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Where Does Evil Come From?

Lets start with Zionist terrorism shall we?

Which is what the bulk of the article is doing. However, it does not make the claim you are claiming here, that all evil is to be sought from within -

The moment this idiot brought Islam into this, he lost all the credibility. Islam is not relevant to what happened in Vegas. By not claiming that evil has to be sought from within, for a very obvious terrorist act, that in itself is a worst form of yellow journalism.

- and which is directly contradicted by your next sentence!

What contradition? these are the facts.

Still batting zero. If you don't consider 9/11 to have been "Islam (any form of it)" then you have to make up a new term for it. But what you aren't allowed to do (and remain a credible person) is make stuff up baseless stuff like blaming "Zionists" or mysterious "foreign aliens"; you're allowed your own opinion but not your own facts, nor retreats into baseless speculations to divert from issues simply because they may damage your ego.

Oh yes the 9/11 . Is that your fall back argument? Is that still relevant in this day and age when millions of Muslims lives have been lost due to Zionist control America war on terror? I can bring you ton of material that will prove how 9/11 was a internal conspiracy to serve the Interest of Israel. After all, the only beneficial party of the aftermath is one and only Israel. So as we say, lets cut the crap and focus on what happened in Vegas.

My opinion? There are countless "white Americans" (if that make it more credible) who consider the Zionist infestation in America as the cause of all evils of their country. There are many people who are sick and tried of America being used and abuse by bunch of few foreign aliens who masquerade as Americans yet their allegiance lies with Israel. The danger to American come from within when their country is not in the hands of their own. America currency printing press aka Federal reserves is under the siege of Zionist, just few days ago the vice president of Fed, a Isreali citizen resigned from his post and he was poised to become the next fed cheif!! This is the level of penetration the foreign pests have got in America. The clear, present danger is within.
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