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Where do the world’s most stressed women live?

Reuters noted from the survey that despite being the most stressed, Indian women were also the most likely to spend disposable income on themselves. Over three quarters said they would splurge on health and beauty products, while 96% responded that they would buy clothes.

Isn't that the Dam truth!!!!!
Indian women are always stressed for their childs education. its a fact in India at present....
List is right.

Almost the top 20 of the list are developed or developing nations. Including super power US and russia. These are the nations who have given enough independence and equality for women at par with men. Hence women in these countries are working in every field they want and can persue everything in life they want. All this goes throught path of stress in real world.

As opposed to other nations, which you specifically mentioned as muslim nations like in middle east or pakistan, they do not treat women equal to men and most of the women end being the robot in kitchen, where there is no scope for stress.

Oh yes we forgot. India is next Western world/ super power/ and heaven on earth and Indian women are working day and night at office desk day and night.

Btw sir would like me to post some news regarding treatment of Indian female soldiers by senior officers? They are pretty much sex slaves.
Btw sir would like me to post some news regarding treatment of Indian female soldiers by senior officers? They are pretty much sex slaves.

That is the stupidest and most disgusting statement I've heard. You guys are the scum of this universe for insulting our female soldiers that way, and I sincerely hope that you are the next person to be sent to Guantanamo Bay.

Post reported.
That is the stupidest and most disgusting statement I've heard. You guys are the scum of this universe for insulting our female soldiers that way, and I sincerely hope that you are the next person to be sent to Guantanamo Bay.

Post reported.

Did i hit a nerve?
This is what i meant.. and obviously GOI being pathological lairs rejected this facct.

First female Indian troops 'are prostitutes' - Telegraph

First female Indian troops 'are prostitutes'
India has accused Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency of circulating claims that women troops dispatched to its border with Pakistan are in fact prostitutes sent to boost the morale of their frontier guards.

By Dean Nelson in New Delhi

2:44PM BST 28 Sep 2009

New Delhi's home minister P Chidambaram has ordered his officials to launch an official complaint with Pakistan's High Commission after a Pakistani newspaper reported an investigation alleging that 178 female members of its Border Security Force had been deployed to "meet the natural needs" of its male soldiers on the Line of Control between the two armies in disputed Jammu and Kashmir.

According to the report in the Pakistan Daily Mail earlier this month, New Delhi had "deployed 200 prostitutes" according to its "authoritative sources". It claimed the decision had been taken by senior Army officers who feared a number of troop suicides and incidents where soldiers had killed their own comrades was linked to loneliness and the absence of female company.

In their search for a response they had contacted a number of consultants and analysts who said the soldiers had acted in "acute frustration and depression". They had recommended increased home leave for married soldiers, but could compromise on security by allowing too many to take leave.

The newspaper claimed a major-general was sent to Moscow to research how the Russians had dealt with a similar problem in Afghanistan in the 1980s. "The Russian consultants told the Indian Army that the since the soldiers in the valley were [starved of women], they should be provided with women to meet their genuine and natural needs."

A high-level committee of senior army officers was formed to explore how they could recruit prostitutes and give them basic military training. The newspaper claimed India's intelligence agency, the Research and Analysis Wing was drafted in to screen the prostitutes because, it said, it already had a "network of prostitutes in different cities of India".
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[what's this]

The report which was published on the day the female unit was deployed in Kashmir has been dismissed as a propaganda ploy by Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency, the ISI, to demoralise Indian troops.

"It is clearly a story written under a pseudonym, planted by the ISI to demoralise the new women-only contingent. Psychological warfare is not new for the Pakistanis," said a home ministry official.

Jagir Singh, deputy inspector general of the Border Security Force said the claims were an "insult to Indian women".

"These women are aged 19-25 and most of them are from small towns and villages of Punjab. You can imagine the demoralising effect it can have on them," he said.
:hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:

Did you even read the freaking news articles before posting them? What proof do you have of your allegations except your yellow media?

Fine, I'll also say that Benazir Bhutto used to suck George Bush's d*ck. Now, since I've made this statement, it must automatically be the truth.

F*cking morons

Burning indeed. :lol:
This survey is not accurate because its hard to believe not a single muslim nation made to the list. women in Iraq Afg and Pakistan are defiantly stressed and majority of them.

i agree. how it is possible that no woman from afghan and Pakistan is not stressed? both nations are facing internal war and instability. war affects the women first. due to war prices of gas and petrol rises which results in costly vegetables and grains.

now its woman who has to run and feed a home well even if prices of gas, kerosene , grains, vegetables are skyrocketed. obviously a woman will be stressed if she faces such situation
The universal definition is:

"the consequence of the failure of an organism to respond adequately to mental, emotional, or physical demands, whether actual or imagined."

However, the way demands and responses are measured and calculated can vary immensely. Hence my question.

In case of Russia i guess marriage is the biggest factor as we have seen there the ladies are marrying the most ugliest Indians and Pakistanis even if they are married at home already.
i agree. how it is possible that no woman from afghan and Pakistan is not stressed? both nations are facing internal war and instability. war affects the women first. due to war prices of gas and petrol rises which results in costly vegetables and grains.

now its woman who has to run and feed a home well even if prices of gas, kerosene , grains, vegetables are skyrocketed. obviously a woman will be stressed if she faces such situation

The survey said MOST Stressed women in specific countries. They have given list of all those countries they held survey
In case of Russia i guess marriage is the biggest factor as we have seen there the ladies are marrying the most ugliest Indians and Pakistanis even if they are married at home already.

these guys must be rich.
these guys must be rich.

NO. The Russian ladies are spending on them and bearing all costs of their living as well. The only issue there in Russia is women find it hard to get a husband and we have seen our young men from India and Pakistan are marrying the most oldest women there for getting setteled there get nationality and then cross over to EU
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