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Why AM Shahid Latif was not promoted to Air Chief? - Urdu article

Excuse me sir

Just learn to respect other people’s opinion. It’s one of the biggest problems with the Pakistani’s, either he/she a mullah or a common man on the street or a person like you, to not accept and respect other people’s opinion and that they think they are always right and everyone else is wrong.

I am not sure what your back ground is but at least that gentleman is writing for a paper and probably has better resources and, in my opinion, is more credible than you.

Let me tell you if his article is useless, then so is yours.

I care less who is the chief but I do have some friends who happen to be one or two courses junior to Shahid Latif and know him very well. Before even the names were submitted to President, they were of the opinion that Shahid Latif was the best candidate and no one was even close to him. Rao himself confessed in his opening speech that he was not the best choice but still got the responsibility. Injustice and favoritism is the name of the game. Do you remember what happened to MM Alam, Cecil Chudhry, and Sajjad Haider?

If Rao Qamar was the deputy chief, then Shahid Latif was the 2nd in command, a position higher than Rao’s. Rao was doing what a junior was supposed to be doing.

I hope next time you will be more courteous and will set an example being a senior member of the forum for the junior members.

Note: I consider this argument to be closed and will not respond back.

Yar I think you were a bit rude
Your name might be Sonic Boom but the person you are writing to has done actual Sonic Boom's so he knows more about PAF than you think.
Now my second point I will not go into details because some things are better not to discuss Cecil C, Nosiy and MM were not promoted because of there personal actions there was no politics involved and I can swear to that. I was 19 when I knew them so you can say I know then for the last 40 years, And have done countless missions with them so I know.
and the same may be (is) true for you! your arrogance is showing!

and my old-age has nothing to do with it and you are telling me not to get personal - grow up!

Well! What you term as arrogance I see as conviction!

Your comment of this being a case of 'sour grapes' or being a 'personal thingy' for me bore the response it deserved from my end. So do not get personal in the first place if you cannot bear it yourself.
well atleast the paf is run by a paf professional, not a totally illiterate [in terms of field specificity]beaurucrat...
take any other field.. all technical fields are run by nontechinical bearucrats... who know nothing regarding the field and listen to all 'khoshaamdi' and completely sideline the honest/professional people.

like in wapda, do u know u actually have a phd civil engineer[usa], damn designing specialist next for promomtion, for member water, who is completely sidelined for a bsc person who is only good in publicity![ i'm using no names, the example flashed in my mind because of another1 hr of loadshedding i endavered]

sorry to sway away from the topic.. but atleast paf has some people on the top that know the thing.. think of all the other pakistani departments... and u would be driven mad.
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well atleast the paf is run by a paf professional, not a totally illiterate [in terms of field specificity]beaurucrat...
take any other field.. all technical fields are run by nontechinical bearucrats... who know nothing regarding the field and listen to all 'khoshaamdi' and completely sideline the honest/professional people.

like in wapda, do u know u actually have a senior phd civil engineer, damn designing specialist u.s.a degree holder next for promomtion, who is completely sidelined for a bsc person who is only good in publicity![ i'm using no names]

sorry to sway away from the topic.. but atleast paf has some people on the top that know the thing.. think of all the other pakistani departments... and u would be driven mad.

Who told you to go and join Wapda of all the places.:lol::lol:
well im a docter... after looking at several such examples... i know to survive in pakistan.. i must be corrupt, great in publicity... only and only then, can i have the basic rights to survive with honour here...[some people might not agree]
thankGod im not in wapda,but i have some friends in wapda who tell me a lot of things.. i cant be disshonest, so its better to go out of the country.. this is what us all young docters are feeling now that most of us are going through their practical lives

like i dont understand, this guy in wapda who has done phd in civil engin/damn designing from u.s.a is dead honest,wont sign on any 'side contracts' and is the most technical person available in wapda, if not in pakistan.. who turned down uno job.. but people instead of using him, sideline hime and even feel intimidated by his experience!.. im so sick of the loadshedding.. no capable people are on the top that forsaw all the loadshedding coming.
do u know indians are making baligar damn... also they are secretly funnelling water away from pakistani portion.. after some years we wont have water aswell... india wont have to fire a single bullet to win the war!
we dont have any capable leadership anywhare whatsoever to forsee the future past 1 day.

:pdf::pakistan: for any of the army officials who read this post..:pdf::pakistan:
plz note the indian baliger dam aspect.. the next war might be right on the next corner , started by pakistan in sheer frustration because of lack of water... the dam is almost completed even after pakistani alarms

sorry for the over emotional post.. i think all the loadshedding heat has gone to my head!
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If it is true---that is totally sickening. I am not against perks for the generals---but commissions against purchases---that is a new low for the pak army leadership.
Seconded.It is Nation's Money going to General's Pocket!
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ok good! pls provide your information - i am waiting impatiently!:enjoy:
Just put ur hand on the heart and say" whether it was a right deceision"
however PAF and infact this country is full of such stories, remember what happened to cecil etc...
sometimes our info is not correct and usually based on personal likeness ... fatman17 & X Man plz do not mind regarding my view...

If it is true---that is totally sickening. I am not against perks for the generals---but commissions against purchases---that is a new low for the pak army leadership.

blame the govt. who set the rule in the first place!
Hi X man,
Thankyou for your post. Sorry for being offensive in my argument.

Even though I may chose to answer all your questions the way I seem them to be right---I chose not to do so----bottomline is that it is my army--my airforce---my navy---I may sit down with you and pour it out in our living room----but not on a public forum.

But what I believe is----that the PAF as a corporation has been run very poorly since the late 80's. Thankyou.
Your concerns are very genuine and in the end we all want what is best for Pakistan. 71 was pretty dark time in our history...top guys were living in euphoria and too many bad decisions let us down...

IMO, PAF enjoys an excellent repo even when compared with other sister arms due to its rich history, glamour and neutrality from the politics. But sometimes it too can’t escape away from the influences of the usual politics, personalities and events happening around her.

Rao Qamar may not be the best choice for the job but I believe that he still has the metal and foresight to lead PAF for another 3 very crucial years.

P.S: I apologise for my emotional outburst in the last post..
Yar I think you were a bit rude
Your name might be Sonic Boom but the person you are writing to has done actual Sonic Boom's so he knows more about PAF than you think.
Now my second point I will not go into details because some things are better not to discuss Cecil C, Nosiy and MM were not promoted because of there personal actions there was no politics involved and I can swear to that. I was 19 when I knew them so you can say I know then for the last 40 years, And have done countless missions with them so I know.

Thank you for your kind reply. Honestly, it was not my intention to be rude. I may have carried away in emotions and may have come hard in my post. My apology to anyone I might have hurt their feelings.

I guess the reason I posted this was to get the insiders information as to why Shahid Latif or Khalid Choudhry was superseded and not promoted. It had nothing to do with Rao Qamar. Lots of members misunderstood and took the argument on the wrong side. All I wanted to know was if injustice or favoritism was the reason behind this promotion or not. Why the need was felt to promote a junior while there were many talented and capable seniors were available? I was hoping that either you or any other members of the forum including x_man could throw some light on it but seems like no one had any clue. I even heard the rumor that Rao got promoted on the recommendation of PM Gilani as both had good relationship.

Anyways, still waiting to find the answer?
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Thank you for your kind reply. Honestly, it was not my intention to be rude. I may have carried away in emotions and may have come hard in my post. My apology to anyone I might have hurt their feelings.

I guess the reason I posted this was to get the insiders information as to why Shahid Latif or Khalid Choudhry was superseded and not promoted. It had nothing to do with Rao Qamar. Lots of members misunderstood and took the argument on the wrong side. All I wanted to know was if injustice or favoritism was the reason behind this promotion or not. Why the need was felt to promote a junior while there were many talented and capable seniors were available? I was hoping that either you or any other members of the forum including x_man could throw some light on it but seems like no one had any clue. I even heard the rumor that Rao got promoted on the recommendation of PM Gilani as both had good relationship.

Anyways, still waiting to find the answer?
Sonic Boom
Brother the true answer may never be known. i am sure that there are 2 or three people who are candidates for the same job. When they go for interview there is not much between them. The only reason we all know AVM Shahid Latif is because he has been in the news. But for every maverick there are two or three quiet workers who do their jobs quietly but efficiently. It may have been that Shahid latif did a fantastic job, but Rao Qamar did an equally good one. The top brass chose Rao Qamar. We have people over here who are testifying to the fact that Rao QaAmar Saheb is a good aviator. This is all that we need and should be happy withthe decision and must move on. This debate must come to an end.and we must move on for the betterment of the PAF.
Let’s finish this topic and move ahead. Instead of finding real reasons we started some thing else. At least
Originally Posted by Muradk
Just for everyones info when you become the Chief your DSOP fund goes away your Commutation Pension ( the amount you get after retirement ) goes away. WHY?
The COAS get 3% Commission on every deal PAF makes. That is why when you become the COAS your portfolio just goes up to at least 50 to 100 mil$$.

gave the answers of so many question. How military officers have palace like villas and how their kids enjoy their lives in developed country. I think it goes down to pretty junior levels. And
Originally Posted by Muradk
Very much Official Zia started it and I agree that if you become the CNC you got to get some perks

tells that no doubt Gen Zia-i-Haq was a real disaster for our motherland
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