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What weapons Vietnam should buy for year of 2016


Feb 23, 2015
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United States
United States
T 90 tank, ? su 35 fighter jet ? nuclear submarine ? s 400 anti air system ? cruise missile ?
Don't worry about money this time,
You have better chance to survive a war by digging tunnel than buying all these expensive weapons which amount to nothing considered your small budget.
Brahmos anti-ship missile should at the top of their shopping list. They have got too many Chinese ships to sink. And what else is better than Brahmos.
Kamorta Class of Corvette should be a great addition to Vietnam Navy.
T 90 tank, ? su 35 fighter jet ? nuclear submarine ? s 400 anti air system ? cruise missile ?
Don't worry about money this time,

Currently Viets are having T-55 and 62, they seriously need some newer ones.

Su-35?? better to upgrade the Su-30 like India is going to do. and get some BVR missiles

Nuclear sub is not going to be happening

S-400 is very capable buy a single sqr for viet-china border

and defiantly go for a Anti-ship Cruise Missile. India would lv to sell them few BrahMos.
You have better chance to survive a war by digging tunnel than buying all these expensive weapons which amount to nothing considered your small budget.
Thats why Vietnamese hate you, trolling at 1st day of new year :mad:
The op need to bought a brain first so he will refrain to made a stupid thread like this again. WTF man a new year and you made this stupid question, eventhough you had your sticky thread to discuss Vietnam military
"Don't worry about money this time"

so we'll just throw reality out the door then.

might as well go with super star destroyers then, maybe the infinity from halo? or do people like the emperor class battleship from wh40k better?
Viet's alredy have an impressive Anti ships/Cruise Missile Arsenal, what they lack is Tanks,Air defense and 4.5 Gen aircraft.

Vietnamese military delegation visit India.

should go for value

12x Tuo Chiang Corvette with 16 Kalibr antiship/land attack cruise missile

a few battalions of KM-SAM or S-350



48x Pak-FA


100 sets of the K-9 Thunder


250x T-84 Oplot-M


500x BTR-4


1000x Spike ATGM

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