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Who will be next Finance Minister (FM) of Pakistan?


Nov 1, 2010
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Who will be next Finance Minister (FM) of Pakistan?

After Prime Minister of Pakistan, the most difficult task is to be an effective Finance Minister of Pakistan. After Asad Umar kicked out from Cabinet and as FM role. Pakistan is looking for a new Finance Minister who could transform Pakistan Economy and Finances into a success from repeated failures.
Efforts on to find Asad Umar’s replacement

Following Asad Umar's removal as Finance Minister, speculations regarding who will occupy the pivotal cabinet position are rife.

Meanwhile certain names have emerged regarding who might possibly be appointed as the next Finance Minister including Omar Ayub.

Moreover, it is also being speculated that Ishrat Hussain, Hafeez Pasha and Salman Shah might take charge as finance advisers.

According to reports, former Finance Minister Shaukat Tarin was also on the list. However, he has turned the offer down.

As per sources, former Governor of State Bank of Pakistan Ishrat Hussain, who presently serves as advisor to Prime Minister Imran Khan for institutional reforms & austerity, is a strong contender for the position.

Earlier on Thursday, Finance Minister Asad Umar announced to quit the Federal Cabinet instead of taking the energy ministry as desired by Prime Minister Imran Khan.

In a social media message, the PTI’s finance guru stated that the prime minister wants him to take charge as energy minister.

However, Umar added that he does not wish to take charge of any other ministry, and would rather not be a part of PM's cabinet anymore.

"As part of a cabinet reshuffle PM desired that I take the energy minister portfolio instead of finance. However, I have obtained his consent to not take any cabinet position. I strongly believe @ImranKhanPTI is the best hope for Pakistan and inshallah will make a naya pakistan," reads Umar's tweet.
again will be a disappointed choice like Usman Buzdar
Sir g I am more shreef then him , I even cant win Punjab assembly election , can I be CM of Punjab ??? ….. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee . .
On serious note : Things are very dangerous for Pakistan .. May ALLAH Keep Pakistan Safe . Ameen
Import an economist if there is no candidate in Pakistan. Do it by merit, like the ottomans used to do. I don't care what God he believes in or what cultural background he is from, as long as he has he skills and the will to give this country what it needs.
What about Dr Manmohan Singh. He is free at the moment. And he is used to working under non Indians .........
What about Dr Manmohan Singh. He is free at the moment. And he is used to working under non Indians .........
Why you Indians hate him so much ?????? Is because he is Sikh ??? I wished we had person like him PM of Pakistan instead of Nora or Pee pee pee...….
IMO what Pak needs is a fast and furious FM with the mindset of a cold blooded executioner!!!! Without the blink of an eye he/she should be able to kick the non cooperating buraeucrates under the gilotin!! Extremely painstaking reforms in taxation, fiscal policies, privatization etc. are required!!! And, no smiles please...
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