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Who is India’s best and Worst PM?

Mar 5, 2009
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Who is India’s best and Worst PM?

In a few days, India will have a new Prime Minister. It’s as good a time as any to take stock of the men — and one woman — who have served us. Who’s been the best PM India’s had, and who’s done the most damage?

Jawaharlal Nehru: India suffered heavily because of his misplaced sense of idealism over Kashmir, resulting in a problem that troubles us to this day, and his naivete over China.

But the fact is that much that is good about India today, including world-class institutes of higher learning, our space programme and the widespread use of English that gives India a competitive advantage in a globalised world, are the result of his vision.

Unlike many other colonised countries that got freedom at the same time as India and promptly become tinpot dictatorships, India is still a vibrant democracy – and that is surely Nehru’s biggest achievement.

It has been rightly observed that if Nehru had been a different kind of man, India would have been a different kind of country. For helping make it a rare success story in South Asia, I think he deserves the title of our best PM ever.

Indira Gandhi: A poll conducted by a leading Indian magazine some years ago rated her as India’s all-time best Prime Minister. I’m afraid I don’t share that opinion. The Emergency was arguably the worst assault ever on Indian democracy.

Much of the ills that plague our politics, including corruption, criminalisation and the degradation of institutions like the Presidency, first flourished in her tenure. She effectively killed inner-party democracy in the Congress, and set the stage for the kind of cliques that are today the bane of Indian political parties.

And she encouraged cynical misuse of religion — the rise of Bhindranwale was originally encouraged by the Congress in a bid to embarrass the Akali Dal.

On the positive side, though, she did lead India to one of its finest hours — victory in the 1971 war. She was also in charge when India conducted the Pokhran tests. And she held India together during a deeply turbulent time.

Rajiv Gandhi: The 1984 Sikh riots and the Bofors scam will always remain blots on his record. So will his clumsy efforts to woo Muslim fundamentalists through the Shah Bano case while courting the Hindu right wing through his decision to open the locked Ayodhya gates. But he has been proved right on many things, which were scoffed at during his lifetime, including his belief in computers and economic liberalisation.

Rajiv was the first to talk of taking India into the 21st century, and he did a fair bit to help us get there. His contribution in triggering the country’s IT and communications revolution has not got the credit it deserved. Nor have his other worthy initiatives, like panchayati raj. His tragically early death left many wondering what might have been.

Narasimha Rao: Slumbered through the demolition of the Babri mosque and was plagued with charges of graft and buying support in Parliament. But played an important role as the godfather of India’s much-needed economic reforms. Had the sense to induct Manmohan Singh as finance minister and back him to a large extent. Is also significant as the first non-Gandhi to complete a five-year term.

A B Vajpayee: The first non-Congress PM to complete at least one full tenure, which marked an important landmark in Indian politics. His failure to do anything as Gujarat burned is a negative mark against him.

Also, even though the BJP flaunts its anti-terror credentials, the fact remains that Vajpayee presided over one of the most humiliating moments in Indian history: the escorting of three terrorists to Kandahar by Jaswant Singh in exchange for hostages.

But Vajpayee’s tenure also saw India turn an initial setback into a proud victory at Kargil. He finally took India openly nuclear. And despite gloomy predictions to the contrary, the economy didn’t collapse under the weight of the sanctions that followed. Ultimately, the US came around to India’s N-programme and the economy boomed during Vajpayee’s last years. The irony is, the BJP’s proud claim of India Shining boomeranged on it in the 2004 elections.

Manmohan Singh: His critics deride him as India’s weakest PM ever. But the way he pushed through the N-deal with the US in the face of overwhelming political opposition would seem to belie that charge. The economy didn’t do as spectacularly under him as his past record as finance minister had led one to hope.

But it stayed on an even keel till it hit the speedbreaker of the global recession. His biggest failure, perhaps, was that his government seemed to be a mute spectator as India reeled under a string of terror serial blasts, and it finally took a 26/11 to shake it out of its stupor.

V P Singh wrecked efforts made over decades to turn caste into an irrelevant relic of medieval times, and brought it to the front and centre of Indian politics. Call me naive, but I made it all the way to college without ever knowing — or caring — what my caste was.

It was enough for me to be an Indian. I’d like to believe it was the same way for many other young Indians. Idealistically, we believed that caste was an evil that had been made redundant in major Indian cities, and would one day be banished from small towns and villages too.

VP’s cynical use of the Mandal Report to try and counter the rise of the BJP shattered that hope forever. Worse, it led to the rise of many small parties based on identity politics, which have no vision for India beyond their narrow vested interests. Today, sub-castes actually agitate to be declared backward.

India has, thankfully, managed to avoid full-blown caste conflict but that’s no thanks to VP. Rarely could a person who spent so little time in office have done so much damage to a country. [Courtesy Times of India]
I agree with the fact that Nehru is without doubt India's greatest Prime Minister. (I'm pretty sure people will counter this statement with the outcome of the 62 war)

As far as the worst, VP Singh maybe, i also think Indira Gandhi is a possible candidate. Her only achievement, if it can be called that, was the 1971 war. And i would give credit to the army and not to the PM for the victory. Compare that to her failures and the fact that she ruled India for such a long period, i would say that the damage done by her has had a far greater effect.
My rank would be:
(worst to best)

Nehru: Despite his charm, he is the one responsible for a lot of our border problems including Kashmir and Arunachal.

V.P Singh: Caste doesnt deserve a place in a secular country. The system maynot have many followers today, but definetly calls the shots in our politics

Narsimha Rao: Though there isnt much he did, but it was he who picked Manmohan Singh as the Finance Minister in 1991 who changed the face of India.

Indira Gandhi: Emergency was the only time, when we lost our democracy. I hate her for that.
1971 is a much applauded victory. Given the kind of international childplay going in the subcontinent, with Americans sending in Nuke ships, Chinese preparing for aggression. One has to appreciate her decision making. 1971 was the only decisive battle. If Nehru would have led us, we would now be having another Kashmir on our eastern border.

Manmohan Singh: This guy is an epitome of what Indian politics should be like. I have immense honour for him for his bold step in 1991, then again in 2008 during the Nuke deal crisis and his handling of post-Mumbai India Pakistan tensions. Most PM's would have gone to war, Manmohan Singh preached against it.
AB Vajpayee is the best in my books. His rule saw the first visibly impartial elections in J&K, no misuse of center's power to mess with state govts, no crazy partial governers undermining state govt authorities, india's official entry in nuke club, highest divestment ever under any govt, indian economy went into a new gear, india's relations with US onto a new path, frution of india's largest defence deal ever (MKI), election of india's best president ever - APJ, the National highway scheme and don't underrate this - providing the only non congress govt completing a full term - thus providing credibility to opposition.
I agree with the fact that Nehru is without doubt India's greatest Prime Minister. (I'm pretty sure people will counter this statement with the outcome of the 62 war)

As far as the worst, VP Singh maybe, i also think Indira Gandhi is a possible candidate. Her only achievement, if it can be called that, was the 1971 war. And i would give credit to the army and not to the PM for the victory. Compare that to her failures and the fact that she ruled India for such a long period, i would say that the damage done by her has had a far greater effect.

I agree with you on Nehru, Nehru will get the best Prime minister, He protected the country from capitalism and did not make it a socialist country too, He has contributed a lot in developing infrastructure of our country.

I could see only three things done wrong by Nehru,

He did not concentrate much on developing Northeast India.
He took Kashmir issue to UN
Trusted China and accepted China's occupation of Tibet

Indira Gandhi had Excellent foreign policy, Handled Bangladesh & Srilanka issue very well.I could not understand what kind of damage we got from her !!!

Worst Prime minister is Dewa gowda, I think nobody can disagree with this :)
Why Indira Gandhi is the worst PM?

- It was during her reign that corruption became synonymous with Indian bureaucracy
- Emergency
- Incompetent economic policies
- Sanjay Gandhi
- Bungling up the handling of the Naxalbari revolt
- Operation Bluestar

Almost of of these issues effect India today.

Why Nehru is the greatest PM -
- Created the N.A.M and hence did not join any super power bloc which would have made India a puppet
- Strengthened the democratic process in India. As the article states, without him, India could very likely have been a tinpot dictatorship
- Only cared about development and not religion - "Our dams will be the temples of modern India"
- Created the institutions that we are so proud of.
- Committed secularist
- I would also argue that Nehruvian socialism is responsible for India's boom in the 21st century.

As far as Vajpayee, the only two things that he did was create our awesome national highways, and reformed our telecom sector. The negatives include Gujarat, IC-814, revised textbooks, increase of hindutva nationalism in the grass-root level, etc
I believe Atalji and Shastriji were the best PM of India.
I agree with you on Nehru, Nehru will get the best Prime minister, He protected the country from capitalism and did not make it a socialist country too, He has contributed a lot in developing infrastructure of our country.

I could see only three things done wrong by Nehru,

He did not concentrate much on developing Northeast India.
He took Kashmir issue to UN
Trusted China and accepted China's occupation of Tibet

Indira Gandhi had Excellent foreign policy, Handled Bangladesh & Srilanka issue very well.I could not understand what kind of damage we got from her !!!

Worst Prime minister is Dewa gowda, I think nobody can disagree with this :)

Many things Nehru did were non-obvious. He stitched together a country from a bunch of kingdoms and integrated it into a complete whole. Tamil Anti-Hindi riots, Communist movements etc. were handled nicely. He also set the overall "values" for Indian government. He may have been weak on foreign policy, but I think the spirit of his actions were similar to what Gandhi would have advised. I see north-east India, Kashmir and China border as issues that will always be confusing in the minds of an emerging nation - though I agree that by 1960s Nehru should have learned .

Indira Gandhi ? How can anyone claim she is good? First, she got us emergency, the only blot on the Indian democracy so far. She nationalized banks, airlines and everything else (starting with coca cola) she thought bad were kicked out - resulting in stunted growth for the next 20 years. Sanjay Gandhi mess is something else altogether. Bangladesh was handled well but I can't seem to equate that with the damage done by emergency to India.

In South India when in emergency police were going about arresting every Jeweler and anyone else assumed to be rich - not everyone came out walking from the jails.
And one can't personally blame her for the anti-sikh riots, but she was needlessly blunt on the issue. Rajiv handled that better.

I agree on Dewe Gowda - but he did both less good and less bad compared to Indira. He thankfully slept through most meetings. I personally like politicians who do nothing. I hate him for his rule in Karnataka.
In my opinion top 10 list goes like this from best to worst
1. Lal Bahadur Shastri
2. Atal Bihari Vajpayee
3. Indira Gandhi
4. Narsimha Rao
5. Jawaharlal Nehru
6. Manmohan Singh
7. Rajiv Gandhi
8. Morarji Desai
9. Vishwanath Pratap Singh
10. IK Gujral
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