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Who would be the best President for Pakistan right now?

Sorry, I haven't updated the tally for awhile. I thought this thread had gone dark. Only votes by Pakistanis are counted (deleted rubyjackass's vote, are their other Indians in the list?). Indians start your own thread. The Standings now are:

1) Gen. Musharraf (Z9-ec, Neo, saadahmed, TOPGUN, bezerk86, opinion786, arsipk, TsAr, Ali Farooq, abaiq, Hira Niazi, batmannow, salman nedian, SSGPA1, must7) - 15 votes
2) Imran Khan (raheel1, thorosius, Lockheed F-16, All-Green, bezerk, asaad-ul-islam, nitetrogen70, asq) - 8 votes
3) Zaid Hammid (Thunder777, Silverfalcon, neo-revo, Omar1984, AjnabiZ) - 5 votes
4) Gen. Kiyani (imran khan, Captain03, Falcons) - 3 votes
4) Nawas Sharif (Asim Aquill, Lahori paa jee, Bane Blade)) - 3 votes
6) Zardani (araz, Rabzon) - 2 votes
6) Some mullah (IceCold, Haider) - 2 votes
8) Adnan Sami (Tornado)
9) Hamid Gul (SherdiL!)
10) Shabaz Sharif (tamir)

Imran Khan is second BUT Mushy is still well in the lead! Go Mushy!! :victory:

how about mushy as president and imrankhan as primeminister?? but through elections.....highly unlikely....though...muhsy cant even win a seat in NA.:pakistan:
the persons never matter for the change system give the change and in history president musharraf was a creative mind president who runs on the reports
As best as I can tell, the following are the votes:

1) Gen. Musharraf (Z9-ec, Neo, saadahmed, TOPGUN, bezerk86)
2) Zaid Hammid (Thunder777, Silverfalcon)
3) Zardani (araz, Rabzon)
4) Some mullah (IceCold, Haider)
5) Imran Khan (raheel1, thorosius)
6) Nawas Sharif (Asim Aquill)
7) Gen. Kiyani (imran khan)
8) Shah Mehmood Qureshi (rubyjackass)

So, General Musharraf is the most favored, so far.
It will be a cold day in hell before I vote for Nawaz Sharif :).

I just said Musharraf is ineligible till the end of this year and Nawaz Sharif qualifies as the least evil and not to mention he is he public's favorite too.

I don't see myself voting for any of these people actually.
I just wish our country had more choices to offer. I honestly thought in 1999 that we had seen the last of NS, BB and AZ but its amazing how these fools never go away. They're back and amazingly they haven't learned from history either (back to their same old ways).

I just wish somehow we get some fresh new blood in our politics (and that does not include the sons of these current a**holes). I'm sick and tired of these zameendars, sardars, nawabs, pirs, mirs, waderas and generals as well. Plz God send some well-educated commoner with a vision to save our nation.
Ok duuuuude who mentioned Sheikh Rashid I cant remember? But dude I wouldn't for that a**hole over my dead body. Even if I was dying of cancer (God forbid) and Sheikh sahib happened to be the only one in the world who had a cure and by voting for him I could get that cure and live again, I STILL WOULD NOT VOTE FOR HIM......
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