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Who Supports Islamic Militants in Pakistan?


May 3, 2009
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Who Supports Islamic Militants in Pakistan?

Who supports Islamic militants in Pakistan? Two new Georgetown Mortara Center working papers written by Christine Fair (Georgetown University), Neil Malhotra (University of Pennsylvania), and Jacob N. Shapiro (Princeton University) address this question using a nationally representative sample of 6,000 Pakistanis. The surprising conclusion appears to be that support is strongest among the middle class and among people that are most supportive of democratic values, although a majority of Pakistanis dislike these militant groups.

The authors measure support for the four main active militants groupings: Al Qa’ida, the Afghan Taliban, the Pakistan Taliban, and the militants fighting in Kashmir. To circumvent the various problems with directly asking people whether they support these organizations, the authors use a clever endorsement experiment. Respondents are asked about their support for five policies. Half of the respondents are randomly assigned to a treatment group, which is informed that the policy is endorsed by a militant group. Support is then essentially the difference between support for the policy among treatment and control group.

The first paper examines poverty as a determinant of support for militants. The authors (including Princeton’s Graeme Blair on this paper) main conclusions are that:

First, Pakistanis exhibit negative affect toward all four militant organizations, with those from areas where groups have conducted the most attacks disliking them the most. Second, contrary to conventional expectations poor Pakistanis dislike militant groups more than middle-class citizens. Third, this dislike is strongest among poor urban residents, suggesting that the negative relationship stems from exposure to the externalities of terrorist attacks.

The second paper finds that Pakistanis who are more favorable towards liberal democracy are also more favorable towards militant groups. The authors ascribe this finding to widespread beliefs among those who favor democracy that Muslim rights and sovereignty are being violated in Kashmir, although the relationship holds for support for all four militant groups

I guess that Osama Bin Laden made a wise choice when he chose to hide in a middle class suburb.

I was remiss in not linking to Jacob Shapiro and Christine Fair’s earlier published paper on this issue in International Security (ungated version here). That article has essentially the same findings with a less representative sample and a more direct measure of support. The abstract is below:

Islamist militancy in Pakistan has long stood at the top of the international security agenda, yet there is almost no systematic evidence about why individual Pakistanis support Islamist militant organizations. We address this problem by using data from a
nationally representative survey of urban Pakistanis to assess the correlates of support for specific militant organizations. Our analysis refutes four influential conventional wisdoms about why Pakistanis supports Islamic militancy. First, there is no clear relationship between poverty and support for militancy. If anything, support for militant
organizations is actually increasing in both subjective economic well-being and community economic performance. Second, personal religiosity and support for sharia law are poor predictors of support for Islamist militant organizations. Third, support for political goals espoused by legal Islamist parties is at best a weak indicator of support for
militant organizations. Fourth, those who support core democratic principles or have faith in Pakistan’s democratic process are not less supportive of militancy. Taken together, these results suggest that commonly prescribed solutions to Islamist militancy—economic development, democratization, and the like—may be irrelevant at best and might even be counterproductive.

source Who Supports Islamic Militants in Pakistan? (UPDATED) ? The Monkey Cage
No wonder Zaid Hamid is so popular in middle and lower middle class of the population.

its the majority of middleclass pakistanis sitting here and other forums condemning this garbage (terrorism , al qaida ,ttp & extremism all the time ) & here we have this research paper blaming the same !
its the majority of middleclass pakistanis sitting here and other forums condemning this garbage (terrorism , al qaida ,ttp & extremism all the time ) & here we have this research paper blaming the same !

Middle class says they are against terrorism, al qaida etc, in general, but when it comes to specifics, they will support terrorism, without knowing it.
I am a middle class Pakistani and my circle of friends is also middle class. While nearly every one I speak to is against terrorism, a vast number is also anti US.

Feelings date back to 1965 war when US stopped our military aid. Many blame 1971 defeat on the US 7th fleet not helping Pakistan and the general thinking that US favours India over Pakistan. Also that US/Zionist/India nexus is out to destroy Pak nuclear weapons and that US is using double standards when it comes to Israelis and the Palestinians.

Most of these people are educated with good income and many are living abroad or have been educated abroad. While none among these people support Islamic militants, most would condone militant's actions because in their mind these people are fighting US.

When you add to such groups, members of Islamist parties, proponents of Khilafat, followers of Salafin and Wahabi ideology and the Takfiris, you realize that probably majority of Pakistanis harbour anti US feeling. Thus one finds that while most Pakistanis dislike terrorism; they won’t support WOT. This is evident from the fact that even though Osama was definitely no friend of Pakistan; there were rallies in many Pakistani cities in his support.

Single most important factor is the rise of Wahabi/Takfiri ideology among the masses during the long era of the bigot Zia. One of the Qawwals I personally knew was shot dead by Lashkar Jhangvi ostensibly for singing praises of Hazrat Ali (RA) in a sectarian killing even though the qawwal was a Sunni. There is little doubt all adherents of such or similar ideology directly or indirectly support Islamic militants.

Regret to say that you can’t have it both ways. We have to disassociate WOT from Islamic jihad. US killed Osama bin Laden and shamed us to no end. TTP kills 80 Pakistani paramilitary in Charsadda as a revenge for killing of Osama! Why not take your revenge on the US soldiers in Afghanistan? But no one has raised this question and quitely accepted this attack as a fact of life.

Pakistani media carries a lot of blame for promoting TTP and the extremism. There is so much fuss about sovereignty being attacked by US incursion. Killing Pak security forces is an attack on Pak sovereignty too. I did not come across many talk shows discussing this carnage. But who cares as Pakistani lives are cheap in the eyes of her nationals. Anyone who cares about poor Pakistanis is ignored as being pro West and such ideas dont make news, only those who criticize US make the grade.

Why don’t we ask ourselves the obvious question? Why were Osama bin Laden and half dozen other leaders that were caught in Pakistan hiding in Pakistan in the first place? We talk of double standards of the US; we apply double standards ourselves when it comes to the Islamic militants and the US.

Unless there is a paradigm shift in the mind-set, nothing is going to change. We must realize that Pakistan is not the ‘Fort of Islam’ and never was; Pakistan cannot take Kashmir from India thru military action; Pak military should give up the dream of so called strategic depth and that we cannot allow our land to be used for harbouring terrorists.
Unless this happens, Pakistan society will continue its slide towards extremism and we would end as another Somalia or Taliban Afghanistan state.
While pakistan faces lot of terrorism from TTP, whose main members are poor and stupid, rest of world faces islamic terrorism from educated middle class muslims. Such people are everywhere, in good position, talk and behave normally but nurture deep wounds in their psyche. I am not saying all of the middle class, but the one who are terror sympathiser are the most dangerous. The reason being they are not on the radar, they can motivate themselves, usually have no criminal mind/record and can work on their own.
They wont die for virgins, they wil slowly radicalize themselves for a cause they like (sometimes with very logical reason) and in the end they will be in company of terrorists.

Surrounding them are thousands of middle class people who silently oppose what in their worldview, an anti muslim world. They may not take active part or sympathise with terrorists, but the are "understanding" of the cause.
While pakistan faces lot of terrorism from TTP, whose main members are poor and stupid, rest of world faces islamic terrorism from educated middle class muslims. Such people are everywhere, in good position, talk and behave normally but nurture deep wounds in their psyche. I am not saying all of the middle class, but the one who are terror sympathiser are the most dangerous. The reason being they are not on the radar, they can motivate themselves, usually have no criminal mind/record and can work on their own.
They wont die for virgins, they wil slowly radicalize themselves for a cause they like (sometimes with very logical reason) and in the end they will be in company of terrorists.

Surrounding them are thousands of middle class people who silently oppose what in their worldview, an anti muslim world. They may not take active part or sympathise with terrorists, but the are "understanding" of the cause.

Shut up and never ever use the words "Islamic Terrorism", did you ever used the word "hindu terrorism"? obviously NO, bcaz any act of war in Muslim regions is perceived as "Terrorism" on the other hand if it is in any other region it is termed as "Political". Living in the state of dual standards. Religion has nothing to do with terrorism, Can you show me preaching of ANY religion supporting terrorism?
Terrorist in Pakistan are supported by some of our People and media morally.
When Osama is killed everyone is talking of US violating our soverignitingy none of us talks of Osama violating our rules by illegally living in Pakistan,supporting terrorist and using our land against other countries.
Has anyone of media people contacted with militants and asked why Osama was living i n a luxury compound with three wives ,against his pledge to fight against US in Afghanistan ?
If US is our enemy(as some people say) then these terroist are our bigger enemy they have killed 100 times more pakistanis than US.They have given US chance to attack Pakistan.
Terrorist in Pakistan are supported by some of our People and media morally.
When Osama is killed everyone is talking of US violating our soverignitingy none of us talks of Osama violating our rules by illegally living in Pakistan,supporting terrorist and using our land against other countries.
Has anyone of media people contacted with militants and asked why Osama was living i n a luxury compound with three wives ,against his pledge to fight against US in Afghanistan ?
If US is our enemy(as some people say) then these terroist are our bigger enemy they have killed 100 times more pakistanis than US.They have given US chance to attack Pakistan.

but your fellow countrymen dont think so!!
theory of class segments doesn't match with Militant supporters . Why not any Shia, sunni or other minorities had found in suicide attacks or attacks on security forces or even on US. More than 99% terrorist that had been caught so far are belong to salfi/wahabi sects and their supporter are also belong to same. This is very hard truth, researchers and analyst has need one more decade to accept.
It is time for Pakistan to abort this Jihadi philosophy(armed conflict).It is not the solution to every problem. Pakistan should disarm and disband all Islamic militants and organizations. Any military operation should be conducted by the Pakistan Armed Forces(I realize this is easier said than done).
I am a middle class Pakistani and my circle of friends is also middle class. While nearly every one I speak to is against terrorism, a vast number is also anti US.

Feelings date back to 1965 war when US stopped our military aid. Many blame 1971 defeat on the US 7th fleet not helping Pakistan and the general thinking that US favours India over Pakistan. Also that US/Zionist/India nexus is out to destroy Pak nuclear weapons and that US is using double standards when it comes to Israelis and the Palestinians.

Most of these people are educated with good income and many are living abroad or have been educated abroad. While none among these people support Islamic militants, most would condone militant's actions because in their mind these people are fighting US.

When you add to such groups, members of Islamist parties, proponents of Khilafat, followers of Salafin and Wahabi ideology and the Takfiris, you realize that probably majority of Pakistanis harbour anti US feeling. Thus one finds that while most Pakistanis dislike terrorism; they won’t support WOT. This is evident from the fact that even though Osama was definitely no friend of Pakistan; there were rallies in many Pakistani cities in his support.

Single most important factor is the rise of Wahabi/Takfiri ideology among the masses during the long era of the bigot Zia. One of the Qawwals I personally knew was shot dead by Lashkar Jhangvi ostensibly for singing praises of Hazrat Ali (RA) in a sectarian killing even though the qawwal was a Sunni. There is little doubt all adherents of such or similar ideology directly or indirectly support Islamic militants.

Regret to say that you can’t have it both ways. We have to disassociate WOT from Islamic jihad. US killed Osama bin Laden and shamed us to no end. TTP kills 80 Pakistani paramilitary in Charsadda as a revenge for killing of Osama! Why not take your revenge on the US soldiers in Afghanistan? But no one has raised this question and quitely accepted this attack as a fact of life.

Pakistani media carries a lot of blame for promoting TTP and the extremism. There is so much fuss about sovereignty being attacked by US incursion. Killing Pak security forces is an attack on Pak sovereignty too. I did not come across many talk shows discussing this carnage. But who cares as Pakistani lives are cheap in the eyes of her nationals. Anyone who cares about poor Pakistanis is ignored as being pro West and such ideas dont make news, only those who criticize US make the grade.

Why don’t we ask ourselves the obvious question? Why were Osama bin Laden and half dozen other leaders that were caught in Pakistan hiding in Pakistan in the first place? We talk of double standards of the US; we apply double standards ourselves when it comes to the Islamic militants and the US.

Unless there is a paradigm shift in the mind-set, nothing is going to change. We must realize that Pakistan is not the ‘Fort of Islam’ and never was; Pakistan cannot take Kashmir from India thru military action; Pak military should give up the dream of so called strategic depth and that we cannot allow our land to be used for harbouring terrorists.
Unless this happens, Pakistan society will continue its slide towards extremism and we would end as another Somalia or Taliban Afghanistan state.

USA sent 7th fleet for helping Pakistan. if it wasn't for Russian subs they would have attacked India.
Shut up and never ever use the words "Islamic Terrorism", did you ever used the word "hindu terrorism"? obviously NO, bcaz any act of war in Muslim regions is perceived as "Terrorism" on the other hand if it is in any other region it is termed as "Political". Living in the state of dual standards. Religion has nothing to do with terrorism, Can you show me preaching of ANY religion supporting terrorism?

If you didn't use the words "shut up" I would have thanked you for your post. The highlighted part of your post is true indeed. People using Islam as a basis of their terrorist activities are desecrating the message of Islam and have their own selfish agendas. The same applies to all other people who use any other religion as a basis for terrorism

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