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What will it take to Force India to accede on Kashmir?

This thread asks a very basic question: What will it take to force India to make concessions on Kashmir? The word concession is being intentionally left vague: members can choose its interpretations according to their understanding/expectations.

There are two broad frameworks for Pakistan to force India to negotiations/concessions as far as Kashmir is concerned:
1. Conventional conflict
2. Covert support (moral/monetary/logistical)-This will include completely indigenous uprisings

This thread attempts to quantify in measurable terms (according to members here) as to when India's hold on Kashmir will be sufficiently weakened/broken to force concessions. As such I request the participants to provide numbers (absolute of range) for the following parameters:
1. Casualty figures of combatants(annual or overall or in percentage terms) or surrenders
2. Costs of holding Kashmir (financial-annual/overall)
3. Area under control of PA/Insurgents etc (Percentage or specific sectors)

This thread is not concerned with morality or ethicality of the method(s) used/imagined. What it intends is to map what the members here believe will cause a catastrophic failure of the Indian control over Kashmir; failure sufficient enough for Pakistan to negotiate from a dominating position.

Participants (if any) are also welcome to present their own ideas which may be outside the framework I've put forward-One specific example that comes to mind is cutting off the Akhnor sector from India, where strategic defeat can be effected without any drastic costs in terms of men or finances through cutting off the vital road network

Time machine thats the only thing that comes to my mind. pakistan has to invent time machine go back in time and send more forces to capture kashmir.

Kashmir valley is just 15k sqkm which can be easily dominated by a police force from a neighboring state rather than army. As such it is pretty hard to think about a military solution.
It seems guerilla war has failed, it cannot remove the Indians. The Indian public will never accept any leader handing over Kashmir to Pakistan. Also the idea of an independent Kashmir has died rapidly.

Pakistan has gone as far as it can, and go no further.

The only solution is a total Indian defeat in a conventional war.
Most of Indian members on PDF come for a versy specific reason, that is to criticize Pakistan and Pakistanis.

Their mind is set from the beigining.So, its hard to change them.

And All these tactics have not been part of one complete strategy.These have been employed seperately.

If done in coherent manner, it can have very severe effect.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.

I do not expect sane behavior from pakistan or its people. All the best.

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