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What tym do you usually hit the sack


Oct 17, 2009
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Hey ,
im usually up late evry time browsing through PDF and i find so many of you also up...
so out of curiosity (am i only insomniac out there ) ...

what is usual local tym that u go to bed.... and get up...

for me is usually 2 AM IST and wake at 7:30 AM IST

thanks for responding

Mate in holidays,15 to 16 hours on bed.in school time,i sleep at night 1 and wake up at 6.then come back to home at 2 and sleeping from2.30 till 4.30.
days when i 'm browsing
hit the sack at 5 :30 am IST.....wake at 12:30 Pm IST

non browsing days :
11 30 : pm IST ....and wake at 8 30 AM ......

.......A PDF addict for sure......:cheers:
another survey tread....i m sure i would have made sum bucks had i been participating in survey websites instead.....lol sorry if u mind but we just got so many how, what, when kind of threads here nowadays

I sleep 6am n wake up 11am...weekends 1am sleep n 10am wake up
now since we got so many Q&A and survey threads i am waiting for someone to create another thread "how many times do u go to toilet per day?" :angry: or "how many times do you take a shower per week" :rofl:
I dont have any specific sleep patterns, but i usually sleep after 6 Am
1:30-2 AM...usually wake up around 7:30

weekends -- sleep at 4....wake up around 12 :D
In a University, studying Engineering.

Hence, i go to bed at 1 and wake up at 7.
8 hours of sleep is standard and the best amount of time.

I sleep at 11pm and wake up 6:30am.

on weekend

12am to 10am
3AM sleep, 7.30Am wakie wakie to office.
6PM sleep, 8PM wakie wakie to Life.

and ofcourse unknown amount of sleeping time in office, depends on the situations :D
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