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Where is Islam in Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

The only thing political theism has achieved in this world is defeat.

Pakistan was made for Muslims, not Islam. Not only for Muslims, but in fact, also for the other oppressed minorities of the Asian subcontinent.

The very color white on the Pakistani flag is used to represent minorities.

Information of Pakistan

What the f-- am i reading.

assalam alaikum

Eventhough we can argue that pakistan was for islam , but i take ur bolded text if it was made for muslims, then they can adopt islam anytime. There r many countries used to be religous and they r no more, Why the muslims of pakistan cant have islam as way of life and protected by the constitution ?

Why not just let people practice their Religion the way they want to?

Quaid-e-Azam wanted a country for Muslims of the Subcontinent where Muslims themselves can rule their own lands not a country for Islam.

Islam can be practiced everywhere, you dont need a country to practice Islam that was not the reason Quaid-e-Azam worked day and night for Pakistan.

Give people freedom of Religion. Every single individual will answer to Allah on Day of Judgement.

Just be happy that you are ruling your own land.



Seems like you are giving more importance to quaid e azam then Prophet Mohammed PBUH.

BTW your points have already been answered in the first page please kindly read and educate yourself.
Thank you
Again Jinnah is not a prophet (nauzubillah) so he cannot be flawless.

With all due respect, it was Jinnah that made Pakistan a reality to you and me, not Prophet (PBUH). His determination to create the state rested upon providing future safety and prosperity of the Muslim populace. Surely, he had some idea of how best to run things in the current day and age. After all, we were not 7th century Arabia, but rather 21st century subcontinent. Two very different worlds.

His mistake was bringing western rule of law in Islamic state which resulted in only a mess. If Pakistanis have decided to reject islam then go ahead fallow that Democratic system (a system made by People). Islam is a system made for us Muslims by Allah and both these systems collide with each other.

Look where Turkey is -- a secular country with 99% mostly Sunni Muslim population -- and now look where Pakistan is, or is going.

In one system People decide what is right and wrong. and in the other in which allah has told us what is right and wrong.

Allah said to go even to China for knowledge.
I never said leave everything to Allah, all I said is that matters where ambiguity exists, let Allah alone deal with it.

In terms of personal religiosity, I said to follow the Quran and that is a struggle.


With all the respect the ambiguity is in the mind of few secularists or some haters of islam otherwise the ummah is united on many issues since the times of sahabah


Everyone is accountable to their actions and sure allah does not like those who abandon Islam and hell is what awaits them in afterlife.

Just imagine what our Chinese friends, on whose support we rely on for so many things, will think when they read something like this. Maybe there is a reason after all for such low people-to-people ties between Pak & China, even though it has been 60+ years. :disagree:
Most of my family is Christian. Should we live a life as second class citizens? Please ff in the end we are all Pakistanis and want to make it a better place.

Oh okay I see. I have no problem with Christains as long as they dont cause any problem to Islam.
Muslims should live a life by the example of prophet Mohammed (PBUH) i.e he never sneaked up on non muslims and killed them in fact he treated them with same respect as long as they were not causing any problem to Islam. And non muslims were so inspired by him that they eventually converted to Islam without being forced.
For you Islam is first but for me my country is my identity and that shall be first. There is a difference between Islam and Muslim. It might have been made for Muslims but it was supposed to be a a secular country but obviously for you Pakistan ka matlab is La ilaha ilallah as quoted by your favorite dictator and *** kisser of Saudis, Zia ul Haq.
Good for you.
According to you Pakistan should be a secular state but in fact it should be a Islamic state. And like i said true Islam does not treat non muslims unfairly.

My dictator? :lol::blah:

Boy do you want me to say what Your Dictator is aka musharraf? Isnt the same coward who ran away and i remeber he use to say. Mai kisi say dartha wardah nahi hon.. hahaha..
nauzubillah. Man seriously sometimes you need to watch what you say.

There is nothing wrong with my observation.

Allah has permitted muslims to give hidayat to fellow muslims.

Peacefully and remember, 'there is no compulsion in the matter of religion'.

Seriously man no offense but you are quite ignorant. Who here is trying to politicalizing Islam? Since when being muslims is a tool for worldly gains? Its a other way around sir. being secular is a tool for worldly gains.

Don't know if you are familiar with the terms being discussed or not but the fact is that 'politics' is a process by which a group(s) of people make a collective decision(s). In this case a group of Muslims are making a collective decision as a political entity to turn a nation/state into an Islamic emirate. This group will gain power and wealth if this decision achieves completion.

Secular just means being neutral in the matter of religion, how that helps one achieve wordily gains is beyond me.

What purpose? Muslims of western extremist and fake jihadis have already harmed the image.

Well you don't wanna harm at any further.

Yep its certainly odd giving more importance to secularism then Islam. Why did allah send prophets Quran which teaches us way of life? So that ignorant muslims could fallow other rule of laws and give islam less importance?

Sir no one here is using islam for its personal gain. Islam is not self oriented its unity. My main concern is about our society going astray front of allah by perusing other rule of laws and way of life that were not permitted.

Secularism isn't an idea at odds with Islam, it is a matter of neutrality of the state in the matters of religion.

The Quran and the preceding prophets taught the people a way of life in times where there was little progression in society. Religion is a set of rules for a person, a Muslim can be an excellent Muslim in a western nation too without any hindrances. It's the path to the next life by following guidelines anywhere on this planet regardless of the system in the country of residence.

By exerting a case for a nation is unnecessary and can derail one from the true path of a religion.
assalam alaikum

Qaid used islam and muslims believed in it if he used anything then islam pakistan would not come to exists. he was a leader but his attraction was the name of islam otherwise no one would be intersted and when u say islam NO ONE AND NO ONE WILL BE ABOVE THE PROPHET (PBUH) AND WILL NEVER BE IN A COUNTRY OF HIS FOLLOWERS

Just imagine what our Chinese friends, on whose support we rely on for so many things, will think when they read something like this. Maybe there is a reason after all for such low people-to-people ties between Pak-China, even though it has been 60+ years.

Excuse me! Thats quite a low mentality. This is why pakistan will never prosper and stand up on their feet when people look towards others to rely on.
Chinese did not abandon Islam. If you read Koran it does mention non muslims will get their rewards for their good deeds.
ignorant. !
Seems like you are giving more importance to quaid e azam then Prophet Mohammed PBUH.

BTW your points have already been answered in the first page please kindly read and educate yourself.
Thank you

Brother in a country as diverse as Pakistan, you can not have everyone thinking the same way.

There are many Pakistani Muslims who follow the teachings of the Quran, Hadith, Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), pray 5 times, fast every day on Ramadan, make pilgrimage to Hajj in Mecca, and help the poor. Allah bless them and I'm sure they will be rewarded on Day of Judgement.

However, you can not force anyone to follow this blessed way of life.

In most Pakistani schools, colleges, and universities Islamic studies is required. So we are teaching our kids Islam. When they turn adults, its up to them how determined they are to follow the teachings of Islam, but you can't force anyone.

And no one is stopping anyone in Pakistan to practice his/her Religion the way they want to, so I dont know where the problem is.
With all due respect, it was Jinnah that made Pakistan a reality to you and me, not Prophet (PBUH). His determination to create the state rested upon providing future safety and prosperity of the Muslim populace. Surely, he had some idea of how best to run things in the current day and age. After all, we were not 7th century Arabia, but rather 21st century subcontinent. Two very different worlds.

(Qaid used islam and muslims believed in it if he used anything then islam pakistan would not come to exists. he was a leader but his attraction was the name of islam otherwise no one would be intersted and when u say islam NO ONE AND NO ONE WILL BE ABOVE THE PROPHET (PBUH) AND WILL NEVER BE IN A COUNTRY OF HIS FOLLOWERS) Tariq

Look where Turkey is -- a secular country with 99% mostly Sunni Muslim population -- and now look where Pakistan is, or is going.
Ignorance at its best.
Look where Israel and America is today. Then according to your analogy Pakistanis should become Christians and Jews to prosper.

Allah said to go even to China for knowledge.

Yes and?

I am really sick today. totally feel like in a chatroom with rednecks.
My secular fellows should Go study about the system of Khilafah, ALLAH's laws are never just theories, Muslims are born to implement and follow the rules given in Quran and Hadith.

Here is what Iqbal said about the so called Democracy in his famous poem "Khizr-e-Rah", written in 1922,

Translated into English.

"1) Western democratic system is the same old• musical instrument which contains no tunes other than Imperial ones.

2) It is the demon of autocracy dancing in the garb of democracy. And you think it is a fairy of freedom come from Paradise.

3) Legislative Councils, Reforms, Concessions and Grants, Rights etc are the Western medicine which tastes sweet but in effect is opiate.

4) This eloquence of the members of the Legislative Council is irresistible. It is (in reality) nothing but a warfare of Capitalists to make more money.

5) You take this mirage of colour and smell for a garden. I am sorry for you. You on account of your foolishness, see cage as your nest."

Bang-i-Dara, Kulliyat-i-Iqbal pp. 262-62.

thanks for this poem bro!
Excuse me! Thats quite a low mentality. This is why pakistan will never prosper and stand up on their feet when people look towards others to rely on.

And what will make us stand on our feet? Sectarianism, ethnocentrism, feudalism, ... ? How much exactly have we looked towards the Chinese indeed, besides some military/defence cooperations?

Chinese did not abandon Islam. If you read Koran it does mention non muslims will get their rewards for their good deeds.
ignorant. !


It's not about them abandoning Islam. But rather them looking at us and seeing us as such ignorant, narrow-minded, dogmatic people.
Brother in a country as diverse as Pakistan, you can not have everyone thinking the same way.

There are many Pakistani Muslims who follow the teachings of the Quran, Hadith, Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), pray 5 times, fast every day on Ramadan, make pilgrimage to Hajj in Mecca, and help the poor. Allah bless them and I'm sure they will be rewarded on Day of Judgement.

However, you can not force anyone to follow this blessed way of life.

In most Pakistani schools, colleges, and universities Islamic studies is required. So we are teaching our kids Islam. When they turn adults, its up to them how determined they are to follow the teachings of Islam, but you can't force anyone.

And no one is stopping anyone in Pakistan to practice his/her Religion the way they want to, so I dont know where the problem is.

assalam alaikum

Brother it seem u answered ur ownself , yes every minorities right is protected and was protected under islamic law

Brother in a country as diverse as Pakistan, you can not have everyone thinking the same way.

There are many Pakistani Muslims who follow the teachings of the Quran, Hadith, Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), pray 5 times, fast every day on Ramadan, make pilgrimage to Hajj in Mecca, and help the poor. Allah bless them and I'm sure they will be rewarded on Day of Judgement.

However, you can not force anyone to follow this blessed way of life.

In most Pakistani schools, colleges, and universities Islamic studies is required. So we are teaching our kids Islam. When they turn adults, its up to them how determined they are to follow the teachings of Islam, but you can't force anyone.

And no one is stopping anyone in Pakistan to practice his/her Religion the way they want to, so I dont know where the problem is.

Well said bro..

I am totally not in favor of forcing Islam on anyone because our prophet simply did not do. However I am in favor of giving hidayat to fellow muslims so that we all can make our faith stronger and stay united rather then stay scattered in pieces. Islam is also about being united why else would allah send his prophets and the koran? Just for us to read at home?
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