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Who has better Air Force India or Pakistan

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To each his own.
I am not prepared to change your conviction by giving my details. So you will have to focus on my messages.

I would like to hear your views what would Pakistan gain strategically by getting involved in the conflict? and Why would it not wait until Indian forces are sufficiently weakened by China or after India has been defeated?
U need to read up on concepts like "defeat in detail" and past examples of two front wars around the world during different times. So u mean to say that instead of diverting Indian resources, manpower, etc. to fight on two fronts simultaneously...spreading them thin and putting them on the defensive...
...u think Pakistanis will wait...and allow a "defeat in detail" kind of strategy to be employed by India? Where they can focus first on China with all their might...and then on Pakistan with all their might?

I can't believe u seriously just wrote that Pakistan will wait to attack India AFTER it has been seriously weakened by a war with China. That is the single dumbest strategy I've ever heard of.
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:lol: :lol:
Villagers near Balakot say nobody killed or injured by Indian aircraft

We lost a Mig in Pakistani airspace when it successfully intercepted and was chasing away intruders, the story of our SU30 and your F16 are just figment of people's imagination unless concrete proof is there

The whole idea of nuclear war is MAD, no India, no China, no Pakistan

The only thing successful with indians was shooting down their own mi17 S&R helicopter killing 6 IAF personnel.

And please stop talking about going nuclear with China or Pakistan. You know both China and Pakistan can bomb you back to vedic ages.
Actually, I think this is even worse than acquiring state of the art aircraft like the Rafales. The Tejas are extremely mediocre/poor planes which are not even 4th generation aircraft. Throwing more money into the program is like throwing money into a pit ... the Tejas are flying coffins and no matter what improvements they seek, it will always be like this. Just like the Kaveri or the Arjun, the Indians have truly overestimated their capabilities and are now paying the price since they do not even have a domestic 4th gen fighter.

Each to their own, I think the trick Indians missed in each of the projects you mentioned was in trying to do everything in house. They seem hell bent on re-inventing the wheel. What they should be doing is collaborating and slowly building up one platform at a time. Even if you make a 3rd gen fighter for your first mass inducted platform it's only a matter of time before you go to 4th gen. Similar to PAF, they collaborated on 4th gen, absorbing tech and finding areas they need to progress in, then maturing it into a FGFA programme Azam.

One thing you have to be wary off is the Indian private sector, they do have potential in their private sector to easily catch-up, however their politics gets in the way. To safeguard Pakistan should promote its private sector.
A two liner thread for comparison? really. What is this, a facebook post or a Defence Forum. While creating a thread, an OP must contain detailed analysis supported with facts or strong arguments and details regarding subject to start a debate.

Thread closed based upon low quality OP and assumption.

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