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Who is Fighting Who in Syria?

Maybe if Assad steps down and allows someone else to come and take his place maybe than things can improve. Syria at this moment needs a strong leader who can control his own country win the trust of his people and all these countries should stop treating Syria as if their weapons testing ground and actually do something for Syrians if not than try to stay out of it maybe?
May Allah ease the sufferings of Syrians :(


And exactly what bothers me. I mean if the leader of Syria himself is a dictator and killing its people, who will stand up then to end this conflict?

Why Syria will become so, who can say clearly

One liner. Again....
Thanks bro.

But both failed in their motives. And end to it?
I don't see it in near future.
Well I would say both have succeeded in their objectives, partially ie Saudis would have like to have seen a Sunni military junta which is anti-Iran though they did prevent a secular democracy from emerging.
@Moonlight TBH, if you want to understand the complexity by simple equation then it starts with competition among weapon dealers, then the same are distributed by war-lords for power that they are utilized by many government agencies for their interest and to support their respective weapon dealers. The cycle continues and between the same lines, the same scenario is well utilized for anti-religion purpose from west to east and everywhere and where there is no reason of religious conflicts then it is all about natural resources that starts with oil etc. These war-lords injected the fear of religious extremism into the minds that they started to create a fort for the safety while claimed many lives. From religious point of view, almost every terrorist is branded as Muslim (a fashion) while the most and top weapon manufacturers are non-Muslim states. The same top manufacturers weapons are mostly found with the most wanted terrorists groups yet these so-called super powers (top weapon manufacturers) invaded every weak country in the name of security and the same weapons. Ironically, none asked till today for justice because this is a mess and no power obey the law so we will be seeing the fight of survival by weak nations through any mean. Seeking the justice and expecting the same from their Courts by filing a petition against US & Brits for fake WMDs is something like turning the black crow into white. On other hand, every butcher and war-lord is out of the reach of world so-called powers just because of their dream of rule through fear among the people while same powers and war-lords are responsible for the lives of innocents on this earth.
@Moonlight ,there are a couple of reasons,

The first and most important one is that we the people of the ME are stupid enough to be played by the western powers.
The term ''Divide and conquer'' was used from the beginning of mankind until human development came to a level that one could gain enough knowledge(not intelligence but knowledge) to question everything,see the reasons why things are what they are and decide for himself,however our people in the ME due to the lack of human development for obvious reasons like bad governing,culture,traditions etc still have this ''sheep herd mentality'',one decides for all and no matter the intellectual level of the ''followers'',the ''leader'' decides.

Ask the question,''why dont we see any wars in the western developed world?''
Doesnt the West have sects?
We are just to dumb to let others come to our lands and cause divide,its our fault,we let them do this to us and we must stop blaming others but ourselves.
One could say''Its in our genes.'':tsk::tsk::tsk:
@Moonlight TBH, if you want to understand the complexity by simple equation then it starts with competition among weapon dealers, then the same are distributed by war-lords for power that they are utilized by many government agencies for their interest and to support their respective weapon dealers. The cycle continues and between the same lines, the same scenario is well utilized for anti-religion purpose from west to east and everywhere and where there is no reason of religious conflicts then it is all about natural resources that starts with oil etc. These war-lords injected the fear of religious extremism into the minds that they started to create a fort for the safety while claimed many lives. From religious point of view, almost every terrorist is branded as Muslim (a fashion) while the most and top weapon manufacturers are non-Muslim states. The same top manufacturers weapons are mostly found with the most wanted terrorists groups yet these so-called super powers (top weapon manufacturers) invaded every weak country in the name of security and the same weapons. Ironically, none asked till today for justice because this is a mess and no power obey the law so we will be seeing the fight of survival by weak nations through any mean. Seeking the justice and expecting the same from their Courts by filing a petition against US & Brits for fake WMDs is something like turning the black crow into white. On other hand, every butcher and war-lord is out of the reach of world so-called powers just because of their dream of rule through fear among the people while same powers and war-lords are responsible for the lives of innocents on this earth.

Pea-brained reason to take lives of so many. And yes I agree with your words.

The first and most important one is that we the people of the ME are stupid enough to be played by the western powers.

So basically ignorance is the MAIN reason of this conflict or any conflict Muslim world is facing?

Add to that, unfriendly relations of Muslim countries with each other, specifically, KSA and Iran is another major reason of small Muslim countries are facing the chaos and destruction. No?
What is happening in the Middle east is just the start of an extensive makeover of the entire region. Many countries will change drastically over the next few years.
Pea-brained reason to take lives of so many. And yes I agree with your words.

So basically ignorance is the MAIN reason of this conflict or any conflict Muslim world is facing?

Add to that, unfriendly relations of Muslim countries with each other, specifically, KSA and Iran is another major reason of small Muslim countries are facing the chaos and destruction. No?
Yes,its us not them.
Where is UN now? Piece of crap it is.

View attachment 339559

Statistic from 2015 only
UN was not created for this type of matters. It was created to implement demands of bigger organizations(World bank, Bilderberg , Crown-corporation, Goldmen Sachs etc) to micro level. So for muslims and poor countries in general, can get a benefit from this white elephant if and only if it is also in favor of bigger organizations. Here I am using the word organizations, not countries, because in my view, countries are just cages now, bigger organization are the ones, who run this world. So UN? not for us.
What is happening in the Middle east is just the start of an extensive makeover of the entire region. Many countries will change drastically over the next few years.

Toward good direction ?

UN was not created for this type of matters. It was created to implement demands of bigger organizations(World bank, Bilderberg , Crown-corporation, Goldmen Sachs etc) to micro level. So for muslims and poor countries in general, can get a benefit from this white elephant if and only if it is also in favor of bigger organizations. Here I am using the word organizations, not countries, because in my view, countries are just cages now, bigger organization are the ones, who run this world. So UN? not for us.

I find it useless, tbh.
UN was not created for this type of matters. It was created to implement demands of bigger organizations(World bank, Bilderberg , Crown-corporation, Goldmen Sachs etc) to micro level. So for muslims and poor countries in general, can get a benefit from this white elephant if and only if it is also in favor of bigger organizations. Here I am using the word organizations, not countries, because in my view, countries are just cages now, bigger organization are the ones, who run this world. So UN? not for us.

Are you serious about this, or just trolling? Should I reply? I would like to raise a few questions but am scared. Please don't sucker me into a discussion where you are metaphorically leaning back lazily and using your toes on the controls?
The scuffle was of Asad and syrians in which so called super powers jumped to bring peace...But actually they jumped to show off their powers as they always do...And in that militants got a chance to invigorate themselves..

Syria has become a fighting ring where all tom and jerry fighting to defeat them..And in that Syria is dying with flesh and blood apart.

I must say if someone has to see the most cruel face of human..he must see the Syria he would forget what happened at Schwartz camp or Heroshima..Humanity died there and wild animals got independent to eat innocence.
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Are you serious about this, or just trolling? Should I reply? I would like to raise a few questions but am scared. Please don't sucker me into a discussion where you are metaphorically leaning back lazily and using your toes on the controls?

Do give me your comments on my original questions, please.

The scuffle was of Asad and syrians in which so called super powers jumped to bring peace...But actually they jumped to show off their powers as they always do...And in that militants got a chance to invigorate themselves..

Syria has become a fighting ring where all tom and jerry fighting to defeat them..And in that Syria is dying with flesh and blood apart.

I must say if someone has to see the most cruel face of human..he must see the Syria he would forget what happened at Schwartz camp or Heroshima..Humanity died there and wild animals got independent to eat innocence.

Exactly what I was saying the other day, to all jingoistic want Pakistan and India to nuke each other and experience what war looks like, PLEASE GO SEE SYRIA.

And what role Assad is playing?
Do give me your comments on my original questions, please.

Exactly what I was saying the other day, to all jingoistic want Pakistan and India to nuke each other and experience what war looks like, PLEASE GO SEE SYRIA.

And what role Assad is playing?

If you are sure. Be warned that I tend to be verbose.
If you are sure. Be warned that I tend to be verbose.

I am ready to hear as long as a religion is not targeted and what I mean by that is, its because a religion promote war or anything like that.
But go ahead. I do want to seek knowledge and understanding on this matter.


Hunnnh..Asad ??? He is a coward moron....hiding behind the crutches of superpowers to hold his so called "rule". Each drop of Syrians blood is on him.

Exactly. But one of my friend out of forum never second me on this. I am looking for some solid evidences. With my limited understanding and knowledge on this particular matter, he's one culprit. To remain in power killing citizens of Syria, his own people.
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