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Who is an Islamophobe ?

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Jul 8, 2009
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Guys, and especially the mods, this is a serious subject in today's day and age.

Where better to discuss this as well, than on a board of educated people with a large representation of both Muslims as well as non-Muslims?

I very seriously sincerely and with the best of intentions want to discuss this threadbare once and for all.

And for that I need the help of all of you.

The mods to not delete or clamp down unnecessarily.

And the members from both sides to give and take in a civil manner instead of making it an us-vs-them thread.

How can we not discuss this or not have a running thread on this when the whole world is currently burning on this topic? Twitter. Face Book. Various other platforms.

Surely we as a group can come up with something on a loftier plane intellectually and content wise.

So to come back to the topic.

We see these terms Islamophobia and Islamophobe being used very regularly nowadays.

We all know what the terms mean. Loosely.

But how do we use them? As a label? As an insult? As a defensive mechanism? As an accusation? As an end to a discussion or the beginning of escalation of conflict?

Who PER YOU is an Islamophobe?

What are YOUR views on Islamophobes and Islamophobia?

Where do you feel this phenomenon has come from?

Is it a recent happening, or has it deeper more far reaching origins?

What historical similarities come to mind and how is this phenomenon also essentially different?

How do you see this developing in the days to come?

Please do not inflame.

Please do not get personal.

Please do not proselytize.

Please do not preach.

Please do not accuse. Or get defensive.

P.S. This is not an India-Pakistan thread.

This is for the world, of all nationalities, and their active participation (Bangladeshi, Myanmari, Viet, Chinese, Iranian, Turk, Arab, Russian, American, Australian, English, European, Israeli, etc.) are greatly and strongly solicited.
Guys, and especially the mods, this is a serious subject in today's day and age.

Where better to discuss this as well, than on a board of educated people with a large representation of both Muslims as well as non-Muslims?

I very seriously sincerely and with the best of intentions want to discuss this threadbare once and for all.

And for that I need the help of all of you.

The mods to not delete or clamp down unnecessarily.

And the members from both sides to give and take in a civil manner instead of making it an us-vs-them thread.

How can we not discuss this or not have a running thread on this when the whole world is currently burning on this topic? Twitter. Face Book. Various other platforms.

Surely we as a group can come up with something on a loftier plane intellectually and content wise.

So to come back to the topic.

We see these terms Islamophobia and Islamophobe being used very regularly nowadays.

We all know what the terms mean. Loosely.

But how do we use them? As a label? As an insult? As a defensive mechanism? As an accusation? As an end to a discussion or the beginning of escalation of conflict?

Who PER YOU is an Islamophobe?

What are YOUR views on Islamophobes and Islamophobia?

Where do you feel this phenomenon has come from?

Is it a recent happening, or has it deeper more far reaching origins?

What historical similarities come to mind and how is this phenomenon also essentially different?

How do you see this developing in the days to come?

Please do not inflame.

Please do not get personal.

Please do not proselytize.

Please do not preach.

Please do not accuse. Or get defensive.

P.S. This is not an India-Pakistan thread.

This is for the world, of all nationalities, and their active participation (Bangladeshi, Myanmari, Viet, Chinese, Iranian, Turk, Arab, Russian, American, Australian, English, European, Israeli, etc.) are greatly and strongly solicited.

Read your signature and you will get the answer
People who just hate Islam/Muslims... They'll try sugar-coat everything "Oh..I love Muslims..I just disagree with Islam" or "Oh I don't hate Muslims..but its their actions" blah blah....

Christians are the biggest Islam/Muslim haters in the world...

Indians are probably second...don't know but definitely among the top....

In the West , it is an industry now..people spread lies against Muslims/Islams and earn money....

Here's the latest report on the issue..

Islamophobia: How Anti-Muslim bigotry was brought into the American mainstream | Global Research
Thanks Auz.

But to be fair, unless you know the person well enough, is it really possible to tell whether he actually has a problem with Islam and not Muslims in general or not?

Whether his or he problems lie with the actions of a few, but consistently, extrapolated over the whole?

Would you not have an equal number if not more amongst Muslims who do the same about other faiths or their believers?
People who just hate Islam/Muslims... They'll try sugar-coat everything "Oh..I love Muslims..I just disagree with Islam" or "Oh I don't hate Muslims..but its their actions" blah blah....

Christians are the biggest Islam/Muslim haters in the world...

Indians are probably second...don't know but definitely among the top....

In the West , it is an industry now..people spread lies against Muslims/Islams and earn money....

Here's the latest report on the issue..

Islamophobia: How Anti-Muslim bigotry was brought into the American mainstream | Global Research

Oh are you sure.
I thought Indians were first, Jews were Second & Americans were third
Oh are you sure.
I thought Indians were first, Jews were Second & Americans were third

Can we actually brand an entire people as Islamophobic?

If yes, what are the attributes and how do those differ (if at all) from the individual Islamophobe?

When you say Indians are Islamophobes for instance, do you also include the 180 odd million Muslims who are Indians?
Thanks Auz.

But to be fair, unless you know the person well enough, is it really possible to tell whether he actually has a problem with Islam and not Muslims in general or not?

Whether his or he problems lie with the actions of a few, but consistently, extrapolated over the whole?

Would you not have an equal number if not more amongst Muslims who do the same about other faiths or their believers?


The mosque of my town in California (one of the BEST and most tolerant State in the U.S) was burnt to ground in 1994! At the time , Westerners barely even knew about Islam (not that they know a jack now lol).... Evangelical christians DO have a problem with Islam....they just want whole world , specially Muslims , to be christians...Islam is the only 'competition' they face among the religions. Some from Muslims would also be like these christians but it is not a whole group like in the case of christians...

Secondly , many westerners don't get the right picture of Islam..so obviously they hate what they perceived to be 'Islam'..Westerners aren't bright when it comes to "others" ...Many of them are just plain ignorant...so that plays its part too...As I said , it is now an industry to bash Islam...You make TONS of money of it....

And yes , Muslims also have misunderstandings about other faith but that are just 'misunderstandings'. They don't "hate" others..and want them to convert to Islam at once! (but obviously non-Muslims' conversion is 'appreciated' among Muslims)...

Believing that Hindus worship millions of gods is a misunderstanding ...

Believing that Muslims are treacherous who want to kill everybody and their babies are 'future terrorists' is NOT a "misunderstanding"...It is just plain hate and a hidden wish too see Islam vanish from the face of Earth.....Poor christians had this wish throughout their history though ....lol
Me. I am an islamaphobe.

For all the right reasons too. The reason are rather explicit and littered all over this forum and the world. I hate it, i despise it and its all thanks to pdf and recent news developments.

Whenever Muslims say "islam is the fastest growing religion in the world", it just means they make a lot of babies. Nothing else.

Thank you.
Oh are you sure.
I thought Indians were first, Jews were Second & Americans were third

No, indians pose no ideological threat to Islam. indian civilization is just too insignificant and weak.

Islam and Christianity are the ONLY two 'global' civilizations/faith who want to spread even further....hence the conflict arise.

Jews don't hate Islam..Actually , many Jews (specially orthodox) admire Islam and even defend it sometimes. Israel vs Palestine problem is the major conflict..other than that, Muslims/Jews are pretty similar in their faiths...

Plus : You are a Sikh....
Thanks Auz.

I have been on record many times agreeing with much of what you have said.

Only I have been equal opportunity between Christianity and Islam.

But I am interested in this "whole group" of Christians you speak of.

Who are they? Evangelical Christians per my knowledge is any Christian who is majorly devout and wants to go out and spread Jesus's word and convert people of other faiths.

Is that seen as something wrong or frowned upon by Muslims in general?
Me. I am an islamaphobe.

For all the right reasons too. The reason are rather explicit and littered all over this forum and the world. I hate it, i despise it and its all thanks to pdf and recent news developments.

Thank you.

Keep your bakwaas to yourself. You are an indian christian...AREN'T YOU?!?!?! I can bet my life on this one Mech...

I have seen your posts/querries about Islam... They all show a SIMILAR christian pattern....you hate Islam because you are a christian...now , you just 'justify' your hate with reasons like "Oh the taliban" , "Oh the Muslims oppressing christians" , "Oh the acid attacks" ..so on and so forth..

Unfortunately for you , I have too much experience with christians :lol:
Me. I am an islamaphobe.

For all the right reasons too. The reason are rather explicit and littered all over this forum and the world. I hate it, i despise it and its all thanks to pdf and recent news developments.

Whenever Muslims say "islam is the fastest growing religion in the world", it just means they make a lot of babies. Nothing else.

Thank you.

Mech please tone it down bro.

Something seems to have snapped but please don't do it here.

I want to have a decent discussion without vitiating the atmosphere bro.

Please help.

i was serious and was right thats why you changed your sig

I changed my signature because it wasn't funny anymore.

Please do not get personal. I was unaware you harbor such sentiments.

On any other thread I would have retorted.

Not here.
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