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While offering help to Pakistan, Can China better Japan ???

Even india welcomes chinese investment so why not africa ?

Anyway, as per article.

Research for the report was carried out between 2014 and 2015. Data was collected through face-to-face interviews from a sample of 54,000 African citizens in 36 countries.

The latest shows China is even better in popularity now, so facts speak louder than words, let the local people say how they feel about China.
No, like Benazir or Indra.

Can't comment about Benazir but Indira was thrown out of every Education Institute

Oh is that so? :lol: doing business involves a lot of risk-taking, maybe the japanese foresee a more profitable future with indian hsr project, while we dont

I agree, this time we cant compete. that loan arrangement sounds almost like a charity.

for now we can be content with just selling smartphones to india

Spoken like An Intelligent and Honest Businessman. My regards :enjoy:
China milking Pakistan.One way it secured port for 40 years for free operated by Chinese company which cost of construction related with 8% interest by Pakistani taxpayers...2 and way it connects it own port through Pakistan land with heavily interested loan...China is big bania...Pakistanis brothers still clapping hoping they will became like China with this road and port...
Pal you are not making sense here. We are already doing business with Japan not that big though. You can have good relations with Japan, India and Vietnam, can do business with them when you have border disputes with all of them and you are saying that Japan will not entertain when we have a big market. We can do business with US but US wull ask Japan not to do business with us. It is all about interests.
Everyone can do business with us, US n Japan are China's top trading partners, but they are not our allies. Pakistan can sure pursue what suits her national interests the best.

China milking Pakistan.One way it secured port for 40 years for free operated by Chinese company which cost of construction related with 8% interest by Pakistani taxpayers...2 and way it connects it own port through Pakistan land with heavily interested loan...China is big bania...Pakistanis brothers still clapping hoping they will became like China with this road and port...

As part of CPEC, approximately $11 billion worth of infrastructure projects being developed by the Pakistani government will be financed by concessionary loans, with composite interest rates of 1.6%, after Pakistan successfully lobbied the Chinese government to reduce interest rates from an initial 3%. The concessional loans are subsidised by the government of China, and are to be dispersed by the Exim Bank of China and the China Development Bank. For comparison, loans for previous Pakistani infrastructure projects financed by the World Bank carried an interest rate between 5% and 8.5%,while interest rates on market loans approach 12%.”

Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms Ahsan Iqbal said Beijing has agreed to provide Pakistan with a $5.5bn concessional loan to upgrade and modernise the Karachi-Lahore main railway line called ML-1.

In addition, ADB will extend financing of $2.5bn for the Lahore-Peshawar railway track, he said.

Both loans will carry less than 2 per cent interest rate. Both are concessional loans,” he said. However, he declined to discuss specifics of the lending programme, saying the Economic Affairs Division is still busy finalising the terms and conditions.
Everyone can do business with us, US n Japan are China's top trading partners, but they are not our allies. Pakistan can sure pursue what suits her national interests the best.

As part of CPEC, approximately $11 billion worth of infrastructure projects being developed by the Pakistani government will be financed by concessionary loans, with composite interest rates of 1.6%, after Pakistan successfully lobbied the Chinese government to reduce interest rates from an initial 3%. The concessional loans are subsidised by the government of China, and are to be dispersed by the Exim Bank of China and the China Development Bank. For comparison, loans for previous Pakistani infrastructure projects financed by the World Bank carried an interest rate between 5% and 8.5%,while interest rates on market loans approach 12%.”
But how Pakistan will benefit from gwadar port and coonecting road when port will be operated by China for 40 years free of cost.The road as I see is not as par as express way,its just a 2 labe road even Pakistan have already better motorway than cpec.So basically Pakistani are paying for Chinese project .
China bails out Pakistan with over $1bn in loans
Kiran Stacey, Farhan Bokhari & Henny Sender
Published 12:32 PM ET Tue, 25 April 2017 | Updated 1:13 PM ET Tue, 25 April 2017Financial Times

A Chinese worker stands near trucks carrying goods during the opening of a trade project in Gwadar port, some 700 kms west of the Pakistani city of Karachi on November 13, 2016.
China has deepened its economic pull over its neighbour Pakistan over the past year, providing over $1bn in loans to help the South Asian country stave off a potential currency crisis.

State-backed Chinese banks have come to the nuclear-armed state's rescue on two separate occasions, officials have told the Financial Times, with $900m coming in 2016, followed by another $300m in the first three months of this year.

The loans demonstrate the perilous fragility of Pakistan's stocks of foreign currency, which have been depleted in the past few months as imports have risen while both exports and inbound remittances from Pakistanis abroad have fallen.

Beijing's financial help also underlines the increasingly close relationship between the two Asian neighbours amid strains between Pakistan and the US.

Beijing is preparing to invest at least $52bn in Pakistan to build a highway, energy pipelines, power generation and industrial parks from the western port of Gwadar on the Gulf to the Chinese border 3,000km to the north.

But despite its expected impact on Pakistan's competitiveness, the infrastructure project — named the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor — is set to further deplete the country's stocks of foreign currency, needed to pay the contractors and suppliers.

Figures from the State Bank of Pakistan show the country had $17.1bn of net reserves at the end of February, down from $18.9bn at the end of October and a peak of $25bn several years ago.

This has forced the country to seek emergency loans from outside sources to repay older loans made in foreign currencies.

Of the $1.2bn from the Chinese institutions, $600m came from the government-run China Development Bank and another $600m from the state-owned Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the only mainland bank to have a branch in Pakistan. Policy banks such as CDB often act on behalf of the central bank.

One Pakistani official said: "China keeps a very close eye on our economic trends and they're happy to come to our help wherever needed."

But experts are also warning that Pakistan is likely to have to return to international institutions such as the IMF, to which it sought recourse in 2013, for further support.

"Technically speaking we should have gone back to the IMF in January, but ministers are likely to try and wait until after the election [for parliament planned for 2018]," said Vaqar Ahmed, deputy executive director of the Islamabad-based Sustainable Development Policy Institute.

One member of the ruling PML-N party confirmed to the Financial Times that ministers were loath to return to the IMF until after the election in an effort to limit the political fallout."

The IMF is a politically volatile issue in our country. If we go to the IMF to deal with our needs, that will send a very negative political signal and the opposition [parties] will use that against the government," the person said.

It was only last year that the country completed repaying the IMF debt incurred in 2013, a repayment that led policymakers in Pakistan and abroad to express optimism that the country was finally on the path to economic stability.

Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF, called it a "moment of opportunity" for the country.


But how Pakistan will benefit from gwadar port and coonecting road when port will be operated by China for 40 years free of cost.The road as I see is not as par as express way,its just a 2 labe road even Pakistan have already better motorway than cpec.So basically Pakistani are paying for Chinese project .
You will see how it works very soon, unlike Indians, we Chinese get things done fast.
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Lol...Why are Indians more interested in Pak China relations and CPEC then Pak-China themselves :o::o::o:
Its nearly free money for 50 years, 0.1% is absolutely great. Only catch must be contract will be going to a japanese company. They might have marked up the project cost which needs to revised down.
Lol. Japs going to make a killing with the servicing fees for the HSR. Assuming the project even takes off.

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So you just proved to the Indians that Japanese are better business men than Chinese. Do you think before you post? :rofl:

In India it's called Hari Prasad

Speaking of copying the China model, India sees the urge of acquiring HSR from hi-tech Japan. Weren't the Indians also pessimistic on the outlook when China was building our own HSR? Now they are trying to copy us, Lord Shiva forbid India becoming a copycat. :lol: I certainly am looking forward to the completion of it. It will promise a ride of a lifetime when the wind is smashing those faces with >300 km/h :rofl:
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