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While we were discussing how hard the world is ignoring India....

Don't mind the French. They lost Pak sub upgrade deal to Turkey and Rafale carrot is still dangling. So they will dance accordingly.
This confirms it then, the third party involved in the recent incident was France.
See you ignored the fact that India has damaged her reputation by falsely accusing others for things that were done by Indians themselves. Examples: Samjhota, Malegaun etc.
refer to my earlier posts about reputation of India as how nobody cares what Pak thinks.

whom you always accuse without presenting any concrete evidence, even for the things that you yourself do, accept your baseless allegations?
This has basically become a tagline for Pak authorities and Pak members on this forum. I'm quite sure that foreign ministry of Pak teaches this line as "Diplomacy 101" to all the new recruits who are going to be diplomats.

Present concrete actionable evidence and then we can talk.
The evidence provided by India regarding 26/11 was enough for US courts to convict David Headley, but not good enough for Pak. Okay.
As it happens (not that it affects your analysis), I go to neither temple nor mosque. I have no concern with either place. It's your last line that matters, that it's a symbolic gesture and may, MAY, serve as deterrence for the future. I would like you to look at the post I wrote to I.R.A; it encapsulates my position when asked to defend India against being a pot calling the kettle black. It was not easy writing it, especially as it was almost sure to hurt the feelings of a well-regarded fellow member. It is true, however, in a tart, stinging kind of way.
That was just an example.
refer to my earlier posts about reputation of India as how nobody cares what Pak thinks.

This has basically become a tagline for Pak authorities and Pak members on this forum. I'm quite sure that foreign ministry of Pak teaches this line as "Diplomacy 101" to all the new recruits who are going to be diplomats.

The evidence provided by India regarding 26/11 was enough for US courts to convict David Headley, but not good enough for Pak. Okay.

Let talk facts.

Tell us what concrete actionable evidence have you provided for Pulwama before accusing Pakistan left and right and almost starting a war? Have you provided investigation reports conducted by neutral experts to the UN? Or is it just the old habit kicking in to blame everything on Pakistan?

Come up with hard solid facts before bringing all irrelevant stuff here.
@Joe Shearer ....i admire you for your posts and contributions in PDF...I may be on the opposite of my view on certain points that you bring forward for each events...
after getting its teeth kicked in by Pakistan, getting thoroughly humiliated by the OIC, getting completely sh!tfaced in the UN but China, india finally managed to get france to freeze a JeM's checking account with less than 50 cents in it!
Mind telling us what assets Masood Azhar had in France?
France recognized Indians and treating them like the suckers they are

France freezes assets of Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar
After freezing assets of Jaish's Masood Azhar, France said it will discuss putting Masood Azhar on a European Union list of people suspected of being involved in terrorism.


    • France says will approach EU to designate Masood Azhar as global terrorist
    • France says it has always been and will be by India’s side in the fight against terrorism
    • China has blocked the move to ban Jaish chief Masood Azhar
France has decided to freeze the assets of Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) founder and leader Masood Azhar, the French government said on Friday.

In a joint statement issued by the French interior ministry, finance ministry and foreign ministry said they will discuss putting Masood Azhar on a European Union list of people suspected of being involved in terrorism.

"A deadly attack took place in Pulwama on 14th February 2019, claiming over 40 victims from the Indian police forces. The Jaish-e-Mohammed, which the United Nations has deemed to be a terrorist organization since 2001, has claimed responsibility for this attack, the French statement said.

It added, France has decided to sanction Masood Azhar at the national level by freezing his assets in application of the Monetary and Financial Code."

The statement said France has always been and always will be by India’s side in the fight against terrorism.

The France government said they will raise this issue with other European partners with a view to including Masood Azhar on the European Union list of persons, groups and entities involved in terrorist acts, based on this decree.

Earlier this week, China had exercised its veto for the fourth time since the 2016 Pathankot terror attack, to place a hold on the move to ban Jaish chief Masood Azhar. It was an attempt to list him as a "global terrorist".

Despite hectic diplomatic engagement by India and the United States, China sided with its "all-weather friend" Pakistan.

The initial proposal to designate Masood Azhar was moved by the US, UK, and France after JeM claimed responsibility for the Pulwama terror attack in Jammu and Kashmir.

In an unprecedented move, this time around 11 countries co-sponsored the move.

Sources told India Today TV that seven were member states from the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), which included four of the five permanent members (P5)- barring China and all the European nations in the Security Council. The other four were prominent nations from outside of the Security Council.

India had expressed "disappointment" over China's move. "We are disappointed by this outcome. This has prevented action by the international community to designate the leader of Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), a proscribed and active terrorist organization which has claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack in Jammu and Kashmir on 14 February 2019", said the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) in a statement.

Explaining the play of China and Pakistan and that on international issues they remain on the same page, sources told India Today TV: "China is an extended arm of Pakistan on international issues. It just shows the depth of their so-called iron-clad brotherhood."

India also thanked all those countries that came out in support of India and denounced terrorism.

"We are grateful for the efforts of the Member States who moved the designation proposal and the unprecedented number of all other Security Council members as well as non-members who joined as co-sponsors", the MEA said.
Its funny the ones who got played here and who are the real losers here don't even realise it. modi's statement "Had we Rafales ....." after February 27th and then those missing files and IAF office catching fire.

I am happy that majority Pakistanis are not that blind in their support that they won't question ..... bar few nutcases and exceptions.

How quickly the things are changing ........ PM of Pakistan says "Democracy doesn't feel threatened by accountability but the looters and dacoits" and indian PM accused of corruption in Rafale deal ...... out in public playing with gullible emotional fools by saying "Had we Rafales ....".

As I said Pakistanis are not the losers here, we are content with and satisfied with our reply to indian aggression. That's why we didn't make a big deal of China putting it on hold, and us trying to equate it how world thinks about indian baseless allegations.

We can wait no problem ........ play all your cards, exhaust all your options, surgical, preemptive, bollywood, tollywood .... everything .......... but in the end you will have to come and talk to us. Please at that time don't declare that as some sorts of victory over Pakistan ......
No one gives a shit about the stupid indians
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