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Ajit Kumar

Feb 24, 2015
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Where should a Pakistani Hindu go?
Kapil Dev — Updated 39 minutes ago

With sheer frustration and utter disappointment, I, being a Pakistani Hindu, am fed up with the unending list of unaddressed complaints regarding discrimination, marginalisation and hatred spewed against Hindus in books taught at our schools over the last 68 years.

A few days back, Lal Malhi, PTI’s MNA on a minority seat, seemed to have addressed a similar point when he spoke his heart out in a soaked voice, trying to draw the attention of the Speaker and members of the National Assembly on a point of order.

He commented on how frequently insensitive and outright offensive our parliamentarians usually are when in their rhetoric of jingoism they want to condemn and criticise India and instead start blaming and hurling abuses at Hindus.

Video of MNA Lal Malhi speech by dawn-news`

A number of Muslim MNAs, he said, have mocked Hindus for worshiping cows. In their mindless hate-spewing, they ignore the fact that four million Hindus live in Pakistan and their derogatory words hurt the religious sentiments of the local Hindu community. Perhaps, they too need to be sensitised and educated that all Hindus are not Indians and all Indians are not Hindus. India has over 200 million Muslims and other minority groups as well.

In the current scenario, I wish I had a prodigious political consciousness during my childhood so that I could have asked my grandparents why they and their ancestors preferred this part of the border in 1947, when many Hindus were fleeing to India at that time.

Although I have as much of a right as any other Pakistani to seek better economic opportunity by fleeing abroad – to anywhere, India or not – and adding my name in the brain-drain list, the thought of leaving my motherland has never occurred to me. Despite the insecurity, the threats, the oppression and the marginalisation, we, members of the local Hindu community, are proud Pakistanis.

Take a look: 4,300 Hindus, Sikhs from Pakistan, Afghanistan get Indian citizenship

Every time there is an incident of violence against my community; an attack on a temple or a forced conversion, and I bring it up in conversation with a fellow citizen, they will argue and counter-argue: “Don’t you see the atrocities against Muslims in India, especially in Kashmir and the 2002 Gujarat riots?”

In response, I want to tell these people that as a minority rights activist, I feel deeper pain at the atrocities against the Muslims living in India than those who are here in majority. But attacks on Muslim minorities in India in no way justify the atrocities committed against the Hindu minority living in Pakistan — two wrongs cannot make a right.

We are Pakistani Hindus, do not equate us with Indians

If there is a doubt about our loyalty or sincerity to Pakistan, then these should be supported with statistics, some facts on how many Pakistani Hindus have betrayed the country or have been tried in courts for treason.

But if there is nothing to show in that regard, then the false propaganda must come to an end and we should be owned and trusted and the state should play a role in stemming the generalised fiction and fabricated tales taught through hate-mongering and biased history in textbooks.

Also read: ‘Pakistan schools teach Hindu hatred’

Recently, Ashok Kumar, a Hindu soldier, who lay down his life fighting in Waziristan in 2013, was awarded Tamgha-i-Shujaat on March 23, 2015. But surprisingly, his name was suffixed with “late” and not “Shaheed” (martyr) as used for Muslim soldiers who have sacrificed their lives. Did Kumar not die for love of country?

He is perhaps the only Hindu who has sacrificed his life in the Pakistan Army. Hindus were not allowed to join the armed forces until before 2000 and were only welcomed in the national military during the reign of Pervez Musharraf. This is in contrast with the country's Christian community whose members have been serving in the army for much longer with many of them having been on senior postings.

Also, to my knowledge and understanding, Pakistani Hindus are also discouraged from serving in the country's secret agencies, whereas India’s Intelligence Bureau was headed by Syed Asif Ibrahim, a Muslim man, for two years.

Come cricket matches, particularly the World Cup and a Pakistani Hindu is intentionally or unintentionally always asked which country he supports in the Pakistan-India match? Do you ever ask a Pakistani Christian this silly question? Do you ever ask them who they support in a Pakistan-Australia or a Pakistan-New Zealand match? No, never. Then why is the Hindu always asked to prove his patriotism and loyalty to Pakistan in this manner?

See: Obfuscating reality: 'They were killed for being Pakistanis, not minorities'

That question has always perplexed my mind. Why are we treated as second-class citizens by the state and why are we discriminated in every walk of life just because we are Hindus?

I can safely say this on behalf of my community that we often feel like citizens of “no man’s land” because here in Pakistan we are treated as Indians and those of us who migrate to India are called Pakistanis. For our love and patriotism for Pakistan, right-wing Indians call us ISI agents, while here just for being Hindu, we are labeled agents of RAW.

Where should we go?
No matter how much india have pain for Pakistani hindu's every one knows the dark face of india's ambitious behind this..
you keep trying but you will be fail to hire agents from any Pakistani community.
its better you keep to make your communities satisfied....
Every time there is an incident of violence against my community; an attack on a temple or a forced conversion, and I bring it up in conversation with a fellow citizen, they will argue and counter-argue: “Don’t you see the atrocities against Muslims in India, especially in Kashmir and the 2002 Gujarat riots?”
This shows how Pakistani society even after 70 years of independence, still looks to India and defines itself as being 'not India' and 'not Indians' rather than as a composite entity called "Pakistanis".

Still insecure after all this while.
Hello mr what india does with muslims in india it is nothing to compare with hindus in pak
u get govt jobs most of hindus are rich in pak discrimination happens with muslim in mayanmar and usa where were u than most of u never forced to become muslim but india they force muslim to be hindu hold ur horses
No matter how much india have pain for Pakistani hindu's every one knows the dark face of india's ambitious behind this..
you keep trying but you will be fail to hire agents from any Pakistani community.
its better you keep to make your communities satisfied....
Low level RAW informers are always pakistanis. Whoever is in position to give us information are targets. Be it muslim or hindu or christians.


India should grant them citizenship.
they have to cross the border, and apply. There is a due process to be followed.
Apna aqeeda choro nahe dosray ka aqeeda chero nahe thats my motto and besides abusing minority faith is a very low act by a parliamentarian they should apologize for such an insensitive comment
And the "secular" India is the shining example of religious harmony.... :lol:

India: Five attacks on Christians in the last week

Christians in central India faced numerous attacks from suspected Hindu nationalists last week, with reports of attacks on churches as well as a centre for disabled children.

Three Protestant churches were attacked in Indore, in Madhya Pradesh, on May 12, according to AsiaNews. The attackers threw stones at one church and vandalised numerous pieces of church property at St Paul's Anglican Church.

The militants also tried to set fire to one of the churches by throwing burning rags inside the building. The police responded quickly and extinguished the flames before the fire spread.
Hello mr what india does with muslims in india it is nothing to compare with hindus in pak
u get govt jobs most of hindus are rich in pak discrimination happens with muslim in mayanmar and usa where were u than most of u never forced to become muslim but india they force muslim to be hindu hold ur horses
Only statements. Are you saying this to the author ? you should ask this to the author , burmese authority or USA president.
And the "secular" India is the shining example of religious harmony.... :lol:

India: Five attacks on Christians in the last week

Christians in central India faced numerous attacks from suspected Hindu nationalists last week, with reports of attacks on churches as well as a centre for disabled children.

Three Protestant churches were attacked in Indore, in Madhya Pradesh, on May 12, according to AsiaNews. The attackers threw stones at one church and vandalised numerous pieces of church property at St Paul's Anglican Church.

The militants also tried to set fire to one of the churches by throwing burning rags inside the building. The police responded quickly and extinguished the flames before the fire spread.
Where does it mentioned in the article that is posted ?
Some people use the word hindu like its a swear word or something
Where does it mentioned in the article that is posted ?

Indian Christians require some serious protection from extremist hindus, the world should come to their rescue...

Christians living in fear in wake of Agra church attack in India

Christians are living in fear of more attacks as Hindu hardliners continue to target Christian facilities in India, with the latest incident involving the desecration of the St. Mary's Church in Agra.

A statement released by the Archdiocese said: "Christian institutions are deemed sitting ducks by these fringe elements and deliberately targeted by them to further their vested interest. This has spread fear among Christians and we feel very unsafe in our own motherland."

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