Incorrect assumption.. The F-16 has four stations on each wing. With external tanks, it can still carry Six 500 pound bombs and two medium range missiles and two short range missiles. The dont have to jettison anything unless they are merged with.. in that case the Rafale would be advised to do the same since even with two engines it wont much chance pulling G's with a bomb load.
Moreover, there is no loading of A2A mode or A2G mode.. what is loaded is the mission data. Pre flight there is a mode selection for the FLCS based on the load that is being carried. So a category I setting is for an air to air mission with lighter loads as A2A missles only.. in which the aircraft is unrestricted all the way to 9 g. With Cat III in case the aircraft is carrying a heavy bomb load.. it gets restricted to 5.5g.
The Rafale performed this A2A and A2G feat in ATLC, they used their radar to lock up and engage red air fighters while releasing their pre-locked AASM's to their targets.