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Why Afghanistan Is Impossible to Conquer

One word - Pakistan

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as we have seen afghanistan can be easily conquered by people of afghanistan and ethnically similar people since afghanistan is more ethnical than religious overall in its behaviors internally it will pretty much fight all outside ethnicities they still to this day have find no way to have hazaras in their midst sustainably
the issue is the only one who doesnt like deobandi to take control of afghanistan are india and russia meanwhile iran doesnt like them necessary having another school of thought being jafari school but it also doesnt care its not like taliban is the same as salafis who openly are after fitna
the biggest loser here will be india and turkmenistan and maybe also uzbekistan and tajikistan but i think less in their case because it would pretty much lead to war with russia immediatly
either way i expect deobandi to have two directions of interest being india mainly but also turkmenistan and uzbekistan so those should get ready for future troubles because it will come while we iranians really hope these incapable people in afghanistan who constantly come into power get their things together for once because now afghanistan is also sanctioned worse than iran so that will be quite hard
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^^Fun fact, the seemingly invincible Mongols faced their first ever defeat in a battle at the hands of a Pashtun army led by Khwarazmian Prince Jalal al-Din (Battle of Parwan).

Weren't Khwarazmeins was persians?
This "meme" of Afghanistan can't be conquered or Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires needs to be put to rest now. Its getting boring. It belongs to cringey Tiktok vidoes, not defence forums.

Afghanistan has been conquered many, many times like almost every place on earth during its history. And before anyone says yEs bUt nO OnE iS aBlE tO hOlD iT, yea people did hold on it as long as they wanted to despite the fact that there is nothing of value to hold on to.
Afghanistan has been conquered many, many times like almost every place on earth during its history. And before anyone says yEs bUt nO OnE iS aBlE tO hOlD iT, yea people did hold on it as long as they wanted to despite the fact that there is nothing of value to hold on to.

If you look at historical records than no one is able to hold on to it also don't hold much base, eg the region has been satrap (vassal) of persian empire for much of history, Greeks ruled it as Greco-Bactrian kingdom for over 200 years, Mongol empire and its successive Khanates held on to it for centuries, Britain also kept subdued all the way till 47 and even mughals conquered it for over 100 years and only lost it after they were defeated by Safavid Persia in mughal safavid war not due to some Afghan uprising.

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