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Which stop gap fighter would you prefer for TurAF?

Which stop gap fighter for TurAF?

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May 7, 2015
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Guys what are you telling?? , instead of F35 people speaking to purchase some GAP filler fighters such as F15 or F16!!

Neither MMU nor unmanned fighters exist.
If you really want to be realistic , you look at current existing fighters in order to immediately produce.
Why not discussing production of F15 or F16 or AV8? There was a stealthty f15" silent eagle" project for KSA, why not to produce under licence in Turkey?

I really wonder if these guys are with us in defence.pk?
Something else ? It is non of your business.

Guys lets speak about how to fill the gap because of f35s. It is being said that TurAF will place an order of F16. Have you ever heard?
They are just speculations in forums like this. There's no official interest about it.
They are just speculations in forums like this. There's no official interest about it.
There will be big gap in ten years, when f4s are retired. Soon We wont see any MMU as Hakan Kılıç in YouTube video said. Above shared video is very informative for future Turkish fighter program. Unfortunately everyone cant understand Turkish language.
No way!

I highly doubt that TurAF will place a new order for more F-16s after the US unilaterally breached the F-35 contract unless the Americans make a complete 180 turn vis-a-vis their pro-PKK strategy and start acting like a proper NATO ally. But we all know that that's not going to happen because of Israel. I believe the gap will be filled with continuous F-16 modernization (e.g. Ozgur and SPEWS EW projects) and MLUs until the introduction of the Hurjet. The good news is that some of our fighter duties are being handed down to UCAVs like Anka and TB-2, which dramatically reduces F-16s' workload and extends their life. Keep in mind that we'll also have Akinci, Aksungur and MIUS. If we can keep up with the dev schedule regarding TF-X, Hurjet won't have to work too hard.
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You all seems to forget the STOL option. If the F35 don't come the Anadolu won't be a VTOL jet carrier. But, a modified Hurjet with an engine powerful enough, and some modifications on the ship it could became a STOL jet carrier.
You all seems to forget the STOL option. If the F35 don't come the Anadolu won't be a VTOL jet carrier. But, a modified Hurjet with an engine powerful enough, and some modifications on the ship it could became a STOL jet carrier.
That's been discussed extensively in the Turkish Navy section of this forum. It's best to keep this thread clean and about TF-X alone.
That's been discussed extensively in the Turkish Navy section of this forum. It's best to keep this thread clean and about TF-X alone.
We'll have to open another thread that's for sure
As we all know F35 happens sweat dream. Until Türkiye has produced own stealth fighter , which stop gap fighter would you prefer?

YouTube video of Hakan Kılıç had made me intrigued than i decided to open thread and poll.

i didnt take account any russian either chinese aircraft, because TurAF had a load of NATO missiles, Amraams, sidewinders. Also flying with russian aircrafts will bring huge training problems. Our pilots wouldnt get used to.
Finally we don't need soviet trash cans which suck money and energy, cause problems.
Also i excluded rafael and gripen.

İ am looking forward to seeing your votes.
Which one would you prefer?

* Pure bred fighter ,early version of F15?

*F15 X : 24 AMRAAM payload capacity the newest offer from producer.
* F15 silent eagle : Stealty F15 with very low frontal RCS as F35 and low RC as Eurofighter.
*F/A18 multirole fighter with low RCS and high end avionics and sensors.
*EF/ 18 G. You may prefer just an aircraft with EW capability as Germany.

*Eurofighter : you may be sick of americans and prefer European partnership using all NATO weapons on your new aircraft. Although EF is said to be expensive maintenance fighters , it would pay off every cent .

*F16 : old habits, hard die:)

You have 3 votes.
No "Other" option, eh?

You seem too biased towards the F-15, a fighter from the 60's that the US keeps repackaging for a quick buck.

We don't need a stop-gap fighter because there's NO GAP.

Our UCAVs like Anka and TB-2 are so successful that they're making headlines all over the world. They've reduced our dependence on the F-16 by a factor of at least 50%. With the introduction of Akinci, Aksungur, MIUS, swarm drones and others that ratio will continue to rise. That said, we're more than capable of modernizing our F-16s with systems like Ozgur and SPEWS and keeping them air-worthy until the Hurjet rolls out and bridges our Air Force on to the TF-X by mid 2030.

No need to buy any foreign fighters when we're getting ready to EXPORT our own!!!


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Personally, I'd say turkey should stop with the Russian deals, and just get the f35s.
Please try to forget for 5 minutes about f35:)
Unfortunately we wont have any f35 at least for 10 years.

Fans of TurAF are also saying TurAF urges fighters in 10 years.

They prefer pure fighters and leave F16s for ground attack missions.

No "Other" option, eh?

Bro, we don't need a stop-gap fighter because there's NO GAP.

Our UCAVs like Anka and TB-2 are so successful that they're making headlines all over the world. They've reduced our dependence on the F-16 by a factor of at least 50%. With the introduction of Akinci, Aksungur, MIUS, swarm drones and others that ratio will continue to rise. That said, we're more than capable of modernizing our F-16s with systems like Ozgur and SPEWS and keeping them air-worthy until the Hurjet rolls out and bridges our Air Force on to the TF-X by mid 2030.

They know their shits. In very short future TurAF needs fighters!
They know their shits. In very short future TurAF needs fighters!

That's why we're building the Hurjet, the TF-X and a bunch of UCAVs. We don't need any more FOREIGN fighters is what I'm saying. If other countries want to join the TF-X program, that's fine.
I don't think the US would sell us any of those... Same with the EU. Sadly the only stop gap fighter will probably be Russian...

We could get some SU-57's but a lot of people are saying they're junk (I disagree). However anything else such as SU-35's wouldn't be ideal. Plus just like the Americans they'll likely use it to blackmail us in Syria.

In my opinion we should double down on drone programs. We should build a fleet of armed jet powered drones and simultaneously work on the TFX.

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