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Who are you ! Bangladeshi or Bangali ?

Hindus are not indigenous too then. They are vedic peoples.

However your logic is flawed . Many peoples converted to Islam and all are indigenous.
Islam is universal religion and not tribal like Hinduism, so you even can't say that Islam is Arabian religion . And also most converts from BD were from Buddhism.
Tribalism has been engrained into all religions by people, regardless of what the stance of a particular religion is...
this is why you see many divisions/ sects within Islam itself... at the end no religion can be claimed to be perfect.
Bd Buddhist converts arises from Hinduism and most native population are what comprises of the Singhalese people of Sri Lanka, effectively they’re just as much Bengali by ethnicity/ race...
i'm quite sure baajey isn't a given name either ;P
actually yeah, by my collegemates.
u know the bengali meaning of baajey aka baajey chhele.
bujchho ni re ba ?

They don't. There is a huge difference between Bangladeshi shuddho Bangla that newscasters adopt and standard Kolkata Bengali (kheyecho/korecho/pani/lobon vs kheyejo/korejo/jol/noon).

Our newscasters would be ridiculed out of town if they spoke Kolkatan on air.
well, u wud know better. i give u that.
i m only speaking out of experience of having seen btv n some other bdeshi channels. but, i love ur dramas. naakchoda kolkatans wudnt understand, but i love them for the humor.
. . .
Tribalism has been engrained into all religions by people, regardless of what the stance of a particular religion is...
this is why you see many divisions/ sects within Islam itself... at the end no religion can be claimed to be perfect.
Bd Buddhist converts arises from Hinduism and most native population are what comprises of the Singhalese people of Sri Lanka, effectively they’re just as much Bengali by ethnicity/ race...
Bengali is not a race. Its a linguistic group. Sinhalese are not bengali. They speak sanskrit based language instead of dravir based language.
sindh that was hindu majority state

Bangladeshis also faced similar treatment from Pakistanis (West) in past.
Totally surprised how Bangladeshis have mastered the art of lying?

Bengali is not a race. Its a linguistic group. Sinhalese are not bengali. They speak sanskrit based language instead of dravir based language.
for definition on bengali please refer to this, it's an ethnic group... not linguistically homogeneous alone
as for singhalese people, they owe their origin to the native people of bengal
So what ? Anybody whose mother tongue is bangla is bangali.

এটা এক বিরাট ছাগলা, don't waste your time on him.

muslims were never indigenous to bengal population... it was brought in by people who decided to settle here... bengali culture is inherently hindu

Muslims were not indigenous to any of the part of Indian subcontinent, heck Muslims were not indigenous to anywhere in the world, except for Arabia, to be more specific Makkah and Madinah only. What's your point?

Even the Arab culture is inherently jaheli culture since they were idol worshipers. You adopt Islam as a religion but keep your language, culture, food habit etc.
Muslims were not indigenous to any of the part of Indian subcontinent, heck Muslims were not indigenous to anywhere in the world, except for Arabia, to be more specific Makkah and Madinah only. What's your point?
that;s exactly my point, you can't claim that bengali culture is inherently muslim or muslims should relate to bengali culture as much as a hindu bengali would/ might....
Even the Arab culture is inherently jaheli culture since they were idol worshipers. You adopt Islam as a religion but keep your language, culture, food habit etc.
who weren;t idol worshippers... except maybe the zoloastrians, everyone was... and even then zoloastrianism isn't the oldest religion that i can think of... all the oldest religion in the world revolves around idol worship... so does that effectively mean we humans are "zahils"?, our perception of something out there waiting for us stems from the same centre of attention mentality in our species... it's been our flaw... but that flaw is what makes us the most dominant thing in the world/ perhaps the whole universe.
Muslims were not indigenous to any of the part of Indian subcontinent, heck Muslims were not indigenous to anywhere in the world, except for Arabia, to be more specific Makkah and Madinah only. What's your point?

Even the Arab culture is inherently jaheli culture since they were idol worshipers. You adopt Islam as a religion but keep your language, culture, food habit etc.
According to the indigenous theory ( that is completely flawed )of @Michael Corleone we ( every human being) must have to trace our root either from Africa ( evolution) or from the time of the fall of Adam!
Well religion here should have a benefit of doubt as you can trace your root after the flood of Noah ( instead of Adam) and/or manu ; interestingly here both Abrahamic root and pagan root story is exactly the same.

Just for Abrahamic root the character is Noah aka Nuhu, and for pagan root it's manu.

And if we refer to other ancient polytheistic religions then we can choose the story of utnapishtim from the epic gilgamesh. Sadly the story is exactly the same.

So either only African as indigenous ( ad they are loving their and we are living outside from Africa) ,or he can choose it from the stories of scriptures ( this is a complex choice though ).

So now let @Michael Corleone choose what is actually the indigenous group of mankind.
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According to the indigenous theory ( that is completely flawed )of @Michael Corleone we ( every human being) must have to trace our root either from Africa ( evolution) or from the time of the fall of Adam!
Well religion here should have a benefit of doubt as you can trace your root after the flood of Noah ( instead of Adam) and/or manu ; interestingly here both Abrahamic root and pagan root story is exactly the same.

Just for Abrahamic root the character is Noah aka Nuhu, and for pagan root it's manu.

And if we refer to other ancient polytheistic religions then we can choose the story of utnapishtim from the epic gilgamesh. Sadly the story is exactly the same.

So either only African as indigenous ( ad they are loving their and we are living outside from Africa) ,or he can choose it from the stories of scriptures ( this is a complex choice though ).

So now let @Michael Corleone to choose what is actually the indigenous group of mankind.
i don't know if you're mixing up the race part of the discussion with culture and religion.
. . .
Rohingyas are a sub-Bangali Muslim race who are related to Bangali Muslims but their language is different from Bangla. Only some words are similar. It is like Punjabi and Urdu. If an Urdu speaker listens Punjabi carefully and if Punjabi is spoken slowly he will understand Punjabi language to a large extent but not entirely . Same with Bangla and Rohingya language.

Rakhine is part of Burma / Myanmar. Rohingyas are also their people. They have similarity with Bangladeshis. It does not mean they are Bangladeshis.
Not only rohingyas but muslims as a whole are not native to Myanmar. Historically Myanmar was one of the few regions in the Indian subcontinent which did not suffer from any Islamic invasion during the middle ages and had no connection with Islam or muslims. Muslims were thriving in the other parts of the Indian subcontinent particularly in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan during the middle ages especially when the mughals and delhi sultans were ruling however Myanmar in the middle ages had no muslim population. Muslims came to Myanmar in the 19th century when the British conquered the state. The british bought the muslims from the eastern regions into Myanmar and thats how muslims ended up in Myanmar.
An old college friend of mine is visiting Bangladesh to go back to her family roots in unified Bengal.

I'm looking forward to her stories and photos.


Cheers, Doc
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