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When Israel will bomb Tehran as retaliation for Gaza attack?


It's a matter of time.

Till now, I can not believe that Mossad could not anticipate this attack when such a large-scale attack is being planned. I may be wrong or it is just a coincidence, but if you try to see the opposite view, Hamas basically provided enough reason to right wing current PM of Israel a reason to do drastic reaction in Gaza. Even politically their current PM is not doing great politically too.

In this world of complex geo politics, we do not know if both sides are in collusion with each other to fool the external world and meet their own individual group objective.
popular support from US ?

Russia has NATO tied down in Ukraine stupid Americans are too afraid to even field the Abram tank to the front lines incase it loses face (again)

US is in a panic in the Pacific over Chinese

and Iran has made deals with all Arab nations to stop the conflicts which were beneficial to US and Israel

now they can fully focus on Israel and thats why Palestinians have launched such a brazen and open attack on Israel never seen before in history

Hezbollah already has fired warning shots and 150,000 rockets are facing Israel, Tel Aviv will be rumble

Israel has not responded yet and most likely knows either go to war with Hezbollah or do a limited operation to save face

Iran has basically openly said we are ready for Israel

meanwhile 600 Israeli dogs are dead rotting in the streets of Palestine they still haven't even collected their corpses

Valid point. To add to your points that are outlined above, I do not believe that the US at any point in time even openly fought any war for Israel. Based on their history of ditching their allies in the war US can at best provide diplomatic support but not ground support. A classic example is Ukraine. So Israel has to think, how long this war can be prolonged? At the end of the day, Arabs and Israelis came from somewhat similar roots but faith may be different. Both Palestinians Israelis and Arabs have to find an amicable solution for lasting peace in the region.

The US and NATO are simply encouraging conflict throughout Asia even though they are not ready to send their forces to the war...That is a problem that US allies should be aware of.

It's a matter of time.
The way Hamas freedom fighters have humiliated Israeli military in the last three days is indicative of the fact that Israeli forces can be humiliated and defeated with a proper fighting strategy, required training, and proper weapons (not of the highest grade). It is utter disgrace for the Israeli military that several of its generals have been made captive, a lot more officers killed in action, and scores of military personnel arrested. Much hyped iron dome proved to be sand dune. Contrary to Israeli claims, fighting is still going on at several places in Israeli occupied territories. Israelis have been deeply and comprehensively (in terms of secrecy, planning, tactics, fighting resilience, etc.) humiliated in all this just by a few hundred Hamas fighters. Israeli soldiers and officers crying like babies in the captivity is all humiliating for Israeli war criminal leaders. These cowardly criminals are already begging with the US and Europeans for immediate military support. More dilemma is waiting for them in the coming days. Contrary to the past, when even a single rocket fired at Israel from Gaza would invite disproportionate reaction from Israeli war criminals, this time these war criminals cannot do that. The reason being that possibly hundreds of Israeli military personnel are under the custody of Hamas fighters. Any aerial bombing can potentially result in the casualties of those captive murderers.

In all this situation, what Israelis would like to happen the least is Hizb and West Bank jumping into the boat. It will be stupidity of the highest order if Israel commits aggression against Iran or even Labnan. Even without Iran and Labnan's involvement, Israelis will have tough time dealing with Gaza fighters. Full mobalization of reserves in Israel is already ordered, common people scared and scores trying to flee the country, and no end of fighting in sight, it will not take long before Israeli war criminals start showing the signs of capitulation under the pressure unless US and Europe come to the rescue of Israel.
. .

I knew you shit from the day first and who you are.

Bring it on, we will tear your Zionist bros limb from fuking limb.

American big brother is coming for you, watch out.


Seriously, if USA-Israel attacks Tehran, it will be something bad for all the West.
American big brother is coming for you, watch out.


Seriously, if USA-Israel attacks Tehran, it will be something bad for all the West.
It's cute target for our missiles 🤭
. . . .
I don't think there is any external hand in what happen in Israel, Attacking Iran will be a disaster for Israel and without USA its impossible, if USA enters the war than many other countries will jump in, and that might have domino effect on major world conflicts, Russia might even go for a nuke against Ukrainians to end the war, Indians might enter AJK , China may launch a major offensive against the Taiwan , Azerbaijan/Armenia already at war. Right now, world needs to stop sucking Israeli D!ck and sending them more weapons to kill, rather a meeting of all MErn countries should be call with other major players, cease fire must be imposed and civilians who are captured must be returned quickly, UN peace keeping forces should be deployed in Gaza/West bank.
Since Hamas is a creation of the Mossad, it cannot go against the interests of Israel. It's false flag to support Netanyahu to resolve the Palestinian issue and internal resistance.
Intigham sakht
Harsh avenge is now due in Israel basket and Mullahs have succeeded in avenging Solimani , Fakhrizadeh and Natanz and etc.



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It's cute target for our missiles 🤭
21 January 2012

The date of non-start of USA vs Iran war.

Maybe this time they will get what they want.


Filthy empire of lies.
It is moment such as this when it truly shows how misconceived is Iran's leadership idea NOT to develop nuclear weapons already. Nuclear weapons would guarantee Iran's safety by assuring MAD against either Israel or the US. Do you not see the belicose rhetoric and the threats coming from them now? Despite the boasting from some peoples, iranian BMs are nothing compared to even a single nuclear warhead, however thousands of missiles Iran has, calculate their warhead kt yeld and compare it with a SINGLE enemy low yeld nuclear warhead. And the enemy has hundreds of them (Israel) or thousands (US).

Frankly i'm dissapointed by the current timid and flacid rhetoric from Iran when the israeli regime is killing palestinians with impunity, which Iran claims to support, not to mention the belicose threats against Iran. If Iran had nukes and would actually stand by the palestinians, the israelis wouldn't even dare to attack Gaza, hell probably they would have been forced to concede to a palestinian state within 1967 borders if Iran was forceful enough.
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