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white nationalist protest in Virginia leaves 1 person dead

Trump believes Nazis & KKK should just be left alone while they march through American streets armed & battle-ready? What a slap in the face to WW2 Vets.

The first amendment guarantees freedom of thought. It is illegal to ban white nationalist thinking in the US.

America fostered fascists in the 1930s to kill Russians. America fostered fascists in Afghanistan to kill Russians. Fascists went after America. America fostering fascists in Ukraine and Syria to kill Russians and it'll backfire again.
Well that's the thing you see ISIS doing. They destroy all symbols of the past in order to erase a nation's identity. Liberals in Western countries are doing the same thing by destroying symbols of American history.

While ISIS is nothing short of pure evil, I would equate them more to the old-school KKK clans who murdered and lynched blacks and burned their houses and things of that sort. These white supremacists might not exactly fall into that category and neither would the group associated in that anaolgy in the crazy, violent Liberals lol. That might be a bit of an extreme.

Besides, ISIS' cause for destroying those statues was more of a fanatically religious stance and not so much that of a national identity. They viewed statues as a threat to the purely faithful (as if the truly faithful would be threatened by historical artifacts) and also that their presence is haraam. Egypt faced a similar situation by certain fanatical religious groups who saw the millions and millions of ancient Egyptian statues all around the country in the same light. No thought for historical preservation or wanting discourse on the subject of statues equating idols and leading to idolatry or even if they would be construed as haraam. Luckily they were shut down.

I dont understand why these Americans from the South support these statues or anything related to the Confederacy. I mean, they fought against the USA, they commited treason to America, we don't see statues for Edward Snowden, who commited treason, but why do they want statues of people that backstabbed their own country and killed thousands of americans? I don't understand, I thought Americans were patriots, but I don't see these people as american patriots when they are waving that battle flag.

You know, that is an excellent point. It's really how you view it and who's to say either side is right when you really get down to the bottom of it. It's more of a stance depending on what you believe is the right thing. Those of us who support most of these statues remaining (such as the big ones like General Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis etc.) look at it from a point of view that these were also Americans. At one point in time there were slaves owners all over the country and it was the norm, as bad as that sounds. But there was also another side of the Civil War and that was the South, made up of the Confederate states, wanting to separate and form their own country. They would've been a different group of Americans but at the time they were fighting as Americans. They lost, they surrendered and accepted the terms of unconditional surrender and were brought back into the Union. That's a huge part of this whole Union vs Confederate States that was an intricate part of the war and the history of this country. That's why these statues should remain, as part of history and those who support that should be able to protest their removal. Was what they did defined as "treason?" Maybe. Possibly yes. But it was a critical part of history and that's why they should stay erected. I think if the historical relevance outweighs the other stuff, even by a small margin,it should prevail.

On the other hand, the people in these crowds who support white supremacy and are neo-Nazis have the right to be that. Should we who object to racism and the belief that these people hold some race-supremacy and that we should have a moral stance against these people and their ways of thinking? Yes, absolutely and we should speak up against them since that's our right also. Problem is these things are hardly ever peaceful.

This is why your point (or question) is very valid and is something that many struggle with.
I dont understand why these Americans from the South support these statues or anything related to the Confederacy. I mean, they fought against the USA, they commited treason to America, we don't see statues for Edward Snowden, who commited treason, but why do they want statues of people that backstabbed their own country and killed thousands of americans? I don't understand, I thought Americans were patriots, but I don't see these people as american patriots when they are waving that battle flag.

To my Understanding , the confederate people, have a certain diffrent life style
Yankees don't like to make out in mud



Confederates or Rebels as they call themselves do not see value in Yankee flag they are quite attached to their own flag.

Yankess , did not wanted the confederates to have resentment so they allowed them few statues and other perks to quell their uprising for few hundered years

Confederate Rebels (As they call themselves) like to "remember stuff"
They do their war drills every year to remember the humiliation they suffered many years ago

I find the confederate girls sorta hot with the whole mud thing (dirty ) and at same time they are very old fashioned

Yankess normally consider Confederates as morons ... and their hillbilly accent is often mocked in public


Confederates love NASCAR and they just get durnk up and watch cars go in circle around same track 90000 times in single day

Yankees like Golf and Tennis sophisticated sports

They love COUNTRY music


They flag has been risen and shown side by side with Yankee flag for generations , and again the idealogy behind it was simple to let confederates have their own state and freedom but it was well understand YANKEEs are in command confederates lost the war

Most Rebel people don't respect the current US flag they rather sleep with their red / cross flag

How Yankees view the Rebels

I would not be suprised if one day Rebel General , took over half of USA From Yankee system

Confederate colonies are really occupied regions

Yankees have bases in their territory to control uprising
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The best video on the Charlottesville rally from the Nationalist perspective:

@Nilgiri @wiseone2 @Falcon29 @T-72M1
antifa probably started it, they're known for these tactics. It was sjw socialists vs national socialists when it got really nasty.

and how quickly did the msm move to quickly bury the news and downplay it and calm everyone down when a Bernie bro shot that republican congressman not too long ago, and another left wing loon just murdered a GOP committeeman with 2 shots to the head a few days ago, amazing hypocricy of the fake news US media.

Bannon's got the right idea.

White House Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon condemned white nationalist "clowns" in an interview Wednesday, but continued to hit Democrats over "identity politics", saying if they talked about race every day he could ensure Republican election victories.

“The Democrats, the longer they talk about identity politics, I got ’em," the former head of Breitbart told The American Prospect in an interview. "I want them to talk about racism every day."

"If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats,” he added.

Bannon's comments came after a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va. turned violent over the weekend, resulting in one death and at least 19 injuries.


check this guy's stuff out, Tim Pool, great honest independent journalism.

The first amendment guarantees freedom of thought. It is illegal to ban white nationalist thinking in the US.

America fostered fascists in the 1930s to kill Russians. America fostered fascists in Afghanistan to kill Russians. Fascists went after America. America fostering fascists in Ukraine and Syria to kill Russians and it'll backfire again.

America was not responsible for Hitler, Mussolini and Imperial Japan
. . .
The first amendment guarantees freedom of thought. It is illegal to ban white nationalist thinking in the US.

Who bans such thoughts? I see no one.

To my Understanding , the confederate people,

I would not be suprised if one day Rebel General , took over half of USA From Yankee system

Sooner or later it will happen. Perhaps they will divided into five or more states.
Well I was not aware of the confederate people , or colonies inside USA , so it was a bit shock to me however it is part of history

There are thousands of white supremacist groups. They are like these teeny tiny rebel groups in Syria. No way Trump can name them all. And what about those groups on the far left? Like BLM, ACLU, Swing Left? Why should Trump name any group? It makes no sense. Hate is hate, regardless what it's called.
antifa probably started it, they're known for these tactics. It was sjw socialists vs national socialists when it got really nasty.

and how quickly did the msm move to quickly bury the news and downplay it and calm everyone down when a Bernie bro shot that republican congressman not too long ago, and another left wing loon just murdered a GOP committeeman with 2 shots to the head a few days ago, amazing hypocricy of the fake news US media.

Bannon's got the right idea.

White House Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon condemned white nationalist "clowns" in an interview Wednesday, but continued to hit Democrats over "identity politics", saying if they talked about race every day he could ensure Republican election victories.

“The Democrats, the longer they talk about identity politics, I got ’em," the former head of Breitbart told The American Prospect in an interview. "I want them to talk about racism every day."

"If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats,” he added.

Bannon's comments came after a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va. turned violent over the weekend, resulting in one death and at least 19 injuries.


check this guy's stuff out, Tim Pool, great honest independent journalism.

Besides that one idiot larping with the Nazi flag most of those rally attendees were actually Confederate heritage supporters and White identitarians (Alt-Right), not 'White supremacists' as the Liberal MSM is constantly portraying them as.

But I'm not surprised that the media would only show that moron with the Swastika banner as that fits in right with their propaganda that it was 'the evil white supremacists'.

Meanwhile they never bothered to show the numerous masked AntiFa and BLM thugs carrying Communist symbols.

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And like you said they quickly buried the news about that leftist terrorist who shot the Republican congressman and wow I was not aware that a GOP committeeman was shot, that's news to me because this biased fake news media did not give it exposure like they are with this Charlottesville thing.

Also, did the MSM ever attack Obama when a Black supremacist assassinated 5 Dallas Cops? No! Did they ever ask him to disavow? No! Infact this media and Obama ramped up the anti-police rhetoric and sided with the BLM rioters who were celebrating the death of five police officers. Never believe a thing the liberal media says. #FakeNews indeed.

Also check out ShutterShot on YouTube, another great independent journalist. Go for alternative media, phase out the leftist MSM.
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Besides that one idiot larping with the Nazi flag most of those rally attendees were actually Confederate heritage supporters and White identitarians (Alt-Right), not 'White supremacists' as the Liberal MSM is constantly portraying them as.

But I'm not surprised that the media would only show that moron with the Swastika banner as that fits in right with their propaganda that it was 'the evil white supremacists'.

Meanwhile they never bothered to show the numerous masked AntiFa and BLM thugs carrying Communist symbols.

And like you said they quickly buried the news about that leftist terrorist who shot the Republican congressman and wow I was not aware that a GOP committeeman was shot, that's news to me because this biased fake news media did not give it exposure like they are with this Charlottesville thing.

Also, did the MSM ever attack Obama when a Black supremacist assassinated 5 Dallas Cops? No! Did they ever ask him to disavow? No! Infact this media and Obama ramped up the anti-police rhetoric and sided with the BLM rioters who were celebrating the death of five police officers. Never believe a thing the liberal media says. #FakeNews indeed.
yup, you know we're living in an upside down world when the most powerful man in the world speaks facts and the msm immediately go into overdrive to spin everything to suit their false commie narrative.

also, and I don't mean to either drag an unrelated incident into here or downplay the death of that innocent girl but "only" one person died.

Where was this outrage when Afghan psycho talib faggot Omar Mateen killed 50 ? it was all about #notall.... etc

Hypocrites, freedom loving 'Murricans of all stripes will make sure they pay the price again come next elections.

Trump will go down as one of the greats, he'll have eclipsed Reagan in popular lore by the time he steps down after serving his two terms, watch..
. . . .

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