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Who is behind Sri Lanka's religious violence?


Mar 22, 2013
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The Sri Lankan government has imposed an indefinite curfew in a popular tourist area after a group of Buddhists killed three muslims and injured dozens of others.

President Mahinda Rajapakse's government is accused of doing little to prevent this latest violence. It is said to have encouraged the rise of the Bodu Bana Sena, the group at the heart of the latest crisis. Rajapakse has denied any link to the group.

The latest unrest came weeks after Muslim legislators asked President Rajapakse to protect their minority community from what they described as Buddhist extremist elements, blamed for a recent spate of attacks.

Muslims make up about 10 percent of Sri Lanka’s 20 million population.

So, will further violence be averted? Or could Sri Lanka slip into another civil war?

Who is behind Sri Lanka's religious violence? - Inside Story - Al Jazeera English
Interesting. Can you provide more details? Thanks!

LTTE as funded, armed and trained by RAW that's an open secret but the Lankan media will blame everyone except themselves , the local Catholic church had no role in the war - it anything its role as providing humanitarian aid to the people affected by the war.

Recruited by RAW, trained by Army: LTTE - IBNLive

anyway LTTE is a spent force and off topic , LTTE was used by India to teach Lanka a lesson for supporting Pakistan in the1971 war - that was Indira Gandhi' own words. After bringing Lanka to its knees , India's next task was to decimate LTTE and Tamils as India had an axe to grind with Tamils in Tamilnadu who taunchly opposed Indian hegmony and was the first state to fight for succession in the 60s

Addressing the annual convention of All India Muslim League, held in Madras in 1941, Muhammad Ali Jinnah said,

In this land of yours (meaning the Madras Province) there is another nation, the Dravidians. This land is really Dravidistan. Imagine that three percent of the Brahmin high caste, by skillful maneuvering and skillful methods of electioneering which they have studied, should secure the majority. In this democracy or is it farce? Therefore, I give my fullest sympathies and support to the non -Brahmins. I say to them: The only way for you to come into your own, live your own life according to your culture and according to your language-thank God that Hindi did not go very far here-and your history is to go ahead with your ideal. I have every sympathy for you, and I shall do all I can to support you to establish Dravidistan. The seven percent Muslims will stretch their hand of friendship to you and live with you on lines of equality, justice and fair play.
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12 persons who were the ‘main brains’ behind the riots, belonging to the BBS or its affiliations were arrested and released on orders “from the top”.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, a senior defence official told Colombo Telegraph that the 12 persons played an integral role in the riot, but were released due to orders

A 58 year old guard of a farm in an adjoining area to Welipanna was flogged to death last night, by a mob who had stormed the premises.

Initial reports said that the deceased was a Tamil who the mob had mistaken to be a Muslim.

Police confirmed that the death had occurred last night ” after being assaulted by a mob”.

No arrests have been made in connection with the murder or the riots.

Sri Lankan Riots Claim Fourth Victim; Not A Single Arrest Made Yet | Colombo Telegraph

meanwhile , Sinhala Buddhist MP Mervyn Silva offers to marry a Muslim woman to foster communal harmony.

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Sorrowful Stories of Woe Related by The Victims of Anti-Muslim Violence in Aluthgama-Beruwela « dbsjeyaraj.com

Armed Anti-Muslim Gangs Continue to Roam Freely in the Aluthgama Area Restricting Access to Muslim Victims of Violence « dbsjeyaraj.com


According to these sources armed gangs of thugs and hoodlums describing themselves as Sinhala Buddhist patriots are roaming about freely in the areas despite the heavy Police and Special Task Force (STF) presence and in spite of a curfew being in progress.

These gangs suspected of being linked to the Bodhu Bala Sena and Sihala Ravaya organizations are generally stationed near key junctions and intersections in the area. They seem to be positioning themselves in a manner that would enable them to block access to areas like Aluthgama and Dharganagar from certain directions.

The gangs are well armed with swords, poles and even fire arms. Though in civilian attire, many of them have the physique and body language of defence services personnel.It is suspected that they could be former members of the armed forces or Police.
Sri Lanka’s Largest Muslim Owned “NOLIMIT” Panadura Currently In Flames | Colombo Telegraph

Four fire brigade trucks are currently attempting to douse the fire, but according the eye witnesses, are failing due to the sheer magnitude of the fire.
The building situated in the Panadura town is the largest clothing store in the area and the largest No limit outlet in the country.

The clothing chain was identified and repeatedly attacked by the Bodu Bala Sena in successive speeches made by its General Secretary, Galagoda Atte Gnanasara who enjoys complete immunity from the law.

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President Rajapaksa Scolds Rishad Badhiutheen at Cabinet Meeting and Tells his Commerce Minister to “Stop Speaking and Shut Up”

Agitated at the unusual defiance displayed by Badhiutheen the President had retorted angrily “Do you know what will happen if the Sinhala ministers present here start speaking on behalf of our Sinhala people in the way that you are speaking in support of your Muslims”?

A tended Badhiutheen had then replied” You must not talk like that sir. You are not the President of the Sinhala people alone. You are the President of the whole country and all the communities.You are the President for the Sinhala,Tamil and Muslim people. You must look after all communities equally. You must not act like the President of the Sinhala people alone.

These words of Badhiutheen enraged the President who is known to be angered easily.He stood up angrily and wagged his finger at Badhiutheen. “Stop speaking immediately and shut up. You are racist and a religious fundamentalist. I have been observing your activities for some time now”.

While a visibly shaken Badhiyutheen sat in silence pandemonium reigned. Several ministers got involved in a heated exchange. Senior ministers however intervened and eased the tension by calming their emotional colleagues
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