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What should Iran do if Vienna talks fail....Keep to 5 lines reply please


Feb 17, 2019
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
The Nuclear talks are almost over..the outcome is not known..in case the talks fail ,Iran has a big decision to take. Whatever decision is made will affect the entire Middle east..so What do U think should happen if you were the decision maker for Iran..

Please just give your actions and not the reasons behind it for now and try to keep it short to 5 lines if possible.

My own thoughts:

Iran should :
1- quietly leave the talks no threats
2- Kick all UN monitors out along with their Cameras but remain in NPT
3- Ramp up the enrichment to 90% and the production to Max possible
4- Have the first few Devices ready to go in 6 months
5 keep quiet about the above

Do not detonate anything..give a private tour to US experts so they know what you have.
The Nuclear talks are almost over..the outcome is not known..in case the talks fail ,Iran has a big decision to take. Whatever decision is made will affect the entire Middle east..so What do U think should happen if you were the decision maker for Iran..

Please just give your actions and not the reasons behind it for now and try to keep it short to 5 lines if possible.

My own thoughts:

Iran should :
1- quietly leave the talks no threats
2- Kick all UN monitors out along with their Cameras but remain in NPT
3- Ramp up the enrichment to 90% and the production to MAx possible
4- Have the first few Devices ready to go in 6 months
5 keep quiet about the above

Do not detonate anything..give a private tour to US experts so they know what you have.

Iran should greatly reduce UN oversight and ramp of Nuclear activities until it reaches more of a bonafide nuclear threshold status. Ramp up missile production and deployment, getting ready for any possible Zionist incursion attempt.

Then wait and see.
The Nuclear talks are almost over..the outcome is not known..in case the talks fail ,Iran has a big decision to take. Whatever decision is made will affect the entire Middle east..so What do U think should happen if you were the decision maker for Iran..

Please just give your actions and not the reasons behind it for now and try to keep it short to 5 lines if possible.

My own thoughts:

Iran should :
1- quietly leave the talks no threats
2- Kick all UN monitors out along with their Cameras but remain in NPT
3- Ramp up the enrichment to 90% and the production to Max possible
4- Have the first few Devices ready to go in 6 months
5 keep quiet about the above

Do not detonate anything..give a private tour to US experts so they know what you have.
All 5 of them its the best solution, Always remember, When the caravan moves the dog's bark.
The west has 0 leverage, and facing an existential threat from China and Russia.

Iran should:

1. start increasing the percentage of enrichment step by step, letting the west know its ready to listen all along the way.
2. Show cooperation/alliance with China and Russia to scare the s*it out of the west.
3. Slowly increase attacks in frequency and lethality on American forces to add extra pressure (especially their illegal syrian occupation)
4. Increase support to the men of righteousness in yemen. Attack the saudi/UAE criticial infastracture, bring them to their knees, and show them the west can do nothing to protect them except lip service. while praising qatar and oman
5. If the US still has not changed course by this point, Start attacking American forces in Iraq with increasing frequency., working your way up to the peak insurgency days untill they leave in humiliation or have to massively escalate and take attention away from China/Russia

Trump backed the west into a corner. they have 0 leverage on Iran. They have sanctioned anything they could. Iran needs to use China/Russia against the west and get them to compete for Irans alliance. Besides the parasitic zionist forces, every other legitimate political force in the US knows this.
Iran is in a good position to make its voice heard without threats. Here, is what Iran can do:
  1. Walk away quietly from the discussion without warning or threatening.
  2. Increase trade, tourism, and cooperation with all major eastern economies starting with oil and FMCG products (food products, semi-processed goods, etc., that are not sanctioned).
  3. Stop talking about Israel & USA, completely. Focus your political narrative towards building yourself up from within with your resources and the trade that you create with every single sanctioned country.
  4. While this is happening, do not give up on your goals. Continue doing what you do, but quietly. Chinese are masters of this skill; they work quietly behind the scenes and get stronger while downplaying any attention towards them.
    • The moment you focus away from Israel, the world will stop paying you attention. In fact, use the ongoing Ukrainian Crisis to your advantage. Deflect the world's attention from your country.
Iran must be low profile and accept the deal, oil and gas price is high now, it is the opportunity that cannot be seen anymore after green energy is expected to become the main force of world economy in 2035-2040 forward.

The window I expect is for this decade until 2030 to benefit from high oil and gas price where I expect the energy and commodity price will likely stay high for the next 10 years. Inflation is also very high with current artificial currency rate vs USD, the economy needs to be fixed. Just remember USSR, economy is very important for the fate of the country

Just look on Iran export and manufacturing data, you need to be industrialized further and make transition from oil and gas sector dominated economy.

From what I expect, Iran sell oil and gas to China with discounted price since China is the only major oil and gas consumer brave enough to bypass US sanction. If the deal is reached, you can sell oil and gas in market price, something that happen during 2000-2009 before Iran get sanction could happen again in term of huge money coming from oil and gas sector.

Fix the economy and no need to be so ambitious, keep defense spending at reasonable rate and used most of the money coming from exporting oil and gas to transform the nation economy to prepare for the phase where oil and gas will not be as needed at the current moment.

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AQ khan and Pakistan really messed up by selling nuclear secrets and technology to Iran. Our role was highly irresponsible and pathetic. Last thing you want is to give nuclear technology to a neighbour that only wants to meddle in other countries affairs and spread chaos throughout the world. Iran’s nuclear program by all means need to end because if they complete it, the middle east will then try to acquire it has the next step which only means more nations having the bomb and less safer world.
How about barelwiat?
barelvi are not in power in any country mate. the entire Muslim Ummah is suffering because of the cold war between najdi wahabbi soodi arabia and rafzi irani regime and both of these regimes are stooges of zionists.

Lay low and wait it out because the power of the West is being challenged. Once alternative systems of commerce are developed that bypass the US, things can improve. No point in doing anything extreme that can cause problems for your people and give reason for extreme responses.

Chinese are no fools, if Iran rocks the boat too much, they won't come out to rescue Iran (neither financially nor militarily).

Let the American power decline a bit further and keep your head low. Iran has a lot going for it in the long run which may be exploited.

Btw Iran has no major border disputes with its neighbours and should try to make peace. The cost of war is like compound interest but negative.
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