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What’s Wrong With Iran’s Fake Aircraft Carrier


Jul 25, 2016
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Iran built a large-scale dummy US Navy aircraft carrier in 2013-14. And then dramatically destroyed it in war games in February 2015. Recently it has been repaired and may be destined for another explosive demonstration soon. H I Sutton looks in details at Iran's fake aircraft carrier and explains why it makes no realistic sense.
H I Sutton 31 May 2020

Iran built a large-scale dummy US Navy aircraft carrier in 2013-14. And then dramatically destroyed it in war games in February 2015. It was hit by missiles, rockets and even an explosive boat similar to those now used in Yemen. Images of its demise was the propaganda highlight of the ‘Great Prophet IX’ exercises. But it wasn’t truly destroyed, and has been outside the major naval base at Bandar Abbas since then. Recently it has been repaired and may be destined for another explosive demonstration soon. But it’s resemblance to a US Navy aircraft carrier is only fleeting:

Aurora Intel - #StayHome@AuroraIntel


Bandar Abbas, #Iran, Imagery from Google Earth shows restoration is complete to their training Aircraft Carrier, now home to model fighter jets for additional training capabilties.


1:49 AM - May 23, 2020
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135 people are talking about this


You could be forgiven for thinking that Iran has built a copy of an aircraft carrier. Indeed at first glance the flat-topped barge has a superficial likeness of a US Navy super-carrier. It is instantly recognizable in terms of silhouette and proportion. But the similarities end there. It is nowhere near as close a copy as you would expect from a film company’s props department. There are no lifts, masts or weapons stations for example. More amateur dramatics than Hollywood.

The biggest difference is its size. It’s large, and its deck is stocked with fighter jets. But it is less than two thirds the length of the real thing and about half the width. And the aircraft are also scale models. In fact, half of the models are not of carrier-borne aircraft. The F-5E Tiger-II is familiar to Iranians because it is still in front-line service with the Iranian Air Force (IRIAF). But it is only used as an Aggressor aircraft in the US Navy and has never served aboard carriers. As an aside, it was originally conceived for use aboard small escort carriers, but that is unlikely to have been on the Iranian modeler’s mind.


The carrier is currently outside the main harbor at Bandar Abbas

After it was wrecked during the Great Prophet IX exercises it was towed back to Bandar Abbas, Iran’s main naval base. It was soon discarded, anchored outside the breakwater. Then in early August 2019 it was brought inside the protection of the outer wall. Repairs were carried out, the deck painted and fake aircraft put back on deck. As of May 28 it was still there. This is just yards away from where the the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp’s Navy (IRGC-N) recently revealed their extra-large uncrewed underwater vehicle (XLUUV).

Interestingly a bulls-eye target has been painted onto the center of the flight deck. One possibility is that it is an aiming point for the Fateh-110 guided ballistic missile. These missiles are believed to have been used in the attack on US forces at Ain-al-Asad airbase and Erbil in Iraq in January this year. It is believed to have an anti-ship capability and was reportedly used in the 2015 exercise.


The fake carrier being hit during the Great Prophet IX exercises in 2015. It has recently been repaired. Photo: Iranian state media

When the carrier is next ceremoniously scarified, the slow death may include a demonstration of new weapons. These could include the indigenous Jask-2 submarine launched anti-ship missile. More interestingly from an intelligence standpoint, we may see remote-controlled explosive boats similar to those employed by Iranian-backed Houthi forces in Yemen.

The carrier may be wrong in terms of realism. And it is not a convincing surrogate for a real carrier in terms of damage assessment. But it makes dramatic propaganda which after all, may be the real purpose.

What a funny way of testing a strike simulation on a supposed us carrier...

First of all they can't even get close to it crossing their defences.. even if they taget it with missiles, it's not easy to sink a super carrier . They are.deaigned to withstand multiple missile hits and yet sail to ports for repairs
What a funny way of testing a strike simulation on a supposed us carrier...

The test was one of accuracy, especially on a (potentially) moving platform. The focus should be on the accuracy of missiles and not on the target.

First of all they can't even get close to it crossing their defences..

Real life and Hollywood are not synonymous. This notion that these combat groups have this nigh impenetrable defence is baseless and foolish. Difficult to penetrate in certain situations? Yes, but wars are not one dimensional.

even if they taget it with missiles, it's not easy to sink a super carrier . They are.deaigned to withstand multiple missile hits and yet sail to ports for repairs

This is a moot point, there is no need to sink a carrier, but rather to take it out of service. Now, try to imagine what will happen to an aircraft carrier when hit by a Mach-4 anti-ship ballistic missile (Khalije Fars missile) with 600kg of HE.

I think Iran is developing a tactics against USN super carriers and its not funny or idiotic at all

This has been attested to by American Admirals themselves, they are fully aware of Iranian access denial capability in the Persian Gulf. If people have the time, they can watch the below panel, one of the guests is a retired US admiral who commanded the 5th fleet:

Iran's focus is now to increase the size of that access denial area.
we should not destroy it, use it as a drone+helicopter carrier:

Na easy target for the enemy if you have no strong air defense frigates or destroyer along with it
actually i want to look at it as an aircraft cruiser like soviet Kiev class:

arm it with several kamand point defenses, bavar-373, couple of auto melara-76mm in back and front maybe dozen of dezful ballistic missile. then put several ch-53/mil-17+ah-1j+s-191 drones 400 marines...
actually Russians themselves used Kiev class hull as a target once... it might be possible
there are many LHDs out there that literally do not have any protection like Egyptian one, they use stinger missiles for last and only layer of defense. also we see in case of Libya both sides do not have an actual naval or air force. if we were part of that conflict we could use this kind of ship to project power.
actually i want to look at it as an aircraft cruiser like soviet Kiev class:

arm it with several kamand point defenses, bavar-373, couple of auto melara-76mm in back and front maybe dozen of dezful ballistic missile. then put several ch-53/mil-17+ah-1j+s-191 drones 400 marines...
actually Russians themselves used Kiev class hull as a target once... it might be possible
there are many LHDs out there that literally do not have any protection like Egyptian one, they use stinger missiles for last and only layer of defense. also we see in case of Libya both sides do not have an actual naval or air force. if we were part of that conflict we could use this kind of ship to project power.

That's a really good idea. And also dont forget that aircraft carriers arent alone. They have escort ships. So if iran can target those ships as well and disable their defences without sinking them, iran can capture the vessels and rebuild the structure and fit it with it's own equipment. That can provide the additional defences to protect the drone carrier. But it would require a high degree of precision to properly target those ships and disable them and then safely capture and tow them to iranian ports.
Edit: just realized you were talking about the mockup of the aircraft carrier and not an actual carrier. I was talking about capturing an actual carrier group.
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actually i want to look at it as an aircraft cruiser like soviet Kiev class:

arm it with several kamand point defenses, bavar-373, couple of auto melara-76mm in back and front maybe dozen of dezful ballistic missile. then put several ch-53/mil-17+ah-1j+s-191 drones 400 marines...
actually Russians themselves used Kiev class hull as a target once... it might be possible
there are many LHDs out there that literally do not have any protection like Egyptian one, they use stinger missiles for last and only layer of defense. also we see in case of Libya both sides do not have an actual naval or air force. if we were part of that conflict we could use this kind of ship to project power.
Yes tha't more like it 2 in 1 capability:tup:
Iran built a large-scale dummy US Navy aircraft carrier in 2013-14. And then dramatically destroyed it in war games in February 2015. Recently it has been repaired and may be destined for another explosive demonstration soon. H I Sutton looks in details at Iran's fake aircraft carrier and explains why it makes no realistic sense.
H I Sutton 31 May 2020

Iran built a large-scale dummy US Navy aircraft carrier in 2013-14. And then dramatically destroyed it in war games in February 2015. It was hit by missiles, rockets and even an explosive boat similar to those now used in Yemen. Images of its demise was the propaganda highlight of the ‘Great Prophet IX’ exercises. But it wasn’t truly destroyed, and has been outside the major naval base at Bandar Abbas since then. Recently it has been repaired and may be destined for another explosive demonstration soon. But it’s resemblance to a US Navy aircraft carrier is only fleeting:

Aurora Intel - #StayHome@AuroraIntel

Bandar Abbas, #Iran, Imagery from Google Earth shows restoration is complete to their training Aircraft Carrier, now home to model fighter jets for additional training capabilties.


1:49 AM - May 23, 2020
Twitter Ads info and privacy

135 people are talking about this


You could be forgiven for thinking that Iran has built a copy of an aircraft carrier. Indeed at first glance the flat-topped barge has a superficial likeness of a US Navy super-carrier. It is instantly recognizable in terms of silhouette and proportion. But the similarities end there. It is nowhere near as close a copy as you would expect from a film company’s props department. There are no lifts, masts or weapons stations for example. More amateur dramatics than Hollywood.

The biggest difference is its size. It’s large, and its deck is stocked with fighter jets. But it is less than two thirds the length of the real thing and about half the width. And the aircraft are also scale models. In fact, half of the models are not of carrier-borne aircraft. The F-5E Tiger-II is familiar to Iranians because it is still in front-line service with the Iranian Air Force (IRIAF). But it is only used as an Aggressor aircraft in the US Navy and has never served aboard carriers. As an aside, it was originally conceived for use aboard small escort carriers, but that is unlikely to have been on the Iranian modeler’s mind.


The carrier is currently outside the main harbor at Bandar Abbas

After it was wrecked during the Great Prophet IX exercises it was towed back to Bandar Abbas, Iran’s main naval base. It was soon discarded, anchored outside the breakwater. Then in early August 2019 it was brought inside the protection of the outer wall. Repairs were carried out, the deck painted and fake aircraft put back on deck. As of May 28 it was still there. This is just yards away from where the the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp’s Navy (IRGC-N) recently revealed their extra-large uncrewed underwater vehicle (XLUUV).

Interestingly a bulls-eye target has been painted onto the center of the flight deck. One possibility is that it is an aiming point for the Fateh-110 guided ballistic missile. These missiles are believed to have been used in the attack on US forces at Ain-al-Asad airbase and Erbil in Iraq in January this year. It is believed to have an anti-ship capability and was reportedly used in the 2015 exercise.


The fake carrier being hit during the Great Prophet IX exercises in 2015. It has recently been repaired. Photo: Iranian state media

When the carrier is next ceremoniously scarified, the slow death may include a demonstration of new weapons. These could include the indigenous Jask-2 submarine launched anti-ship missile. More interestingly from an intelligence standpoint, we may see remote-controlled explosive boats similar to those employed by Iranian-backed Houthi forces in Yemen.

The carrier may be wrong in terms of realism. And it is not a convincing surrogate for a real carrier in terms of damage assessment. But it makes dramatic propaganda which after all, may be the real purpose.


Building a dummy aircraft carrier is actually a great idea. This way you can know if your missiles actually work and improve them if necessary. It will be much cheaper and easier to build than a real boat, and it will also be great for target practice and propaganda.

But the most interesting part was this:

More interestingly from an intelligence standpoint, we may see remote-controlled explosive boats

Remote controlled explosive boats. Damn is that a good idea, I wish I had thought of that. Genius

Pakistan must make some of these and start sailing them into Indian waters.
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