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Where does Pakistan fit in the emerging US-Russia conflict in Afghanistan.

If you pay attention Pakistan is dealing with corruption and terrorism at war footings right now
sorry. terrorism yes but not corruption. our every organization is riddled with corruption and there is no need to mention the "democratically elected honorable prime minister".
emerging US-Russia conflict in
Afghanistan? Where?

Regional countries should first bring all warlords on table, then demand withdraw of NATO from Afghanistan as its destablizing our countries..
There is absolutely no reason or evidence to indicate that Pakistan can use a projected closeness to Russia as a bargaining chip to bolster its position with USA in Afghanistan
Then why the sudden change in tone in Washington about Pakistan after Pak-Rus-China talk on Afghanistan? And recently Pakistan did warn USA of an imminent Russian attack on Afghanistan if ISIS grows in Afghanistan. I think fear of Russians is a card to play with Americans.
Russian motives in Afghanistan are unclear, they don't really want to project themselves as supporters of terrorists (Taliban). On the other hand they are pushing for peace b/w Taliban and Kabul.
Since 1947, geographically Pakistan fits more in alliance with USSR and now Russia. But desi gora leadership inherited from UK was and is more eager to push Pakistan in western block.

lolzzxx. the govt of punjab assigned graphic designer had put the picture of Putin instead of the relevant head of one of the former Soviet states. plz check
Graphic designer happened to be patwari
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