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Jun 2, 2014
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One of the most mysterious and interesting personality in PAKISTAN today is Sayed Zaid Zaman Hamid.
Heard alot of rumors about him but I wanna know something solid.
One of the most mysterious and interesting personality in PAKISTAN today is Sayed Zaid Zaman Hamid.
Heard alot of rumors about him but I wanna know something solid.

I think he is some heavenly gifted soul send by almighty to get muslims out of all their tyranny and disdain.

But thats me, he might well be better than that as well. May be others can tell you better.
One of the most mysterious and interesting personality in PAKISTAN today is Sayed Zaid Zaman Hamid.
Heard alot of rumors about him but I wanna know something solid.
He is son of a retired Soldier Lt Col Syed Zaman Hamid his father was part of first course of PMA after Pakistan was created he grew up and was studding always dreamed to go to Army but when he was about to apply Afghan Jihad broke out so he had to decide weather to apply in Army or join the Jihad in Afghanistan so he decided to join the Jihad went to Afghanistan fought there for 6 years and returned as he was older than required age for applying in Army he took admission in NED Karachi and completed BSC from there than after doing few jobs he decided to set up his own security company as well as think tank known as Brass tracks which he now publishes every week its papers on different issues and how to deal with future issues and other stuff a great Ashiq e RASOOL SAW avoids getting into sectarian issues mostly and promotes love of Islam and Pakistan among youth great stress on tarbiyat of young generation his father died recently
He is son of a retired Soldier Lt Col Syed Zaman Hamid his father was part of first course of PMA after Pakistan was created he grew up and was studding always dreamed to go to Army but when he was about to apply Afghan Jihad broke out so he had to decide weather to apply in Army or join the Jihad in Afghanistan so he decided to join the Jihad went to Afghanistan fought there for 6 years and returned as he was older than required age for applying in Army he took admission in NED Karachi and completed BSC from there than after doing few jobs he decided to set up his own security company as well as think tank known as Brass tracks which he now publishes every week its papers on different issues and how to deal with future issues and other stuff a great Ashiq e RASOOL SAW avoids getting into sectarian issues mostly and promotes love of Islam and Pakistan among youth great stress on tarbiyat of young generation his father died recently

He is a nobel man-
He is son of a retired Soldier Lt Col Syed Zaman Hamid his father was part of first course of PMA after Pakistan was created he grew up and was studding always dreamed to go to Army but when he was about to apply Afghan Jihad broke out so he had to decide weather to apply in Army or join the Jihad in Afghanistan so he decided to join the Jihad went to Afghanistan fought there for 6 years and returned as he was older than required age for applying in Army he took admission in NED Karachi and completed BSC from there than after doing few jobs he decided to set up his own security company as well as think tank known as Brass tracks which he now publishes every week its papers on different issues and how to deal with future issues and other stuff a great Ashiq e RASOOL SAW avoids getting into sectarian issues mostly and promotes love of Islam and Pakistan among youth great stress on tarbiyat of young generation his father died recently
Actually Im a real big fan of him ,His patriotism and love for the country is unbelievably pure.
What do you think of that Imad Khalid guy. @Zarvan
Actually Im a real big fan of him ,His patriotism and love for the country is unbelievably pure.
What do you think of that Imad Khalid guy. @Zarvan
He was an attention seeker actually some issue was there I would discuss that later
He is a DOG fed by the ISI who keeps appearing on Pak TV talk shows and barks all the time....he supports terrorism in the name of islam.....He should be slaughtered
if u r a boy,I won't....but if you are a girl.....i cannot resist myself from calling you sweetie

Please stop being a creep.
On the topic, I see Zaid Hamid as an opportunist who just talks about stuff that will get him attention and fame. Either that or a completely crazy person.
May be its Russian MI-35 Deal effect.:cheesy:
Its not that what I have realized in years Indians are still in lot of complex from Ghaznavi beating the hell out of them to Mughals ruling them they are still not out of that they try to improve there image and dominance but from inside they are hell scared and they are getting more scared instead of getting better by every passing day
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