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Which faction of the armed forces would you join?

what about non Muslim or atheistic Pakistanis??

I really wish Pakistani's would stop making all these references to Allah. It's downright embarrasing when they do.

Pakistani's assume that being a Pakistani and a Muslim are synonymous. Indians don't make these sorts of comments because they have a much larger minority population than we do. Last I checked, Pakistan was "96%" Muslim. I put that in quotes because I can assure you, barely any of them really are.
The SSG's success rates in open conflicts (65,71,87,95,99) have been very unimpressive. But they seem to have done very well in irregular war scenarios particularly in west Pakistan and performed brilliantly in anti-terrorism operations.
Name: Muhammad Raashid
Interest: Weapons (primarily explosives and propellants) or Strategy (But as a civilian)
Head of DRDO, to make the things faster...
As a GDP in PAF........................ My dream which will remain my dream.
I would love to join ISI, can do anything.........
Whichever post/branch the conscription officer feels is appropriate for me.

Of course,if there is ever some conscription enabled in the nation.
i have only two fictions in my mind top of the line SSG for pakistan or submarine comander for PN most difficult job to work in subs i think in the world becoz 90 percent of chances of death in subs more than any weapon of war
I want to join DRDO as a Scientist. I want to design a fighter aircraft / UCAV for my country.
I tried for the Indian Navy for 8 times but was not lucy enough to join the elite command. I should accept that I do not have the Officer like quality to join the armed services.
I hope I am doing better as a Software Engineer and in future I'll much better as a Farmer, Agriculturalist

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