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Who will Win in a BD - Myanmar Naval War?

BNS Bangabandhu(ex.Khalid Bin Walid) is the most heavily modified of all Ulsan class frigates and equipped with nato standard electronics,state of the art jamming systems,Otomat Mk 2 Block IV missile and there are other top notch systems which aren't disclosed in public.
Its certainly a top class ship which alone can easily wipe out the entire Burmese fleet of indigenous frigates.Bangladesh navy has been working on data link systems for a long time and step by step they are gonna integrate this system in all the ships.BN already purchased 2 Agusta-Westland AW109 as a first step towards electronic guidance systems which will allow an Otomat or C802 missiles to achieve their maximum ranges with pinpoint accuracy.Without a proper datalink system this missiles are useless beyond some 40 or 50 km range.

Who said that to you man!! look at their guidence systems... Even without the datalink these missiles can hit the target as far as 180km away with 95% acuracy.

Guidence System:
C-802A: innertial and terminal active radar homing.

Otomat MK 2: Innertial, GPS and Terminal Active radar homing.
Mid-course update is available with Otomat and is given with two channels: by the ship itself (TG-1) and with external sources, available in the Agusta Westland AW 109E Power ASW helicopter, that uses TG-2.

Inertial navigation system (INS) uses a computer, motion sensors (accelerometers), GPS/GLONAS and rotation sensors (gyroscopes) to continuously calculate via dead reckoning the position, orientation, and velocity (direction and speed of movement) of a moving object without the need for external references.

Active radar homing is rarely employed as the only guidance method of a missile. It is most often used during the terminal phase of the engagement, mainly because since the radar transceiver has to be small enough to fit inside a missile and has to be powered from batteries, therefore having a relatively low ERP, its range is limited.
To overcome this, most such missiles use a combination of command guidance and/or an inertial navigation system (INS) in order to fly from the launch point until the target is close enough to be detected and tracked by the missile.
In a war no one wins, both the parties are at loose, Rather than promoting war why can some sane minds talk about how friendship can be established by the two countries
Who said that to you man!! look at their guidence systems... Even without the datalink these missiles can hit the target as far as 180km away with 95% acuracy.

Guidence System:
C-802A: innertial and terminal active radar homing.

Otomat MK 2: Innertial, GPS and Terminal Active radar homing.
Mid-course update is available with Otomat and is given with two channels: by the ship itself (TG-1) and with external sources, available in the Agusta Westland AW 109E Power ASW helicopter, that uses TG-2.

Inertial navigation system (INS) uses a computer, motion sensors (accelerometers), GPS/GLONAS and rotation sensors (gyroscopes) to continuously calculate via dead reckoning the position, orientation, and velocity (direction and speed of movement) of a moving object without the need for external references.

Active radar homing is rarely employed as the only guidance method of a missile. It is most often used during the terminal phase of the engagement, mainly because since the radar transceiver has to be small enough to fit inside a missile and has to be powered from batteries, therefore having a relatively low ERP, its range is limited.
To overcome this, most such missiles use a combination of command guidance and/or an inertial navigation system (INS) in order to fly from the launch point until the target is close enough to be detected and tracked by the missile.

Well 180 km should be considered as beyond the horizon and you may need elevated control system or data link to guide the missile to target. I am just using my commons sense physics and do not know the exact technology c-802 using.
Who said that to you man!! look at their guidence systems... Even without the datalink these missiles can hit the target as far as 180km away with 95% acuracy.

Guidence System:
C-802A: innertial and terminal active radar homing.

Otomat MK 2: Innertial, GPS and Terminal Active radar homing.
Mid-course update is available with Otomat and is given with two channels: by the ship itself (TG-1) and with external sources, available in the Agusta Westland AW 109E Power ASW helicopter, that uses TG-2.

Inertial navigation system (INS) uses a computer, motion sensors (accelerometers), GPS/GLONAS and rotation sensors (gyroscopes) to continuously calculate via dead reckoning the position, orientation, and velocity (direction and speed of movement) of a moving object without the need for external references.

Active radar homing is rarely employed as the only guidance method of a missile. It is most often used during the terminal phase of the engagement, mainly because since the radar transceiver has to be small enough to fit inside a missile and has to be powered from batteries, therefore having a relatively low ERP, its range is limited.
To overcome this, most such missiles use a combination of command guidance and/or an inertial navigation system (INS) in order to fly from the launch point until the target is close enough to be detected and tracked by the missile.
Then why BN is emphasizing so much on implementation of Data links ?? 180KM is the maximum range and i said that data links would be used to attain the maximum range without sacrificing the accuracy.My common sense says that when you stretch a thing to its maximum capability then you won't get the perfect outcome unless you use some sidekicks !!
Talwar Class is Far Superior than anything in the Inventory of PN and PLAN.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: do u really have any idea waht PLAN has in their inventory!!! PLAN frigate force alone is capable of wiping out entire Indian Navy....

Bangabandhu will hardly match up to IN Kora Class or PN Zulfiqar Class.

BNS Bangabandhu has -
8 otomat mk2V AShM ready to fire with 1 (8 missiles) reload,

FM-90N louncher with 8 ready to fire missiles with 2 (16 missiles) reload,
24 x QW-2 MANPAD,

4 x Otobreda 40 mm/70 (2 twin) compact CIWS

6(2 triple) x 324 mm B-515 tubes - Whitehead A244S torpedo

2 x Super Barricade chaff launchers

Main Gun:
1 x Otobreda 76 mm/62 Super Rapid

1 x Hangar,
1 x Agusta-Westland AW109E Power ASW/SAR Helicopter armed with
---2 x Whitehead A244S torpedo
---1 x C-704A AShM

INS Talwar has -
1 x 8-cell KBSM 3S14E vertical missile launcher with Klub-N missiles

1 x 3S-90 missile launcher with 24 9M317 missiles

2 x Kashtan Air Defence Gun/Missile Systems:
---- 2 x GSh-30k 30 mm Gatling guns per mount
---- 8 x 9M-311 Grison missiles + 3 (24 missiles) reloads

1 x RBU-6000 anti submarrine rocket launcher

Main Gun:
1 x 100mm A-190 main gun

1 x HAL Dhruv helicopter (weapon system integration is still in progress and is not operational)
Then why BN is emphasizing so much on implementation of Data links ?? 180KM is the maximum range and i said that data links would be used to attain the maximum range without sacrificing the accuracy.My common sense says that when you stretch a thing to its maximum capability then you won't get the perfect outcome unless you use some sidekicks !!

Yes, true.. Chinese claim is that without datalink you will have a acuracy of 95% and with datalink you will have an acuracy of 99.98% in a single missile fired. However, in a war situtation when extreeme jamming is applied, the external guidence may not work properly thus each modern missile is equiped with innertial and active radar homing system.
I'm sure you armchair generals will appreciate a few shots of Myanmar navy ships. The first is a couple of missile-FACs with the Aung Zeya in the background and the second is a more recent one of the navy flagship Aung Zeya (of the Burmese made Aung Zeya class).


Here are some pictures of persecuted Muslims in Myanmar:







Here's a picture of them protesting. I'm fairly certain none of them got gunned down.


I'm getting tired of your kind trying to claim some form of moral supremacy when you have none.
Here are some pictures of persecuted Muslims in Myanmar:







Here's a picture of them protesting. I'm fairly certain none of them got gunned down.


I'm getting tired of your kind trying to claim some form of moral supremacy when you have none.

Are these Rohingyas brought out victory procession after the killing of buddhist??? Just confused
I'm putting my money on Kallu, Idune, Al Zakir, Lufti and their lesser comrades riding white Arabian horses marching to Myanmar capital in about 2 days.

Of course only if China first provides nuclear umbrella against India.*

* source - Kallus new world order (updated two minutes ago)
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