically by Brits and French. Israelis got away with their objectives.

1973: It was Anwar al Saddat whose forces got stuck on the other side of the Suez inspite of being the one with initiative. And it was he, who took the initiative to bring peace to the Egypt Israeli equation ... a great but costly decision by him.

The aim of Egyptians in the war was to re-capture Sinai, and they failed.

Please first read Anwar Sadat's Biography .... to get your facts a bit in line
Wrong egyptains didn't aim to recapture sinai as it would be impossible without an airforce something that soviets didn't supply egypt with both commanders of egypt and Israel understood this The aim was to show the israelis who refused to negotiate as they felt that having the suez canal, barlave line and sinai between egypt and Israel is much safer thus the egyptian attack to prove them wrong and start negotiations.
In 73 the Egyptians didn't moved away from the Suez Canal to stay within the anti-aircraft defense batteries
To stay within the anti-aircraft defense batteries
Eventually, they decided to move forward and then the Israeli air force pounded them.
Only then, the Americans remembered to send us arms.
The Egyptian plan was to break the Bar-Lev line and begin negotiations with Israel as they hold the advantage.
But they made a mistake and exposed themselves to the Israeli air force and to counterattack, that surrounded all their army, and all the way to Cairo was open until the Americans pressured Israel to stop fighting.
The Americans also prevented from Israel to occupy Damascus in Syria sector.

American were in bed with Israel from start..


  • octwar-56.pdf
    682.3 KB · Views: 26
not really surprised now am I? Just another case of Arab distortion of history. How very sad.

To say that Israel belongs to the Arabs is naught but folly :p:

1050 BCE–930 BCE

I see no arabs coming for over 1000 years.

Why have you posted a picture of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu,leader of the Romanian Iron Guard ?

American were in bed with Israel from start..

The October War started October 6, and this document is from October 22.
U.S. support for Israel started to grow about 1970, and that is not news...
The document shows a couple of thing.

1. Israel is winning, at a cost.
2. Both Israel and the Arabs are beeing resupplied.
3. As a result of the failure, the Arabs are finally open to negotiations.
Americans saved Israel from a disaster in 1973. Militarily speaking they were in a bad position. Its true that they had advanced inside Egypt but Egyptians holded positions behind their lines and Israelis had absolutely no idea what to do next. Egypt reclaimed Sinai some years later without firing a single shot

Finally a guy know what he talks about , let me tell one thing guys if israel had a full control on Sinai and "won" the war in 1973 no international pressure would have gave us sinai back , Just like the Golan Heights

what was the Objective behind 1973 war = Sinai , and we Got it = Victory
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