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Who are Taliban’s key leaders in Afghanistan?


Aug 3, 2008
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Who are Taliban’s key leaders in Afghanistan?
Six important figures lead the Taliban movement that has been fighting the Western-backed government since 2001.

Taliban chief negotiator Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai at the intra-Afghan peace talks in Doha [File: Sorin Furcoi/Al Jazeera]

Taliban chief negotiator Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai at the intra-Afghan peace talks in Doha [File: Sorin Furcoi/Al Jazeera]
12 Aug 2021

The Taliban has been fighting the Western-backed Afghan government in Kabul since it was removed from power in 2001.

It originally drew members from so-called “mujahideen” fighters who, with support from the United States, repelled Soviet forces in the 1980s.

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The group emerged in 1994 as one of the factions fighting a civil war and went on to control most of the country by 1996, when it imposed Sharia, or Islamic laws.
Opponents and Western countries accused it of brutally enforcing its version of Islamic law and suppressing religious minorities.

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Its founder and original leader was Mullah Mohammad Omar, who went into hiding after the Taliban was toppled by US-backed local forces following the September 11, 2001 attacks on the US.
So secretive were Omar’s whereabouts that his death, in 2013, was only confirmed two years later by his son.

The Taliban is once again ascending militarily in Afghanistan.
Since foreign troops began to withdraw, it has seized most of the country’s territory and now control the capitals of 10 of 34 provinces.

These are some of the key figures in the movement:

Haibatullah Akhunzada
Known as the “Leader of the Faithful”, the Islamic legal scholar is the Taliban’s supreme leader who holds final authority over the group’s political, religious and military affairs.


Akhunzada is believed to be aged about 60 [File: Social Media via Reuters]
Akhunzada took over when his predecessor, Akhtar Mansour, was killed in a US drone strike near the Afghan-Pakistan border in 2016.

For 15 years, until his sudden disappearance in May, 2016, Akhunzada taught and preached at a mosque in Kuchlak, a town in southwestern Pakistan, associates and students have told Reuters news agency.

He is believed to be aged about 60 and his whereabouts are unknown.

Mullah Mohammad Yaqoob
The son of Taliban founder Mullah Omar, Yaqoob oversees the group’s military operations, and local media reports have said he is inside Afghanistan.

He was proposed as overall leader of the movement during various succession tussles.

But he put forward Akhunzada in 2016 because he felt he lacked battlefield experience and was too young, according to a Taliban commander at the meeting where Mansour’s successor was chosen.
Yaqoob is believed to be in his early 30s.

Sirajuddin Haqqani
The son of prominent mujahideen commander Jalaluddin Haqqani, Sirajuddin leads the Haqqani network, a loosely organised group that oversees the Taliban’s financial and military assets across the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.


The Haqqanis are believed by some experts to have introduced suicide bombing to Afghanistan and have been blamed for several high-profile attacks in Afghanistan, including a raid on Kabul’s top hotel, an assassination attempt on then-President Hamid Karzai and a suicide attack on the Indian embassy.
Haqqani is believed to be in his late 40s or early 50s. His whereabouts are unknown.

Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar
One of the co-founders of the Taliban, Baradar now heads the political office of the Taliban and is part of the negotiating team that the group has in Doha to try and thrash out a political deal that could pave the way for a ceasefire and more lasting peace in Afghanistan.
The process has failed to make significant headway in recent months.
Baradar heads the political office of the Taliban in Doha, Qatar [Sorin Furcoi/Al Jazeera]
Baradar, reported to have been one of Mullah Omar’s most trusted commanders, was captured in 2010 by security forces in the southern Pakistani city of Karachi and released in 2018.

Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai
A former deputy minister in the Taliban’s government before its removal, Stanikzai has lived in Doha for nearly a decade, and became the head of the group’s political office there in 2015.

He has taken part in negotiations with the Afghan government, and has represented the Taliban on diplomatic trips to several countries.

Abdul Hakim Haqqani
He is head of the Taliban’s negotiating team. The Taliban’s former shadow chief justice heads its powerful council of religious scholars and is widely believed to be someone whom Akhunzada trusts most.
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these men are unknow on earth but very much known in the heavens ,
they are conquering Afg without even a real fight ,
these are lessons of patience and reward from Allah swt for us to contemplate.

One thing about them is admirable as to how they disdane fame and remain anonymous, low key. Everyone knows Mullah Umar but there is no video of him, any interview, only one image which believe to be from his young age before he lost his eye fighting against Soviets.


There is hardly any commentary on the life he lived , and even died without anyone knowing.

As a student of history, I will be interested in studying the life of this man who created the world most fearsome militia.
One thing about them is admirable as to how they disdane fame and remain anonymous, low key. Everyone knows Mullah Umar but there is no video of him, any interview, only one image which believe to be from his young age before he lost his eye fighting against Soviets.

View attachment 769461

There is hardly any commentary on the life he lived , and even died without anyone knowing.

As a student of history, I will be interested in studying the life of this man who created the world most fearsome militia.
the believers love Mullah Omar, we all remember what he said in 2001 :
"Bush has promised us defeat but Allah has promised us victory, we shall see whos promised will be fulfilled "
I guess Bush now knows who's boss.
the mercy in the heart of taliban

they forgive the warlords who fought with the US nothern coallition to overthrow them back in 2001.
they use a little force but so much wisdom.
alot of Arabs say that they are following the Tactic of the Prophet Saw when he entred Mecca, he salla Allahu Aleihi wa sallam said to them :"idhabu fainakom tolaqa' " meaning you are free to go .
this same strategy could make all the muslim countries unite under mullah yaaqub without a fight, cuz we all see the mercy and tolerance of Taliban, and the decieving western media can not fool us.
Islam defeats both Communism and Liberalism . that's the summary of this .
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One thing about them is admirable as to how they disdane fame and remain anonymous, low key. Everyone knows Mullah Umar but there is no video of him, any interview, only one image which believe to be from his young age before he lost his eye fighting against Soviets.

View attachment 769461

There is hardly any commentary on the life he lived , and even died without anyone knowing.

As a student of history, I will be interested in studying the life of this man who created the world most fearsome militia.




This is a very good video on him:


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