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What will Pakistan be like if PTI wins?

look where we have tried ALTAF,NAWAZ & PPP for the past 2 decades it won't harm to give IMran a chance to!

either he will shut up for good or might prove what he keeps saying on and on. BUT give him a chance atleast!
No sorry I have to disagree with you on that, I used to support Nawaz Sharif thinking he was a good man and will bring change but unfortunately like other parties except for PTI, no one has done any favours for Pakistan, PTI should be atleast given a chance to prove themselves that they could perform better than other parties mentioned above.

Sure! Sure! No one snatching anything from PTI mischievously but people like you should needs to understand that to rule Pakistan they have to win elections and for that they are begging the same lot of electables they are cursing right at this moment as well, If the person switch over to PTI, he becomes saint overnight and if not he will remains corrupt etc and even more severely trialed/criticized if he/she rejects PTI offers out rightly.…..!!

People are against this hypocrisy carrying out in the name of a “CHANGE”…nothing personal…only rational questioning!! In reply we just receive a single argument…..Trust Imran Khan…and that is not suffice at least for many….!! Does above sounds anywhere illogical??? Pls specify!!

One thing more, the notion that IK perform better in earlier capacities is laughable, bcz captaining a team or running a hospitabl from a best selection procedure is one thing and rule a country with its compulsive shortcoming is another.
Pakistan will remain same
may b the pics is like that..
PM...Imran Khan
Interior Mins.....one of pdf member
and min of defence......last hope:chilli:
IK is one typical guy for whom Pakistan consists of Punjabis and Pukhtoons.

For Sindhis, Muhajirs and Baloch, he is a grave threat which must be neutralized as soon as possible.
IK is one typical guy for whom Pakistan consists of Punjabis and Pukhtoons.

For Sindhis, Muhajirs and Baloch, he is a grave threat which must be neutralized as soon as possible.

Explain your theory a bit more please :blink:
Oh it will be a bed of roses , there will be doodh ki nadian ... money will grow on trees
Well he is racist; simple as that.

He admitted it once when he remarked that HIS MOTHER TOLD HIM that PUKHTOONS ARE A SUPERIOR RACE in this region.

You got no proof of that :lol:

They say desperate times call for desperate measures :rofl: :rofl:
You lot seems desperate enough to forge unbelievably stupid lies :disagree:
One thng Pakistanis need to realize.

Imran Khan is not going to be a farishta, the angel of redemption. If this nation is to rise up from the rubble and ashes, it is going to be us Pakistanis and us alone. I want Imran Khan to come into power too but do not expect Imran Khan to magically change the country with a wave of his hand. The stupidity of Pakistani people regarding this is astounding. We expect things to change all of a sudden, for things like

1. Democracy
2. No more corruption
3. No more Power Failures
4. No more being the Puppets of U.S. "

To happen instantly. I'm sorry, it just doesn't work that way in the real world. Pray all you want, but do remember that Allah helps those who help themselves.
Pakistan should definitely win the One day and T20 world cup during his tenure :pakistan:
IK is one typical guy for whom Pakistan consists of Punjabis and Pukhtoons.

For Sindhis, Muhajirs and Baloch, he is a grave threat which must be neutralized as soon as possible.

LOL Sindhis have the most problems with you MQM spporters because you have taken over their major cities and town. And Baloch will support PTI over MQM. Baloch share a lot of characteristics with Pakhtuns. Both are tribal ethnic groups, but I don't think PTI is an ethnic-based political party like MQM and ANP.
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