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When did you first decide you Love Israel and why?

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Yo stupido! they are effected by Islamic terror as much as the Muslims there are effected by Jewish/Zionist Terror. And we are by Hindu Terror. Didnt like it did u, so watch your mouth next time, as terror dont have a religion, and Islam dont advocate terror.

I agree that Islam does not advocate terror. But ITS AN UNDENIABLE FACT THAT most of the terrorism in due to the Islamic misguided fundamentalist.

Hindu terror? Zionist terror?:woot:
Before calling me stupid, Get your brain examined!
Being an American, can you enlighten us more on the topic? Why do you guys or Zionist Supporters do so?

If Italy or Australia or even France were besieged by non-democratic states and stateless terrorists, I would argue that America should support each and all of them every way practical. That doesn't mean I think America should go to war every time a democracy is threatened, but I do think America should be more than — better than — merely neutral. And, guess what? As a broad generalization, that is America's policy. That is why we support South Korea. That is why we offer protection for Taiwan. That is why non-democratic nations are never invited to join NATO.

Now of course, this isn't a hard rule in every instance. We supported South Korea and some other countries before they became full-fledged democracies. But that support was always in the context of a larger struggle against tyranny (AKA the Cold War) and American pressure was far more often than not pointed in the direction of greater democratization. We haven't been perfectly consistent about this policy, but we've become more consistent over time, and rightly so. The great current exception is how we deal with other regimes in the Middle East. We don't push them toward democracy, largely because of oil politics and our desire for "stability".I'm not sure I would want to enforce our principles too aggressively. Hamas's electoral victory shows that democracy absent a democratic culture can be a ticket to one-man one-vote, one time.

I think all of these points applied to American support for Israel from the beginning, but they seem particularly more relevant since 9/11. It seems just absurd to talk about Jihadism and terrorism as real or even existential threats to America and then, in a blink of an eye, argue that Israel is in the wrong.

Israel deserves American support not so much because it's Jewish, but because it is a democratic ally besieged on countless fronts by undemocratic and often barbaric forces and apologists for same.

Then theres the other side the more Muslims and Arabs engage in terrorism, the more we have against,,,we think people that deliberatly attack civilians are evil or insane.
. .
i ask u a question.u say china is all weather ally.we know wat they have provided u and 4 wat purpose.y u dont c how many tibetans they killed,did u ever know muslim killing in the china.u were saying abt purchases,business etc.u also do same with china.but here u dont c how humanity get ashamed.u call tibetans,dalai lama as an monster,even he is not demanding freedom frm china.just 4 these sake of the cooperation b/w pak and china u forget everything.y u forget muslims here.so even after this y u support china,warmth 4 china???????????

BINGO!!! End of the discussion.

Your answer to this would be the answer you are expecting from us.

Cool, enlighten us, For which reasons you love it and for which reasons you don't. Go on give yourself good time to think and compile them all.

not many.
Like them, because of the way they handle terrorists that are thread to Israel security.

Don't like them, because of killing many palastines civilians during war or high tensions.

btw, i refer terrorists to those who are killing Israelis civilians to achieve their goal.
I am not after a mission other than to know why you love this country. You will give me the reason if this is to be in the end. I am not accepting oranges when I am asking for apples. Be Reasonable to explain your connection, I have no issues if it ends up to be a pure strategic, anti-Pakistan or anti-Muslim ideology. Just shed the gray area out, let things get clear for the world that why people who love Israel do so.

No they attack un-armed people and stop their supply of food and medicine.. and they refuse to get against Pakistani AirForce in the Anatolian Exercises. They are not spunky if you believe so.

Second, they do huge volume of humanitarian crimes which decrease their respect as a country a great deal. Even after that, your love for Israel stays. Why? What is that SPUNKNESS that is out of this world and that cancels every other weaknesses they have and conclusively you love them. Lets don't be poets here.. lets be analytic and see why is it so.
When looneys of the Lashkar attack Mumbai when we think of carrying out surgical strikes to teach many in ur country the kind of lesson they deserve to be taught and then decide not to, many Indians remember that Israel would have chosen a different path. Trust me, they would have got Dawood assasinated by now, I can't understand why we haven't done it till now. So...we don't really have to hate muslims, we just admire israeli spunk.
Your mother gave you birth, she fed you when you were hungry, she gave 15-20 best years of her life before you could stand as an Individual and sustain yourself... not even a single other women can be placed on the place where a mother stands.

Now what is that which Israel has offered you as a person? Why is this love there? Israel is responsible for 100s of humanitarian crimes, for torturing civilians, women, children, for throwing them out of their own homes, for enslaving 1000000s of people and has barred international humanitarian access of food, medicine to them. Israel has violated every international rule that defines civilized societies. In presence of all these -ve aspects about it, what is so and so much good about it which makes you over-look the dirty part and embrace them. Example of mother doesn't fit for them in anyway. You can say you love them as much as you love your mother but REASON is still not there. What's your response to that?

Israel looks like a saint compared to people that blow up shrines full of innocent people.
Graphican: First, Do differentiate between Admiration and Love. Second, I did answer the *WHY* part. Bravery of state of Isreal. And the help it has extended to India on Military front.

Considering all the humanitarian crimes, the violations of international agreements, the hostage of women, weak and children, attack on food and drug supply vessels and all that, in your opinion, is the weight-age of bravery so over-overwhelmingly huge that it cancels out every other crime they commit?
Btw I agree that Islam does not advocate terror. But ITS AN UNDENIABLE FACT THAT most of the terrorism in due to the Islamic misguided fundamentalist.

Hindu terror? Zionist terror?:woot:
Get your brain examined!

Oh yes I shoulod get my brain examined, GUjrat was done by martians, many chiristians were burned and killed in india by wales, and many such incidents happend due to some other race.
And the peace loving zionists in israel dont do any thing dont they.

If some Muslims are indulged into terror activities, does that make it Islamic terrorism. Then Hitler and his crew were chirstian terrorists were they not. So you need to watch your f!lth with this bs.

And looking at the level of an intellectual in you I think its better for me to leave you alone rather then degrading my self to your level.
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now can i ask u a question:
USA also doing same thing as israel is doing but u never oppose USA even here some pakistani members support USA-pak relation. i think Israel is much better than USA at least they r fighting for their country, not killing people around the world without any reason just like USA.

I dont know 3000 americans murdered in cold blood on one morning as they were going to work seems like a pretty good reason to me.
Israel looks like a saint compared to people that blow up shrines full of innocent people.

You are comparing one eyed person with a blind. But the matter of fact is that both are handicapped. Where we bomb and throw Hellfire missiles on the people who blow-up shrines, should we not hold a stick and spank the lesser but still evil clan?

But this is not about comparing which devil is better, this is about loving one of them. What is your reason Capt. America?
Oh yes I shoulod get my brain examined, GUjrat was done by martians, many chiristians were burned and killed in india by wales, and many such incidents happend due to some other race.
And the peace loving zionists in israel dont do any thing dont they. @$$ kissing is an art and you seem to have excelled in it.
If some Muslims are indulged into terror activities, does that make it Islamic terrorism. Then Hitler and his crew were chirstian terrorists were they not. So you need to watch your f!lth with this bs.

And looking at the level of an intellectual in you I think its better for me to leave you alone rather then degrading my self to your level.

Gujrat... yes it happened... years back! Christian killings... one off incidents years back.

In comparison...
People getting killed in hundreds and thousands EVERY DAY due to Misguided Islamic Terror!!! EVERY DAY!!! Hundreds of innocents!!!
who is responsible???
Which terror is reality???:rolleyes::rolleyes:
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