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Who is putting up these posters in Islamabad?

May be it's not Inteqam Sakht but Inteqam-e-Sakht As @Retired Troll mentioned elsewhere.
But then again why would any one use that kinda Urdu if he's Pakistani?

Because someone wants to send message to their master that they are ready to die for them. Pretty sad really, Pakistanis going crazy over a non Pakistani yet we have our own serious problems.

"Iranian proxies" in Pakistan are doing all this BS, yes Iran has "proxies" not just in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen but also in Pakistan. Pakistan needs a new "Zarb e Azb" to purge the country from these iranian proxies, the head quarter of these iranian proxies in Pakistan lies in Karachi.

I bet this kind of stuff falls into a grey area of administration. Like who removes wall chalkings? Who removes other flyers put up on walls or public property? I suspect it's a department in local government, which probably rely on reports/complaints to do something. They're also probably not very well advertised so people probably don't know who to contact. People probably end up contacting officials who's duty this is not and it bounces around from pillar to post until it gets to the right department.

The informants of a plethora of secret agencies are always roaming in the streets of all important cities of Pakistan, they don't need any public complaint about these posters.
"Iranian proxies" in Pakistan are doing all this BS, yes Iran has "proxies" not just in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen but also in Pakistan. Pakistan needs a new "Zarb e Azb" to purge the country from these iranian proxies, the head quarter of these iranian proxies in Pakistan lie in Karachi.
Also Pakistani governments over the last decade or so have allowed Iranians to open their consulates in every second city. These consulates work as terrorist recruitment centers in every city where they also give funds to Iranian puppets in Pakistan. These consulates are similar to how RAW operates its consulates all over Afghanistan to recruit terrorists to fight Pakistan.
"Iranian proxies" in Pakistan are doing all this BS, yes Iran has "proxies" not just in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen but also in Pakistan. Pakistan needs a new "Zarb e Azb" to purge the country from these iranian proxies, the head quarter of these iranian proxies in Pakistan lies in Karachi.
When will the authorities get serious about shah sey ziyada shah key wafadars?
What are Pakistanis doing in pro Asad militias? They shouldnt be there to begin with just like Pakistanis shouldnt se in ISIS operating in that region

Nahi janab ahli baar to iski bhi zarorat nahi hogi senate election a raha hy sab theek ho jaye ga
Actually that's completely our fault. We failed to teach them Pakistaniat. They weren't taught that it's your fellow Pakistani naive any arab or persian.

This is also the job of the halwa khurs sitting in the mosques. It's time islam was taken out of the hands of these fat arse and liberated. They have miss used Islam for far too long.
Round up these stupid so called Pakistanis and send them to Syria or Iraq to fight for their persian masters...
Thread reopened.

I agree - why are Pakistanis so supportive of Palestine and reject Israel?

What has Palestine done for Pakistan? Have the Palestinians blacklisted India over Kashmir the way we have blacklisted Israel over Palestine?

All Arab states are Pro India and Bakistani Protesting on their behalf makes no sense either. I want our foreign policy to be independent and our people to Mind their own business.
So did Mr. Zibago find out who was putting them up?

Was it former COAS Mirxa Baig?
So did Mr. Zibago find out who was putting them up?

Was it former COAS Mirxa Baig?
Maybe Zibago himself was putting them up.
Maybe Zibago himself was putting them up.

Probably. He has previously attacked the PTV and Parliament as part of a PTI mob.
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