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Who Is Behind Data Darbar Bombing in Pakistan?

Lets be clear on one thing if a country Pakistan, Afghanstan, Iran or any other country is used as a place to stage attacks on other countries then those countries are fully with in their rights to do take what ever measures they need to take to defend them selves. The goverment of a country is responsible for the acts of their citizens.


today the arab world & afghanistan & pakistan including north korea iran,venezula & china think USA is a bully and aggresive and in some cases has carried out military operations in their countries! so now does that gave every conutrey the right to "defend itself" i.e attack the USA in return??

you reap what you sow my friend!! :coffee: if you walk into someone esles country be assured they will make you pay with blood & body bags! everyone is nationalistic!

no country has the right to attack any other country period!!
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Yes it's true that most Pakistanis think like that and I m talking about Pakistanis living in Pakistan not in UK or any other country and also not the elite class of English medium schools or Oxford breed.

I didn't know that getting an education from an English medium school or even Oxford makes one an elite of a particular country.

Simialarly I am here to get an education and work experience that would be helpful to me and my country.

If you knew the truth, you would know that there are more who share your thinking in the UK then they do in Pakistan.

As for what Pakistani's think, Sparklingway showed you proof that they do not support the Taliban. Perhaps in your circles they do.

today the arab world & afghanistan & pakistan including north korea iran,venezula & china think USA is a bully and aggresive and in some cases has carried out military operations in their countries! so now does that gave every conutrey the right to "defend itself" i.e attack the USA in return??

you reap what you sow my friend!! :coffee: if you walk into someone esles country be assured they will make you pay with blood & body bags! everyone is nationalistic!

no country has the right to attack any other country period!!

The main and primary purpose of a goverment is to protect it citizens, if it take a war to do it then a country is with in its right to do so.

Now if you have any idea that american are afraid of blood and body bags for get it...attack america and we kill your ***.
The main and primary purpose of a goverment is to protect it citizens, if it take a war to do it then a country is with in its right to do so.

Now if you have any idea that american are afraid of blood and body bags for get it...attack america and we kill your ***.


Like Operaiton I raqi L iberation... Yeah clearly Saddam was threatening the USA, that is why his puny army crumbled in a matter of hours.

Get Real!

Short run: What you hope you will make the Afghan Taliban/JuD-LeT/other local extremists aka your friendly neighbourhood extremists do for you.

Long run: What the same chaps, now a bit unfriendly will do to you.

Yeah, well if that's how you wanna put it, by all means.

Like Operaiton I raqi L iberation... Yeah clearly Saddam was threatening the USA, that is why his puny army crumbled in a matter of hours.

Saddam and sons needed to be killed, more Iraqis even today approve of what the USA did, then oppose it. Whats your real problem, is it religious biggotry that it took non muslems to do it, or is it just jealousy that no arabs has the ability or courage to take Saddam out.
And the state is cracking down upon them thus any allegations through circumstantial evidence goes into the dust.
What you are saying is quite true.The govt. of Pakistan is doing a good job.It is helping the World in general and too some extent India in particular.I am quite sure,some of those gun-wielding religious fanatics would have found their way to Indian territories had they not been involved in skirmishes somewhere else.

But at the same time it is funny to note that,such a high level of commitment towards Anti-terror campaign from the GoP was entirely absent until and unless somebody half way around the World threatened Pakistan to bomb it back to stone age if it failed to see things the way he wishes to.

We'll bomb you to Stone Age, US told Pakistan
I don't remember him saying that and if he did was talking about the 80s and maybe the 90s. I am talking about the current day and age. He also said in Delhi that RAW is supporting terrorists btw.

Musharraf was a celebrated Military General of Pakistan.Though he was a dictator,the part I hate,he was actually brave enough to stand against the tide and take decisive action against the taliban,reasons,no matter what they maybe.His efforts ,lately have been directed towards building friendship between India and Pakistan.But while Musharraf may be a lot of things,he is or never was the Director of RAW.Henceforth,while he says something about ISI or Pakistani Army,it may be considered as a revelation,while whatever he says about RAW can be counted as accusation.

Actually the reports against ISI are allegations. There's absolutely no proof that ISI was involved. We discussed this in the thread regarding allegations from LSE.

I just get confused to see that what you consider to be actual,in spite of so many factual reports alleging ISI involvement deep down.The ISI is widely known to have nurtured the taliban in the past.

Actually it's only Indians who consider Pakistan to epicenter of terrorism. Foreigners don't single out Pakistan as you try to. If anyone is in denial, it's you.

Again you will be surprised to know that a Western News agency & Media Networks Company played the vital role in branding Pakistan to be the "Epicenter of Islamic terrorism".The name is CNN.Does that ring a bell???
That's your argument? We're suppose to accept something without proof? So why don't you accept Indian support for terrorists as well.

So where are the base camps, ideological support, money, arms being provided by the Pakistani state? See what I mean by the denial?

I can see what is meant by state of denial,you don't.

And nevertheless, the state is cracking down on them, so yet again out goes your argument into the dump.

Good luck with the crackdown.I is estimated that there are around 20 million firearms in Pakistan, which has a population of 160 million i.e., every eighth person has a firearm, most likely an automatic one.This is known as the popular Kalashnikov culture of Pakistan.
Situations like this should have never arisen.Now if somebody comes up and tells me that all these happened right under the nose of the govt. with the state agencies being oblivious about it all the time,then I am not going to accept that.Nobody,in sane mind would.

I have to repeat this yet again and I will do it slightly loudly as you still haven't grasped it. Those reports are only allegations - no proof.

The very same was said,repeated many times after that,when GoI accused Kasab of being a Pakistani.

1. A run of the mill simplistic argument. International players have similar interests to India hence they will obviously say similar to what India says.
2. Their reports are only allegations.
3. Their states have denied Pakistan involvement.

Ohh..yes...now this is the latest trend among many Pakistanis nowadays...When nothing suits your way of thinking,you are free to let your imaginations take a flight and land with what we generally refer to as conspiracy theories.
Indians make similar kinds of theories - that NATO is not publicly accusing Pakistan and does not publicly present evidence against Pakistan so as to not make Pakistan unhappy.

And remember what I said. I said the Pakistani state is keeping quite due to US pressure.

Ahh...well,I have been into many arguments to know that cui bono is useless in arguments like this.
Internet warriors like you like in your fantasy land should not try to argue things that you have not even a single iota of an idea about. These things are not so simple that armchair experts such as yourself can grasp. The arguments above prove how simplistic and naive your thinking is. Your thinking is completely useless when it comes to the matters that I am discussing.

I don't even know why I discuss with people who use utterly simplistic and naive arguments which will only work in Disney land.

"If you can't answer a man's arguments, all is not lost; you can still call him vile names."
--Elbert Hubbard.

I just didn't expect that you will resort to name calling so fast.

"The truth"? "THE truth"? How many times have I heard this from an Indian before? What you're talking about is your version of the truth, not the truth.

And what you are talking about is your version.

And yet again run of the mill simplistic arguments. I never said it's a secret. I said it's not done publicly.

The information that is withheld from the public is considered to be a secret kept from the public.I you have any other version,do enlighten.
There's tons of army/ISI insiders who have confirmed that India is deeply involved in supporting TTP.

Just asking,do you have any inside man in ISI who provides you with all these information???

I found a website while surfing,it might be worth a look.Please go through it.

Pakistan Watch

What you are saying is quite true.The govt. of Pakistan is doing a good job.It is helping the World in general and too some extent India in particular.I am quite sure,some of those gun-wielding religious fanatics would have found their way to Indian territories had they not been involved in skirmishes somewhere else.

But at the same time it is funny to note that,such a high level of commitment towards Anti-terror campaign from the GoP was entirely absent until and unless somebody half way around the World threatened Pakistan to bomb it back to stone age if it failed to see things the way he wishes to.

We'll bomb you to Stone Age, US told Pakistan

But still, you're going off-topic. What I said still stands.

Musharraf was a celebrated Military General of Pakistan.Though he was a dictator,the part I hate,he was actually brave enough to stand against the tide and take decisive action against the taliban,reasons,no matter what they maybe.His efforts ,lately have been directed towards building friendship between India and Pakistan.But while Musharraf may be a lot of things,he is or never was the Director of RAW.Henceforth,while he says something about ISI or Pakistani Army,it may be considered as a revelation,while whatever he says about RAW can be counted as accusation.

But again, I don't mention him ever saying that he was involved in supporting terrorists. By that, I mean him saying that the Pakistani state supported terrorists while he was the President.

I just get confused to see that what you consider to be actual,in spite of so many factual reports alleging ISI involvement deep down.The ISI is widely known to have nurtured the taliban in the past.

I am talking about the present day and age and the allegations regarding that.

Again you will be surprised to know that a Western News agency & Media Networks Company played the vital role in branding Pakistan to be the "Epicenter of Islamic terrorism".The name is CNN.Does that ring a bell???

What I was saying that western media overall does not single out Pakistan the way you're saying. CNN in particular has an anti-Pakistan agenda which is clear from their reporting (well rest of the western media does too but CNN in particular comes to mind). Besides, I am not talking about any particular media network.

I can see what is meant by state of denial,you don't.

I actually know what it means and the only reason I said it was because it's fashionable for Indians to say that one is in denial if one doesn't accept the Indian and the western version of a story.

Good luck with the crackdown.I is estimated that there are around 20 million firearms in Pakistan, which has a population of 160 million i.e., every eighth person has a firearm, most likely an automatic one.This is known as the popular Kalashnikov culture of Pakistan.
Situations like this should have never arisen.Now if somebody comes up and tells me that all these happened right under the nose of the govt. with the state agencies being oblivious about it all the time,then I am not going to accept that.Nobody,in sane mind would.

I hope you do know the history of this - why this happened, who was involved, etc.

The very same was said,repeated many times after that,when GoI accused Kasab of being a Pakistani.

It's how it is in this case. In Kasab's case, GoI gave proof. Here there is no proof that we know of.

Ohh..yes...now this is the latest trend among many Pakistanis nowadays...When nothing suits your way of thinking,you are free to let your imaginations take a flight and land with what we generally refer to as conspiracy theories.

Indians make conspiracy theories about Pakistan as well very similar to what I said. More importantly, if you call what I mentioned about interests a conspiracy theory, may I suggest you stop debating these things as it clearly suggests that you have no clue about how things work in the real world and it shows how utterly simplistic your way of thinking.

Ahh...well,I have been into many arguments to know that cui bono is useless in arguments like this.

Are you again trying to suggest something utterly simplistic? That US cannot do it? Do you remember US threats to Pakistan after 9/11, i.e. bombing Pakistan to stone age?

"If you can't answer a man's arguments, all is not lost; you can still call him vile names."
--Elbert Hubbard.

I just didn't expect that you will resort to name calling so fast.

Perhaps I was harsh but what I said still stands. Your above arguments demonstrate that you lack even half-decent knowledge of the workings of the real world and that you live in the disney land world which governments never lie, never hide facts from the public, and where interests play absolutely no role.

And what you are talking about is your version.

Yeah sure, absolutely. But I never referred to my version as the truth.

The information that is withheld from the public is considered to be a secret kept from the public.I you have any other version,do enlighten.

Not necessarily. The US pressures Pakistan to avoid any public statement. Beyond that, it's hard for them to control much.

Just asking,do you have any inside man in ISI who provides you with all these information???

Tons of people who have insiders within the ISI/army have confirmed that India is deeply involved in supporting TTP.

I found a website while surfing,it might be worth a look.Please go through it.

Pakistan Watch


Ok, I also found the following website:

India-Facts - Dedicated to truth, peace and non-violent freedom of expression

You do realize it's the web right? Anyone who has a small amount money and a software (or web skills) can create a webpage and put up what they want to put.
see what I have got....

Darbar attacks
Blackwater factor be checked: CJ

Saturday, July 10, 2010
By Our Correspondent


LAHORE High Court Chief Justice Khwaja Sharif observed on Friday that involvement of Blackwater in the suicide attacks on Data Darbar had been discussed in some media reports and police should also investigate this aspect.

He made the observation as Capital City Police Officer Aslam Tareen submitted a progress report on the attacks to the LHC, saying efforts were being made to apprehend the culprits and the Home department had constituted a joint investigation team, including DIG Investigation, SSP Investigation and representatives of the ISI, MI and special branch.

The CCPO said pursuant to the court’s order, the DIG investigation had collected the remains of dead bodies from site of blasts and sent them to the forensic science laboratory for DNA tests whose results would be received within 15 days.

A request had been made to the director general National Crisis Management Cell for provision of technical assistance through National Database and Registration Authority (Nadra), including verification of finger prints and facial recognition for finalisation of the case on merit, the CCPO’s report said. It further said that statements of police officials, volunteers (Razakars) and other people on duty had also been recorded, adding that the material collected from the site, including pieces of suicide jackets and explosives, used in the attacks had been sent to the civil defence for analysis. The CCTV footage had been sent to the director general forensic science laboratory for enlargement of photographs through modern digital photography and the statement of former mayor Lahore Khawaja Riaz Mahmood had also been recorded, the report said.

The DIG investigation had requested the sector commanders of ISI and MI, Punjab, and additional IGP special branch to nominate their representatives in the teams, the report concluded.

Chief Justice Khawaja Muhammad Sharif said since the CCPO had sought time as DNAs test was still being awaited, therefore, the case was adjourned till July 23. “During this period, I want to see progress of police in the case,” he remarked.

The CJ was holding proceedings against twin suicide attacks on Data Darbar, which apparently happened due to a security lapse.
Did they not ban blackwater yet ? How are these guys even operating ?

WHY ISN'T THE FOLLOWING NEWS BIG YET?? WITH ATLEAST 5 PAGES OF DISCUSSION!! WHEN WE HAVE BEEN DISCUSSING AHMEDIS AND DARBAR NONSTOP!!!??? maybe because it is not punjab or karachi! no one cares about a 100 dead in mohammand agency because hey no one knows who lives there but darbar & ahmedi mosque is more "masala" and interesting! look the point is DARBAR,AHEMDI OR MOHAMMAND AGENCY OR BALOCHISTANPEOPLE DYING ARE PAKISTANIS!! EQUAL RIGHTS TO ALL!!

Mohmand toll mounts to 102

GHALANAI: The death toll in the suicide attack in Yakkaghand area of Mohmand Agency rose to 102 with over 100 injured; the most of them are in critical condition, Geo News reported Saturday.

More bodies are feared to be found from the rubble caused by the massive explosion.

According to political Tehsildar Meraj Khan, further bodies were recovered from under the debris today, which pushed the death toll to over 102.

The 112 injured are receiving medical treatment at various hospitals.

It should be mentioned here that a suicide bomber riding a motorbike blew himself up yesterday as hundreds of people were gathered around the office of a senior government official in Pakistan's northwestern Mohmand region, where security forces have stepped up attacks on Taliban militants in recent weeks.

The bomber killed 102 people, including women and children, in an attack in a volatile Pashtun region on the Afghan border Friday, officials said.

The blast was so powerful that it was heard far and wide, pulling down at least 30 shops including two hotels in Yakkaghand. Also, the roof of a nearby house caved in.

Assistant Political Agency Rasul Khan put the death toll initially at 70.

The deceased include four personnel of Khasadar Force. The most of the dead have been buried. The atmosphere in the areas is draped in tears and mourning, as the people are quite immersed in grief for their lost dear ones.

The exits and entrances of Mohmand Agency are being thoroughly inspected.

The power explosion caused the house of Yakkaghand jail to collapse, allowing 35 prisoners to escape.

Political officials announced a lakh rupee for each deceased and Rs50,000 each for injured.

Meantime, outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan accepted the responsibility for the blast.

The TTP spokesman Ikramullah Mohmand told Geo News from unknown destination that blast targeted the members of Ambar Peace Committee present at the moment at the office of Assistant Political Agent. (Last updated at 1145am)

NO EMO or SPARKLINGWAY discussing that thread because hey 100 "civilians are meaningless" but 30 darbaris are more important for 2 reasons "mohammand agency" IS NOT CLOSE TO THERE HOUSES" secondly no one knows where it is or the people living there believe in!

people on this thread arguing non stop are liberal talibans who only care about "minorities" because it makes them look liberal but any other civilian death to them is unimportant
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why terrorism start after Pakistan nuclear test ??
where was before ???
think what is the aim to destabilize Pakistan
every body know the history these Taliban ppl work for America to destabilize Russia.
why terrorism start after Pakistan nuclear test ??
where was before ???
think what is the aim to destabilize Pakistan
every body know the history these Taliban ppl work for America to destabilize Russia.

You seem to be totally oblivious to what happend in pakistan in 1980's and 1990's.

So this terrorist attacks are nothing new to pakistan.
You seem to be totally oblivious to what happend in pakistan in 1980's and 1990's.

So this terrorist attacks are nothing new to pakistan.

Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons Program Development start on 1980
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