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Why an Indian scientist hasn't won the Nobel after Independence

Just for info, how many Nobels does india has and in which fields???


And ofcourse one unofficial one Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Gandhi never received the Nobel Peace Prize, although he was nominated five times between 1937 and 1948. A decades-later Nobel Committee publicly declared its regret for the omission. Geir Lundestad, Secretary of Norwegian Nobel Committee in 2006 said, "The greatest omission in our 106 year history is undoubtedly that Mahatma Gandhi never received the Nobel Peace prize. Gandhi could do without the Nobel Peace prize, whether Nobel committee can do without Gandhi is the question"

#Times Person of the Century runner-up after Albert Einstein....

Damn it even SN Bose's work on particle statistics (c.1922), which clarified the behavior of photons (the particles of light in an enclosure) and opened the door to new ideas on statistics of Microsystems that obey the rules of quantum theory, was one of the top ten achievements of 20th century Indian science and should be considered in the Nobel Prize class....Several Nobel Prizes were awarded for research related to the concepts of the boson, Bose–Einstein statistics and Bose–Einstein condensate—the latest being the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics given for advancing the theory of Higgs-Boson to Peter Higgs and François Englert although Satyendra Nath Bose himself was not awarded the Nobel Prize.

#pathetic!!!! there is something that went utterly wrong and that too in the case of the non-whites only :undecided:
@Spring Onion has a very nice sense of humour.

just that she is a bit too harsh on us indians :ashamed:
and i remember her saying that she has calmed down now. wonder how she was before. :fie:

on a lighter note from my side:ashamed:

Why an Indian scientist hasn't won the Nobel after Independence?

becuz they are too buzi producin n investin on nobel bollywood actors n actresses afta independence :P jk
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Rabindranath Tagore (Nober Prize winner for literature.

He is also the author for the Indian and bangladeshi national anthem I believe (Bangladeshi posters confirm???)

CV Raman (Nobel Prize for Physics)

Amartya Sen (Nobel Prize for economics)

abindranath Tagore (Nober Prize winner for literature.

He is also the author for the Indian and bangladeshi national anthem I believe (Bangladeshi posters confirm???)

CV Raman (Nobel Prize for Physics)

Amartya Sen (Nobel Prize for economics)
Asoke Sen is a genius of that caliber, but sadly he can never win a Nobel as his postulate can never be experimentally verified.
on a lighter note from my side:ashamed:

Why an Indian scientist hasn't won the Nobel after Independence?

becuz they are too buzi producin n investin on nobel bollywood actors n actresses afta independence :P jk


Joking aside, Indians haven't produced Nobel Prize winners after independence because our educational system is crap. Free thought and research is stifled and rote learning and getting grades is emphasized more.

Indians make up a large proportion of the scientific community in other western countries because they are encouraged to germinate their own ideas and nourish them through research.

If an Indian is going to win a Nobel Prize, it will likely be a foreign based indian
On the other hand, Obama got a Nobel Peace prize for drone bombing and Killing a lot of Pakistanis (including a lot of civilians).
@Spring Onion has a very nice sense of humour.

just that she is a bit too harsh on us indians :ashamed:
and i remember her saying that she has calmed down now. wonder how she was before. :fie:

Am not a monster. If someone wants to play one , s/he will get the same treatment.

There are a number of Indian members I respect and never utter any disrespectful word for them. We may have difference of opinion BUT I believe in drawing a line of respect when it comes to some good and senior Indian members.

for the rest of the troll ones from your side, I wont hesitate even using a slang of highest level


Joking aside, Indians haven't produced Nobel Prize winners after independence because our educational system is crap. Free thought and research is stifled and rote learning and getting grades is emphasized more.

Indians make up a large proportion of the scientific community in other western countries because they are encouraged to germinate their own ideas and nourish them through research.

If an Indian is going to win a Nobel Prize, it will likely be a foreign based indian

Indeed a big factor BUT out of 3 Nobel prizes India won 2 were for literature.

Again I will say not getting this award doesn't mean that India dint produce good scientists or academicians.
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Indian education system is to teach people earn living. Institutes and universities hardly spend on research.
Even now a days IIT level has down. Faculty is not up to standard ( chk IIT MUMBAI news ).
We have to spend well and also have to start programs to attract students.
Mr.Pranab Bardhan,one of the leading economists shared his experience while working in University of California,Berkeley in a recent article. He points out some factors which have helped this Government University to keep its standards high.

1. No political/outside Interference is encouraged while recruiting or promoting a Professor.

2.A powerful committee decides whom to recruit or promote.And the members are elected by senior professors. Members are changed in every three years.

3. There is an immense competition among the top universities. If an young professors in some university is working well then other universities put each and every penny and effort to take that professor in.

4.Evaluation of professors is a continuous process in these colleges.In every two years works of professors are evaluated. How many articles of them have been published in leading scientific journals are thoroughly checked.World's top ten/twelve expertise on the subjects evaluates the works of those professors.

5.People with more talent gets paid more irrespective of their age,cast,creed or nationality unlike Universities in Europe or Japan.The writer also says that most of the professors in Economics department are non-Americans!

There is a huge difference in work ethics and culture between India and the west.As the main article has already mentioned,unless we get rid of red tapism and political interference our dream of an education revolution is far from reality.
Am not a monster. If someone wants to play one , s/he will get the same treatment.

There are a number of Indian members I respect and never utter any disrespectful word for them. We may have difference of opinion BUT I believe in drawing a line of respect when it comes to some good and senior Indian members.

for the rest of the troll ones from your side, I wont hesitate even using a slang of highest level

Indeed a big factor BUT out of 3 Nobel prizes India won 2 were for literature.

Again I will say not getting this award doesn't mean that India dint produce good scientists or academicians.

so where do I fare in your opinion?
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