I agree that your religious parties, misc fundamentalist organisations, ruling polity, and army all use the Islam in Peril card rampantly to serve their own agendas and keep the awaam quiet. But the awaam is increasingly buying into the deal as is evident to what is happening in your country. No more can you say that the ones doing this are a minority who hold to ransom the silent terrified but largely sane majority. That tide has turned a long time ago, insidiously, and has now become really virulent. They are now the majority, and those like you on this forum with your heads screwed on right are sadly an ensieged minority. The tipping point is probably long gone, whether you realise it or choose to recognise it for the truth or not. Muse I assume alludes to the righteous awaam taking up arms against the madmen and paying them back in their own coin. But how are you going to do that, when you are outnumbered and outarmed 1000 to 1, 10000 to 1? And those you have entrusted to protect you, have as much if not more buy-in into the same self-serving Islam in Peril rhetoric?