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Which South Asian country has better democracy?

Which South Asian country has better democracy?

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India has the oldest democratic system. I dont know what you mean by best??? Biggest democracy is in India ( perhaps biggest in the world).

Unfortunately because the masses are not educated and divided into casts, religions, ethinicities South Asians havnt been be able to get the best out of democracy.
I meant the system by, of and for the people. Nothing to do with population or time.
Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
Maldives and bhutan

Pakistan is not really a democracy.Military is in charge.
China is a commie dictatorship.
Afghanistan is too war torn.
Anarchy and anarcho-communists, respectively
who is that rather attractive person in your profile picture please? she seems of east indian origin.

It has to be India by a large margin. all groups have a voice in india. Should any group oppress any other then there are enough valves to undo it. The state does not discriminate between people although reverse discrimination is prevalent. Transfer of power has been consistent and predictably smooth. truly india is the only proper democracy in the region and everytime someone goes against the tenets of democracy he/she are voted out.

Yeah, it's like saying the one kid who needs glasses has the best eyesight among a group of blind people. At the end of the day, he still needs glasses and his competition is a joke.
andhon mein kaanaa raja
I respect your view but you should read your post before you post them. The beauty and stupidity of democracy can't be enjoyed by googling. Polls work better.

Thats a stupid question to start with. If you have google use it. Bangladesh any ways is at the bottom.
I respect your view but you should read your post before you post them. The beauty and stupidity of democracy can't be enjoyed by googling. Polls work better.
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