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Which country do you hate the most? Bangladesh

If our greatness makes people hate on us. Let them hate.
ofcourse- mahaan bharat

I answered the question in title
they are our brothers - dont hate em
hate india instead
@Pindi Boy
No - spare me.

Honestly not interested in that hogwash propaganda, but what Bangladeshis (as well as I) will focus on is the amount of religious oppression and hate politics openly practiced in India nowadays which is the cornerstone of Hindutva, compared to how we in Bangladesh treat religious minorities including Hindus. The world is trying to improve its records on this, while India is the only country that keeps getting worse.

There is nothing "Mahaan" about narrow-minded Hindutva - period. Even the majority of educated Hindus in India agree.

This minority and Muslim oppression in India continues despite Modi's India being a 3rd world country - which is still dependent on Muslim countries for their remittance income. And WION and Godi Media bad mouthing Muslims at every turn - even Turkey sometimes. As if the world cares what a nutcase leader of a 3rd world country thinks.

India runs on remittance money - it is the only large country to do so which claims superpower status. Can a beggar-status country afford to have hate-based leadership? Does its educated citizens deserve such leadership which drags its economy down at every turn? So far the only factor allowing this leadership to persist is the cluelessness and stupidity of some of the Indian electorate who are impressed with glamour projects and 150 feet statues while the economy is dragged down to below that of Bangladesh.

Here's an interesting fact for you to chew on. By unofficial estimates Bangladesh is the 3rd largest remittance source for India. Yes - a country one-seventh of India's size by population as well as economy. Yes Bangladesh - a Muslim majority country and not even an Western/Gulf country which ten years ago had half the GDP per capita of India and now has exceeded you.

I will leave it to others to comment on what that says about India's standing in the world today.....

Bangladeshis gave opportunities to 500 Afghan women in ONE college, Afghan women are 50% of the student body there (Asian University of Women in Chittagong). By Taliban dictat, women cannot study beyond fifth grade in Afghanistan now.

Now - would we do this, if we hated Afghan women?

For that matter, we did the same to quite a few Baloch women too.
I hope ISI is looking cause that's a RAW operation, 1000% sure , why did the idiotic GOP even allow it?
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06:48 mins, what a charming girl ! If she is reading this then to her I say I want to offer a cup of tea.

3rd largest military budget in the world

And you think that's a good thing, especially for a country like India with an atrocious political and socio-economic system where the massive military spending should have been redirected to ?

Amazing space program

What amazing space program ? The Indian Space Research Organization is 60 years old and has massive human, material and financial resources ( currently has 17,000+ workers ) but hasn't put a single human into space but 20-year-old SpaceX which is a private organization with lesser resources than ISRO has already put 22 humans into space. Only a few days ago four private individuals returned from the International Space Station after 17 days there. They were taken there and returned from there by SpaceX. ISRO is a bunch of incompetents who I don't think will put an Indian into space in the next three years much less have an Indian space station in 10 years and even less chance of having Indians on Mars without great help of other space organizations. Again, ISRO is a bunch of incompetents who were given technology for engines and other components by the West and the USSR yet failed to become anything but a satellite launcher.

But I forgot, ISRO did send an Indian space station to low Earth orbit under the able leadership of Modi ji but the space station was CGI : :D

World's largest film industry

If you are talking about the Hindi film industry then the Hindutvadis had nothing to do with it. There were progressives associated with this industry, many of them Communists like Balraj Sahni and Makhdoom Mohiuddin.
Most bangladeshis hate India yet Indian visa centers are overworking for bd tourists :)
btw I feel Bangladeshis do not hate Indians as such(if they do, they hide it pretty damn well), at least I have never felt any ill will, the hatred is directed towards govt/policy

Bangladeshis has no reason to dislike the common Indian. But the government and especially BJP thugs are certainly hated.
That should match with other consumption indicators as well, else it’s just made up.

Then you should be extremely happy that Pakistan does just $2 bn of “International Tech-Scamming” while India does $150 bn of “International Tech-scamming”. Clearly showing that Pakistanis do less international tech scams than scammer Indians 😁.

See, even Imran was proud of it…
Imran Khan has praised Bangladesh, Imran Khan has praised Afghanistan, Imran Khan has praised US, believe it or not Imran Khan has even praised Sri Lanka - he has a mouth like that

But the deeply insecure and hungry for validation Indians are the only country rubbing off Thier little peckers - literally no other country care and that goes for frickin Afghanistan too
Like think how mentally pathetic you have to be that Afghanistan has less need for someone else's validation than Indians

Just like they rub off tiny peckers by watching videos of pakees "praising" em to make money from Thier views - as they know Indian need for validation is immense

You shared this video of 3rd rate YouTube channels to seek validation from pakees of how India has ended extreme poverty on another thread
- you did it cause in y'all's low IQ brain it works out something like this
Someone praising me for views= look how pakee praising me = Haha pakee, supa powa India
Superpower celebrated while the funny part was idiots on the internet showed it off in front of us like it's a grand achievement
While what you were "showing off" in front of us was something that we achieved 20 years ago

This is the level where your brain operates at
It's Something akin to watching how orangutans operate in the wilderness - y'all are the orangutans of the wilderness while rest of us in the world are david attenborough observing you

General dumbness of your people aside you should use it to help the poor so you didn't have to feel the embarrassment of having to "show off" eliminating something as basic as extreme poverty
Hate is a very big thing it should be like or dislike as if anyone going to ask me which country do you dislike the most ? I am going to answer Pakistan because it sponsors terrorism not only in my country but Afghanistan also.It is because of them Afghanistan is into chaos.Though I won't be the only one as they are getting so much of love and affection in another Muslim country I.e. Turkey. Never mind I am seeing so many opportunities here considering Pakistanis if they wish to have online consultation for verbal diarrhea.@raja420 say for an example.
Hate is a very big thing it should be like or dislike as if anyone going to ask me which country do you dislike the most ? I am going to answer Pakistan because it sponsors terrorism not only in my country but Afghanistan also.It is because of them Afghanistan is into chaos.Though I won't be the only one as they are getting so much of love and affection in another Muslim country I.e. Turkey. Never mind I am seeing so many opportunities here considering Pakistanis if they wish to have online consultation for verbal diarrhea.@raja420 say for an example.

If India is balkanised, the hate will go away.
Most bangladeshis hate India yet Indian visa centers are overworking for bd tourists :)
btw I feel Bangladeshis do not hate Indians as such(if they do, they hide it pretty damn well), at least I have never felt any ill will, the hatred is directed towards govt/policy
Almost no one here wants to hate India. Indian government policies force people to hate India.
The Indian government can turn this around within a year by simply changing attitude and intent.
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Interesting video. There is a lot less hate for India than I thought there would be.

One guy gave the best answer: "I have not travelled anywhere, so I cannot say based on what is in the media". Think he is a smart guy (at least emotionally speaking) :cheers:

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