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Who has better Air Force India or Pakistan

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US does not have many economic assets in India and Russia I think doesn't care too much about India either considering its exports to India have been declining recently.

Where was Daddy USA during Galwan humiliation?
These days Its become a bvr fight, You will hardly see a proper 1 circle or 2 circle dog fight. Have to admit Pakistan does get the upper hand in bvr fights but rest Iaf holds a superior advantage.
I was wondering what will be pakistans stand if china and India starts war.Do Pakistan get involved in such war openly by standing besides their all weather friend china or they will remain neutral.What will be best for Pakistan interests
Better Air Force in terms of numbers and types of assets, of course IAF.

Better Air Force in terms of external support from Russia and other Western Countries, IAF.

Better Air Force in terms of training and tactics, PAF.

If IAF is strecthed along the north eastern theatre by PLAAF, the first point will not be relevant.. because on western border, the ratio of assets will be almost 1:1.. after that the quality and tactics will take hold. Even if PLAAF doesn't attack, but just threaten to attack.. and land half of its strength on Indian northern border, PAF can easily take on IAF challenge.

However, if it's one to one without any external support, in the short term, PAF can inflict moderate damages on IAF.. In the long run though, if IAF is able to destroy air strips, and other infrastructure, and air borne AWACS somehow (and there's a chance it can), PAF will be facing a serious disadvantage. The depth of Pakistan is a problem, while for Indian AWACS, the depth is not a problem at all.

In short, a limited short time skirmish will benefit Pakistan immensely, and world has seen that on 27th, however, if the war continues across the whole LoC and International border, IAF may overcome PAF.

This is why, Pakistan will not lose any opportunity presented during the next Sino-Indian war. After Taliban take over Afghanistan, the depth issue will also be solved.

India had a very good opportunity to attack Pakistan after 27th Feb, but it chickened out. You can also say that Pakistan played her cards really well. The window of capturing AJK and GB is now closed.. At this very moment, Indians are trying hard to address issues with China. For that, they have even agreed to let go of 1000 sq kms.. so that in case of a war with Pakistan, there's limited chances of Chinese attack. India also wants PLA and PLAAF to go back to earlier positions (even she doesn't care about the 1000 sq kms for now to achieve this).. so that IA and IAF can again enjoy the numeric advantage against Pakistan and try to capture some part of AJK/ GB whenever they get a slightest opportunity.
My view is that Pakistan will not get involved in a skirmish with India and China. They will not remain non aligned but will not actively participate. This does not have to do with the Air force or Military superiority. Battles are won by people and machines but Wars are won or lost at strategic level.
In this battle, at a strategic level Pakistan does not have much to gain.

Wishful thinking from a Gangetic origin person. You are fooling no one with your flags.
I was wondering what will be pakistans stand if china and India starts war.Do Pakistan get involved in such war openly by standing besides their all weather friend china or they will remain neutral.What will be best for Pakistan interests
If India gains its next planned AWACS, then IAF, definitely.
Werna, PAF.
With recent acquisition of Rafale India has tilted the balance in its favour and the ball is in Pakistan's court to re-balance the difference. India now has much larger numerical superiority of advance fighter jets. Pakistan's doctrine is to defeat India without external help so in that regard we need to either build or purchase advance jets and weaponry with the best ECMs.
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India has more options, the PAF has the better battle history against the IAF.
So it's a mix of tactics, weapons etc.
I was wondering what will be pakistans stand if china and India starts war.Do Pakistan get involved in such war openly by standing besides their all weather friend china or they will remain neutral.What will be best for Pakistan interests
We didn't get involved in Indo china war of 62
I don't even wish a fight among ourselves.
I know we can't be friends but at least cease hostilities and stop killing civilians in cross border firing.

No nation gets involved in a fight for its friends unless if it's a coalition of NATO thugs who choose a country and then invade together in the name of their NATI charter.
The main difference between IAF and PAF is gdps like Abhinandan vs fighter pilots like Hassan Siddiqui

I will say that I think a war is unlikely. However, USA's influence in Pakistan has greatly diminished. Kashmir has been Pakistan's military/foreign policy objective since partition. Sadly, Kashmir issue can only be settled through conventional warfare. Dialog and unconventional warfare will not work or are not permitted. I would not assume Pakistan would not engage in a two front war.

Russia will remain neutral and play a peacemaker role. USA will have to accept the outcome, kind of like Crimea.
I would agree that USA does not retain the overt influence that It used to have. Even if USA did have influence Pakistan's strategic decision would not be impacted by that. I just don't see Pakistan jumping into the war when it can easily tie up Indian army with a threat of war.
US does not have many economic assets in India and Russia I think doesn't care too much about India either considering its exports to India have been declining recently.
That could be the trend but Russia India trade has been increasing. The key is that India buying weapons keeps the military factories financed. It does not mean that Russia will get involved in the war normally but If India is headed for total defeat they will intervene to get their pound of flesh.
Wishful thinking from a Gangetic origin person. You are fooling no one with your flags.
To each his own.
I am not prepared to change your conviction by giving my details. So you will have to focus on my messages.

I would like to hear your views what would Pakistan gain strategically by getting involved in the conflict? and Why would it not wait until Indian forces are sufficiently weakened by China or after India has been defeated?
Better Air Force in terms of numbers and types of assets, of course IAF.

Better Air Force in terms of external support from Russia and other Western Countries, IAF.

Better Air Force in terms of training and tactics, PAF.

If IAF is strecthed along the north eastern theatre by PLAAF, the first point will not be relevant.. because on western border, the ratio of assets will be almost 1:1.. after that the quality and tactics will take hold. Even if PLAAF doesn't attack, but just threaten to attack.. and land half of its strength on Indian northern border, PAF can easily take on IAF challenge.

However, if it's one to one without any external support, in the short term, PAF can inflict moderate damages on IAF.. In the long run though, if IAF is able to destroy air strips, and other infrastructure, and air borne AWACS somehow (and there's a chance it can), PAF will be facing a serious disadvantage. The depth of Pakistan is a problem, while for Indian AWACS, the depth is not a problem at all.

In short, a limited short time skirmish will benefit Pakistan immensely, and world has seen that on 27th, however, if the war continues across the whole LoC and International border, IAF may overcome PAF.

This is why, Pakistan will not lose any opportunity presented during the next Sino-Indian war. After Taliban take over Afghanistan, the depth issue will also be solved.

India had a very good opportunity to attack Pakistan after 27th Feb, but it chickened out. You can also say that Pakistan played her cards really well. The window of capturing AJK and GB is now closed.. At this very moment, Indians are trying hard to address issues with China. For that, they have even agreed to let go of 1000 sq kms.. so that in case of a war with Pakistan, there's limited chances of Chinese attack. India also wants PLA and PLAAF to go back to earlier positions (even she doesn't care about the 1000 sq kms for now to achieve this).. so that IA and IAF can again enjoy the numeric advantage against Pakistan and try to capture some part of AJK/ GB whenever they get a slightest opportunity.
With due respect, I do not agree with your assertion that PAF assets are comparatively lesser than IAF.

On papers yes, they may have greater number of assets, but how many are serviceable, its million dollar question!!!

It is a known fact that IAF assets maintenance statistics is very poor. Serviceability and reliability ratios are less than 50%. Turn around of almost all the assets is more than 1.5 hours.

Pilot to aircraft ratio is less than 1

Whereas PAF serviceability and reliability ratios are better than many US bases. Turn around time for almost all aircraft is 30 minutes or less.

PAF is having pilot to aircraft ratio 2:1.

Hence PAF can generate large number of sorties 24/7.

More number of sorties means more offensive and defensive missions.

Furthermore, critical spares requirement and armament replenishment can be satisfied either locally or from Turkey and China.

The only problem which PAF may face is the availability of aviation fuel if the war stretches to more than a month.

Though PAF assets are considered having lesser capable, but actual facts are quite surprising. These assets are strategically configured to achieve the required missions keeping in view the IAF and Indian Air Defense capabilities.

Considering the training, tactical skills of pilots, availability of competent weapon systems and their allied force multipliers, it appears that PAF can take out all air assets, missiles, artillery units and air defense assets deployed within 1000 km from Pakistani borders in less than 36 to 72 hours after the start of conflict.

As you stated that India had the opportunity to attack GB and AJK due to numerical advantage in air and ground assets, but India did not. You stated the reason that India chickened out. Here I disagree. After 27 Feb, Indian hindutva leaders were all out to take revenge, but they could not take this initiative due to the ground realities ie non-availability of enough serviceable assets for this invasion.

That is why, these idiots went berserk to buy weapons form Russia, US, Israel and France.

The new weapons which they are receiving now will be fully integrated not before 2021-22. At present these weapons are of lesser threat as their full capabilities could not be exploited.
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I was wondering what will be pakistans stand if china and India starts war.Do Pakistan get involved in such war openly by standing besides their all weather friend china or they will remain neutral.What will be best for Pakistan interests
Title asks about a comparison where as your post is asking a different geo-strategic question.
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