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Whatever became of morality?

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Whatever became of morality?

By Paul Craig Roberts


Two 12-year-old American girls (seen above) stab their friend 19 times in a murder attempt. (File photo)

Two 12-year-old white American girls, who look perfectly normal, stabbed their 12-year old friend 19 times in a murder attempt. By trying to murder their friend, the girls hoped to win the acceptance of a totally fictitious cartoon character on a website.

What are we to make of this?

Does this mean that not only has the enculturation process in the US deleted morality but also that American kids can no longer tell the difference between fiction and reality?

On several occasions, I have written that Americans live in The Matrix, just as in the movie, only there is no “The One” to release them. Has the electronic existence in which children are raised destroyed their humanity?

I would bet that crimes that result from life in virtual reality will be used by governments to shut down free expression on the Internet. The Internet is the last medium in which criticism of the US government can be made. As criticism is a constraint on the unaccountable power of government, expect the Internet to become a member of the Ministry of Propaganda, just like the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Fox News, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC, etc.

The 12-year old girls’ attempt to murder their friend does offer an insight into why the American population, including the “Christian” churches, has been mute for the entirety of the 21st century while the US government and its military have murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of people in 7 countries that have been destroyed in whole or part, entirely on the basis of Washington’s lies. There is scant sign of any American remorse over these extraordinary crimes against humanity.

We see no sign of any moral conscience in the Congress’ curtailments of the social safety net or in the constant stream of lies that intend to lead to more wars for the sake of the military/security complex’s profits and the neoconservatives’ agenda of US supremacy, which risks nuclear war and the extinction of life on earth.

I don’t think we can dismiss the 12-year old girls’ murder plot as just another aberration the way “law and order” conservatives do every time the police employ violence against the innocent citizens who pay the salaries of the goon thug police who body-slam infirm 92-year olds, shoot down usually innocent “suspects,” kill the family pets, and throw grenades into the cribs of sleeping babies.

It is a mystery how the US masquerades as “a light unto the world,” when morality is totally dead in Amerika.

Can morality be resurrected?

Don’t hold your breath.

PressTV - Whatever became of morality?
Slenderman creator speaks out about 12-year-old girls' stabbing in Wisconsin | syracuse.com

Slenderman creator speaks out about 12-year-old girls' stabbing in Wisconsin


A Slenderman graffitti on the road at Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, North Carolina, in a posting on Wikipedia. (Flickr user mdl70 | wikipedia)
The Associated Press
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on June 05, 2014 at 7:41 AM

MILWAUKEE (AP) -- The man who created Slenderman, a spooky character popularized in short stories, video games and films, and an administrator of a website that collected the works expressed their condolences Wednesday to a 12-year-old girl who was stabbed by two fans and to others affected by the tragedy.

A spokeswoman for Slenderman creator Eric Knudsen and an administrator for creepypasta.wikia.com said they have been overwhelmed with calls and messages since news broke that the girls charged in the weekend stabbing told police they wanted to curry favor with Slenderman and prove he was real.

"I am deeply saddened by the tragedy in Wisconsin and my heart goes out to the families of those affected by this terrible act," Knudsen said in a statement released by spokeswoman Sue Procko.

Creepypasta administrator David Morales said the site clearly states the stories there are fiction and its rules bar use by anyone under 13.

"We are not teaching children to believe in a fictional monster, nor are we teaching them to be violent," Morales wrote in an email.

He noted that administrators have not allowed any new Slenderman stories to be posted since 2012 because they want users to come up with fresh ideas. Since Knudsen posted the first Slenderman stories and photos in an online forum in 2009, hundreds of other writers, artists and programmers have created horror stories featuring the tall, thin, faceless man in a black suit.

"Overall, the community has deep condolences to the family of the victim and all those who were involved," Morales wrote.

The two 12-year-old Wisconsin girls charged as adults in the stabbing face 65 years in prison. The victim remains hospitalized.

Slenderman fans defended the stories and the community that's gathered around them.

"It fosters a lot of good conversations and friendships online, as well as creativity between fellow creators," Ryan Lelache, a Slenderman fan from New Jersey, wrote in an email.

Lisa Morton, vice president of the Horror Writers Association, said the genre "helps us to explore and understand our own fears."

"The horror characters that rise to the top and become the best known are speaking to contemporary cultural anxieties," added Rhonda Brock-Servais, an English professor at Longwood University.
it's bound to happen. 7 billion population. Can't you have few 100 kids killing around? It's like genetics. You have 100 kids, a few might be disabled, 99% chance. 2 kids, you've smaller chance of having disabled kids.

Now you have Trump.

What happened? GahahHahah
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