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While we were discussing how hard the world is ignoring India....

There are pictures and videos available of Indian run terrorists camps inside Afghanistan to train TTP terrorists and send them over to Pakistan to conduct terror acts.
And yet it hasnt been presented to UN, neither any action has been taken over it. Not even ur allies like KSA and Turkey have taken this up.

Modi is also on the record to confirm Indian's involvement in creation of Bangladesh.
the whole world knows it. India even celebrates it, so its not like ur agencies should revel in their success of finding it out.

What is so different if Pakistan help Kashmiris in their efforts for freedom!!
Kashmir and bangladesh situation are very different, while ethnic cleansing in kashmir of pandits took place with the support of Pak, India has no hand it the brutality that Pak army inflicted on bengalis.
this is whats different.

Indian's hands are visible in almost all the terror incidents inside India
And yet Pakistan doesnt show this proof to international community when India accuses it of attacks in India. Everyone here says India itself carried out 26/11 and yet Pak never showed the proof to support it. (Go ahead come up with indian news articles showing Kasab as indian born, whats funny that every pak members abuses the worthless indian media but here they will quote it)

Your duplicity wouldn't work,
Read what i mentioned in bracket above.
I think world is not ignoring India.

World has just started to ask more questions about usual Indian allegations without any concrete evidence, which is a logical thing to do.

So it is up to India now to come up with more actionable evidence instead of demanding that everyone accepts what she accuses others of.

If she can not present the actionable evidence, she can not expect anything different. What I find interesting is that even Russia, usually an iron ally of India has not taken part in drafting this resolution.

Everyone here says India itself carried out 26/11 and yet Pak never showed the proof to support it. (Go ahead come up with indian news articles showing Kasab as indian born, whats funny that every pak members abuses the worthless indian media but here they will quote it)

Unfortunately India has damaged her reputation pretty bad. First by supporting all those terrorist proxies in the region such as LTTE, Mutki Bahini, BLA, TTP etc.

And then having quite a history of accusing others of things that Indians themselves have done in their country. Examples: Samjhota, Malegaun etc.

So it is just logical that anything coming from India where she accuses others has to be examined carefully with all the evidence available.
And how many assests did Maulna had in France..??? Anyone ??? :coffee:
Unfortunately India has damaged her reputation pretty bad. First by supporting all those terrorist proxies in the region such as LTTE, Mutki Bahini, BLA, TTP etc.
Pak has never presented any proof that India is supporting BLA and TTP in international forums, even if it has (which i doubt), it never made any headlines. Neither India has been questioned by any other country in this regard.
So no, India's reputation against terror is intact as far as world community is concerned and it doesn't matter what Pak thinks as long as its not able to influence international view against India. That's how international system works.
France said it will discuss putting Masood Azhar on a European Union list of people suspected of being involved in terrorism.

India's self image is almost non existent. They are so "approval hungry" and "recognition needy" that when somebody says they "will discuss" (haven' discussed but said they will discuss) to put a name in "suspected list" (not convicted list, not involved list but doubted to be involved list) and Indians are so over-joyed that they made a news out of it.

India is an intellectual filth of the planet, rather they are a living crime against humanity.
Pak has never presented any proof that India is supporting BLA and TTP in international forums, even if it has (which i doubt), it never made any headlines. Neither India has been questioned by any other country in this regard.
So no, India's reputation against terror is intact as far as world community is concerned and it doesn't matter what Pak thinks as long as its not able to influence international view against India. That's how international system works.

See you ignored the fact that India has damaged her reputation by falsely accusing others for things that were done by Indians themselves. Examples: Samjhota, Malegaun etc.

So now tell me, why should I, whom you always accuse without presenting any concrete evidence, even for the things that you yourself do, accept your baseless allegations?

Present concrete actionable evidence and then we can talk.
I don't go to temple and you don't go to mosque and we have no concern about what happens at any of these places where we don't have any business.
What would happen if you ban me from visiting temple and i do same?
Nothing except it's just symbolic gesture and may serve as deterrence for future.

As it happens (not that it affects your analysis), I go to neither temple nor mosque. I have no concern with either place. It's your last line that matters, that it's a symbolic gesture and may, MAY, serve as deterrence for the future. I would like you to look at the post I wrote to I.R.A; it encapsulates my position when asked to defend India against being a pot calling the kettle black. It was not easy writing it, especially as it was almost sure to hurt the feelings of a well-regarded fellow member. It is true, however, in a tart, stinging kind of way.
And how many assests did Maulna had in France..??? Anyone ??? :coffee:

The same that he has in Timbuktou - nothing. Or that he has in any city of Pakistan - nothing. According to the GoP, he has no assets, no organisation, no interest in terror or in terrorists, and is merely a devout religious preacher. The government of PRC concurs. So what assets should be banned? Or what effective action should be taken against him?
France freezes assets of Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar
After freezing assets of Jaish's Masood Azhar, France said it will discuss putting Masood Azhar on a European Union list of people suspected of being involved in terrorism.


    • France says will approach EU to designate Masood Azhar as global terrorist
    • France says it has always been and will be by India’s side in the fight against terrorism
    • China has blocked the move to ban Jaish chief Masood Azhar
France has decided to freeze the assets of Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) founder and leader Masood Azhar, the French government said on Friday.

In a joint statement issued by the French interior ministry, finance ministry and foreign ministry said they will discuss putting Masood Azhar on a European Union list of people suspected of being involved in terrorism.

"A deadly attack took place in Pulwama on 14th February 2019, claiming over 40 victims from the Indian police forces. The Jaish-e-Mohammed, which the United Nations has deemed to be a terrorist organization since 2001, has claimed responsibility for this attack, the French statement said.

It added, France has decided to sanction Masood Azhar at the national level by freezing his assets in application of the Monetary and Financial Code."

The statement said France has always been and always will be by India’s side in the fight against terrorism.

The France government said they will raise this issue with other European partners with a view to including Masood Azhar on the European Union list of persons, groups and entities involved in terrorist acts, based on this decree.

Earlier this week, China had exercised its veto for the fourth time since the 2016 Pathankot terror attack, to place a hold on the move to ban Jaish chief Masood Azhar. It was an attempt to list him as a "global terrorist".

Despite hectic diplomatic engagement by India and the United States, China sided with its "all-weather friend" Pakistan.

The initial proposal to designate Masood Azhar was moved by the US, UK, and France after JeM claimed responsibility for the Pulwama terror attack in Jammu and Kashmir.

In an unprecedented move, this time around 11 countries co-sponsored the move.

Sources told India Today TV that seven were member states from the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), which included four of the five permanent members (P5)- barring China and all the European nations in the Security Council. The other four were prominent nations from outside of the Security Council.

India had expressed "disappointment" over China's move. "We are disappointed by this outcome. This has prevented action by the international community to designate the leader of Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), a proscribed and active terrorist organization which has claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack in Jammu and Kashmir on 14 February 2019", said the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) in a statement.

Explaining the play of China and Pakistan and that on international issues they remain on the same page, sources told India Today TV: "China is an extended arm of Pakistan on international issues. It just shows the depth of their so-called iron-clad brotherhood."

India also thanked all those countries that came out in support of India and denounced terrorism.

"We are grateful for the efforts of the Member States who moved the designation proposal and the unprecedented number of all other Security Council members as well as non-members who joined as co-sponsors", the MEA said.

Hey moron, what assets do they have there? Let me guess 50 Cents!! Keep up the good work!:omghaha: :omghaha:
Hey moron, what assets do they have there? Let me guess 50 Cents!! Keep up the good work!:omghaha: :omghaha:

This is the trouble with smart Pakistanis; they get themselves into more trouble than dumb Pakistanis.

This particular smart Pakistani is not bothered with the recognition of a source of terror, or with his sheltering by the state of Pakistan, or his protection by the veto of the Iron Brother. He thinks it is clever to point out that there is no money at stake. No thought at all for the long-term consequences to the country, that is now struggling with being put on the grey list of the FATF, is looking for an IMF loan in spite of representing the kind of instability that a terrorist sympathiser represents, and hopes to win goodwill with a galaxy of allies busy proving to the western world what reliable world citizens they themselves are.

Really smart.

Must sit and think how Pakistan got into this state with such smart people around. Very puzzling.
This is the trouble with smart Pakistanis; they get themselves into more trouble than dumb Pakistanis.

This particular smart Pakistani is not bothered with the recognition of a source of terror, or with his sheltering by the state of Pakistan, or his protection by the veto of the Iron Brother. He thinks it is clever to point out that there is no money at stake. No thought at all for the long-term consequences to the country, that is now struggling with being put on the grey list of the FATF, is looking for an IMF loan in spite of representing the kind of instability that a terrorist sympathiser represents, and hopes to win goodwill with a galaxy of allies busy proving to the western world what reliable world citizens they themselves are.

Really smart.

Must sit and think how Pakistan got into this state with such smart people around. Very puzzling.

Got your arse spanked hard in public by a nation 1/10th of your size, but still Shameless indian creatures posting as if you conquered the world! :omghaha::omghaha:
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