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where will grounded A-5'S go?

Well , most likely they will sit on junk yard

Correct procedure would be recover the Metal, and strip all the non metals and make a new JF17 thunder framework
Wow, a lot of harsh replies.

It is entirely possible to turn a fighter jet into an unmanned drone or cruise missile. You can't increase the radius from 500 km to 5,000 km, but older jets can be used in a robotic form.

Almost the entire fleet of U.S. F-102 and F-106 aircraft have been destroyed as target drones for weapons testing. It sounds wasteful, but you need targets that can do mach 1.6 and behave like a fighter. Now, since we are almost out of F-106's, they are taking old F-4 Phantoms and using those. It pains to see them blown up, but it's necessary.


QF-4, a mach 2 drone:

One day, we will see QF-15's and QF-16's...
Wow, a lot of harsh replies.

It is entirely possible to turn a fighter jet into an unmanned drone or cruise missile. You can't increase the radius from 500 km to 5,000 km, but older jets can be used in a robotic form.

Almost the entire fleet of U.S. F-102 and F-106 aircraft have been destroyed as target drones for weapons testing. It sounds wasteful, but you need targets that can do mach 1.6 and behave like a fighter. Now, since we are almost out of F-106's, they are taking old F-4 Phantoms and using those. It pains to see them blown up, but it's necessary.


QF-4, a mach 2 drone:

One day, we will see QF-15's and QF-16's...

True indeed i agree :( anyhow... Chogy just thinking out loud what are your opnions on the A-5 aircraft that PAF has now grounded ? do yo know knowledge of the aircraft ?
Wow, a lot of harsh replies.

It is entirely possible to turn a fighter jet into an unmanned drone or cruise missile. You can't increase the radius from 500 km to 5,000 km, but older jets can be used in a robotic form.

Almost the entire fleet of U.S. F-102 and F-106 aircraft have been destroyed as target drones for weapons testing. It sounds wasteful, but you need targets that can do mach 1.6 and behave like a fighter. Now, since we are almost out of F-106's, they are taking old F-4 Phantoms and using those. It pains to see them blown up, but it's necessary.


QF-4, a mach 2 drone:

One day, we will see QF-15's and QF-16's...

i believe f-16s will be the first one!
there was a news couple of weeks ago about f-16s being turned into target drones
PAF will not invest more money in these aircrafts...

Mayanmar air force and Bangladesh air force still use A-5s, PAF should approach these airforces and sell them at bargaining prices!
PAF will not invest more money in these aircrafts...

Mayanmar air force and Bangladesh air force still use A-5s, PAF should approach these airforces and sell them at bargaining prices!

donate them!!!
that is where innovation comes in....titanium and aluminium has great potential

Try Diamond, it has even more.... Good luck with the tip I gave u... Who knows u can make it fly some day.
they will be mothballed....some MAY be offered to friendly air forces still using the platform; e.g. Bangladesh.

rest will stripped of internal parts, and place on display at some air bases and/or around the country as commemoration
Give them to Taliban, so that we can tell each other "Bring em On!" heheh!!!!!
IMP, We can use them for air-men training purpose.PAF is still using F6 so cant we use A5 for the same role.
Secondly, We can induct them in Army Aviation for battlefield bomber role.
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