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WHO WAS BEHIND LAHORE 3/3 Terror Attacks

Muse, Sir. I understand why you placed the above article here, so that it would come to the attention of some of the jihadi apologists who are commenting on the Lahore attack. But it probably belongs on the acts of terrorism thread, don't you think?


PS. Your posts are some of the most informative and sensible that are found here at the PDF. Thank you.

Once again brother, why are you so desperate to have people think Indian did this and NOT the pakistani islamist allied with Al-qaida??

Thanks for coming across as the most sensible participant in the debate!

I had been refraining myself from taking part in the dog-fight going on where some of the members (both Indian & Pakistanis) were either blabbering on irrelevant subjects or pointing fingers at each other without any logic or proof. However, now I have realized one thing: may be we should allow them to have a free go at it. And if there are any chances afterwards of them being wrong, they will perhaps realize how foolish they were (high hopes, eh?). This will in turn help them in refraining from making such useless allegation/ counter-allegation. Hence, in future, we will be able to have some useful debate without these stupid posts pouring in.
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I know how you feel brother -- these people on both sides are losers - they want nothing better than to vent hateful ideas, they know that they are not contributing anything meaningful -- but we have to be responsible - hate speech and free speech are never the same thing.

Most people who visit the forum are rather decent, civil kinds of persons and they may not post and most don't, but they do like to read, they do want to evaluate a variety of sane ideas - we are like a collection point for a variety of informed opinion and it's just convenient to come to the forum and one has access to all sorts of articles and op-ed pieces.

It's just terribly unfortunate, downright silly, that these sorts who tend to feel more and think less, make it so difficult and uneasy for all those who do not want to engage in this distasteful tu tu main main.
If only we had learned our lessons after 60 yrs of chaos that hatred IS the vicious circle and it goes round and round and never solves anything.

Its time both our countries should start looking at their internal flaws and rectify them positively with a definite plan and time frame. That, surely, will drastically reduce our problems and we both will be able to defend our territories from these kinds of terror attacks, be it internal or external. Time to shift focus!
And another notable thing(must be disgusting for Pakistanis) is that no one took responsibility and resigned. It is obvious that this is such a bad failure for the whole security apparatus and authorities. They should have resigned before the investigation started so that there won't be any tie-ups to the story to cover their failures. Even the investigation started very botchy when important forensic evidence was lost. There was failure on all fronts except for the brave policemen. Still no body took responsibility.
Ruby its failure of media to a very big level.

Pakistan might say what ever about Indian media, Some of it might be true aswell.But when it came to the time of being counted.Indian media did a great job they really got whole country on their feet. And politicians on their knees.
Pakistan lack that touch right now,Country is still not awake. I hope people do somethign about this and don't let this case get away.
It was a big attack right on the pride and self respect.People of pakistan need to wake up to it. And take an example from india.
Attack on SL team: 5 arrested from different cities

Updated at: 1732 PST, Thursday, March 05, 2009


LAHORE: The intelligence agencies investigating into the recent attack on the Sri Lankan team, has arrested from different cities 5 people including 2 who were allegedly involved in taking active part in the attacks.

According to sources, the arrested had been staying in Lahore where they were receving help from different cities.

The intelligence agencies arrested the above people on information collected through conducting raids at various places.

The evidence collected during initial investigation into the incident indicates involvement of Indian spy agency RAW, source said.

The report regarding arrest of the terrorists is likely to be made public in the next 18 hours.

Attack on SL team: 5 arrested from different cities - GEO.tv

My question is simple why let the sh it hide there face
Who was behind 3/3. That would never come out. They would arrest a few innocent muslim men, label them a splinter group and send them to gallows.
Pakistan rules out Indian hand

Nirupama Subramanian

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan said on Thursday the attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore could have been the work of the Al Qaeda and dismissed suggestions that the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam or India was behind it.

Rehman Malik, head of the Interior Ministry, told journalists here that there was no evidence to suggest that the LTTE carried out the attack. He also ruled out media suggestions of Indian involvement, saying there was no evidence to back such theories. He said the preliminary probe was being finalised.

Severely embarrassed by the attack and the failure of the police to react swiftly to it, Pakistani officials are desperate for a breakthrough, but it is proving elusive.

The police are still to announce any arrests, but more than 250 suspects have been rounded up from Lahore and its environs.

The Hindu : Front Page : Pakistan rules out Indian hand

You know posting this article does not mean squat. You wanna know why, because what ever this guy has to say about who's being responsible has to be taken with a whole lot dose of salt. I see many Pakistanis are jumping too happily pointing fingers within because to them India is an angel yet when i ask how did 71 occur, no one has anything to say about it leaving aside about the Indian consulates in Afghanistan. There is no point going there, Pakistanis or atleast those pretend to be here think other wise, can't expect others to stand for you.:tsk:
One more thing, it is irony that as soon as the FBI director is in Pakistan, the stance of the GOP changes and as usual the blame is shifted on an XYZ so called Jihadi organization where as previously the government it self was saying about the possible involvement of a foreign hand. May i add that Media too has played a pathetic role.
Who was behind 3/3. That would never come out. They would arrest a few innocent muslim men, label them a splinter group and send them to gallows.

I second that. It appears to be an all days routine to just shift the blame on any Jhiadi organization to cover up for the failures that occurred on part of the security. Such a lapse of security and not one resignation is indeed shameful.:tsk:
Anywhere else the Governor would have resigned. We are doomed if we don't punish the right culprits.
Ruby its failure of media to a very big level.

Pakistan might say what ever about Indian media, Some of it might be true aswell.But when it came to the time of being counted.Indian media did a great job they really got whole country on their feet. And politicians on their knees.
Pakistan lack that touch right now,Country is still not awake. I hope people do somethign about this and don't let this case get away.
It was a big attack right on the pride and self respect.People of pakistan need to wake up to it. And take an example from india.

I couldn't agree more. As i have numerously pointed out that if we need to learn something from Indians, its not the bollywood culture but the way the whole nation(media, people) stand up and with one stance when it comes down to the interest of country. Here we take huge pride in bashing our country and highlighting the negative aspects only of Pakistan world wide and seeing all the negativity within as if the whole world is innocent except us. It makes me sick.:angry:
Ruby its failure of media to a very big level.

Pakistan might say what ever about Indian media, Some of it might be true aswell.But when it came to the time of being counted.Indian media did a great job they really got whole country on their feet. And politicians on their knees.
Pakistan lack that touch right now,Country is still not awake. I hope people do somethign about this and don't let this case get away.
It was a big attack right on the pride and self respect.People of pakistan need to wake up to it. And take an example from india.

Pakistan cannot ever do that incase of terroists. That is because Pakistan has for 60 years based its existance on the centrality of Islam as the primary point and the hostility to 'Hindu' India.

And these terrorists are also claiming to be Islamic warriors, thus the nation is torn, whether to support these 'Jehadis'(Islamic Warrior) or the govt.

And the govt is not exactly very popular. The perception is also muddied by the view that Pakistani govt is doing America's dirty work. Thus you see many people in Pakistan supporting the terrorists and defending Taliban.

Then the Pakistani govt tries to strike peace deals with them and ends up giving sovereignty to them in all but name.

Its different in India to say the least. It was because people were angry at the politicians. In Pakistan, a blame game has already started, and accountability of Politicians is still not being demanded. Nationality is more important than religion in India. In Pakistan, you have questions-"Pakistan First or Islam First"
i cant say anything about the incident ..who is behind these accidents will never reveal..not in Pakistan nor in India..if the Indian frends think that behind the attacks in India is jihadi's we will say that in pakistan it is any indian dep..if our gov didnt say 17 crore pakistani will do so..
u cannot prove that these attacks r made by jihadi's...have u any evidence about that?have u any evidence that they r involved in India also..never..then y u all r wasting time in blaming each other..every country knows how to protect their country..if taliban has the bad repo..u can made it easily..now is the era of technology..make a hundred calls from any area nd say after the attack that taliban has done it..who will stop u?
this is so funny that u r in ur country blaming pak security ...jus stop blaming each others nd consider the situation..thankx
Pakistan cannot ever do that incase of terroists. That is because Pakistan has for 60 years based its existance on the centrality of Islam as the primary point and the hostility to 'Hindu' India.

And these terrorists are also claiming to be Islamic warriors, thus the nation is torn, whether to support these 'Jehadis'(Islamic Warrior) or the govt.

And the govt is not exactly very popular. The perception is also muddied by the view that Pakistani govt is doing America's dirty work. Thus you see many people in Pakistan supporting the terrorists and defending Taliban.

Then the Pakistani govt tries to strike peace deals with them and ends up giving sovereignty to them in all but name.

Its different in India to say the least. It was because people were angry at the politicians. In Pakistan, a blame game has already started, and accountability of Politicians is still not being demanded. Nationality is more important than religion in India. In Pakistan, you have questions-"Pakistan First or Islam First"
Excellent Post..Pakistanis have to stop supporting Jihadhi Mindset otherwise they can forget :pakistan: it forever.I really like the way Indians love their country.
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