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Who’s responsible for Delhi’s rape crisis?

All women in Delhi should carry pepper spray or tasers..Good thing is that most of the rapes are reported in Delhi. It takes courage to report these kinds of crimes.But the question is what is the Delhi Police doing???
^Do you want to give us a source for you data?

What a pathetic troll,:disagree:

The number of reported incest rapes in 2009 was 321 compared to 309 in 2008.


Yeah, who is a more pathetic troll? may be your bread and butter media or a personal attack loser like you?:lol:

Cases of incest rape have "increased by 30.7 per cent from 309 cases in 2008 to 404 cases in 2009", said the 'Crime in India-2009' report released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB).
Shocking! Incest rape cases up by 30 pc in India - Rediff.com News
Cases of incest rape have "increased by 30.7 per cent from 309 cases in 2008 to 404 cases in 2009", said the 'Crime in India-2009' report released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB).
Shocking! Incest rape cases up by 30 pc in India - Rediff.com News

Its obviously wrong reporting , as I linked you to National Crime Records Bureau website, have a look and tell me if its 404 or 321. Someone bodged up their figures and all the sheeps just copy pasted. Here it is again,

Again such things happen coz of the immigrations tht happen frm villages .
The men that come from villages arent used to see the girls in tht clothes .

In short mindset of men and indecent clothes wore by girls are the reasons behind such incidences .

The rapists should be killed brutally :/
They are not men, merely human males.
There is a higher set of standards to qualify as men.

what is the punishment for rape in China , is it like Saudi Arabia,
I for one believe that a rapist should be turned chemically impotent and jailed for life
I just found out that the age of consent in china is 14, which is surprising as I was expecting something like 18, which I think taiwan used to have (now 16).

Even 16 I feel is still young. (maybe because in my mind the girl should be able to handle childbearing)
I hope every Indian member here will keep that suggestion in mind.

This is coming from a Chinese poster when China is famous for cooking stats and hiding truth? Better you should go to other threads and do some better bum licking for your friendly comrades and score shoddy thanks from resident trolls. Better refrain from threads with word like stats, it doesn't qualify you to participate.
Troll thread nonetheless.. but a rapist in my opinion is the lowest of the low. I find that lower than killing someone as the person has to live with the trauma and fear.

Hope GoI sentences these (can't even come up with a bad enough word to describe them) to a living hell. :angry:
Delhi is indeed the rape capital of India. Most Delhi girls I know hate to venture out in the evening alone; never use public transport either. Of course not all are raped but a lot of them are groped and molested. And who is to blame but the men? In Bombay, usually if women are molested and they ask for help - locals come and trash the gropers - so it does not happen as often.
This is coming from a Chinese poster when China is famous for cooking stats and hiding truth? Better you should go to other threads and do some better bum licking for your friendly comrades and score shoddy thanks from resident trolls. Better refrain from threads with word like stats, it doesn't qualify you to participate.

And how about someone coming from a toiletless, poverty plaque, incest rape infested nation, what made you think you're qualify to shoot trash against Chinese, now go home for some home cooking DN.
And how about someone coming from a toiletless, poverty plaque, incest rape infested nation, what made you think you're qualify to shoot trash against Chinese, now go home for some home cooking DN.

Awhh come on dude.. that's why we have the report button. :rolleyes:
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